BIO 341 Homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 436
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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The primary function of the lymphatic system is
A) the transport of hormones.
B) circulation of nutrients and dissolved gases.
C) defending the body against both external and internal threats.
D) the production and distribution of plasma proteins.
E) the production and maturation of leukocytes.
The muscle that raises the corners of the mouth as when smiling is the ________
A) orbicularis oculi
B) zygomaticus major
C) orbicularis oris
D) masseter
E) buccinator
Hormones produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland that regulate the male
and female reproductive organs are collectively called
A) tropic hormones.
B) androgens.
C) somatotropins.
D) immunogens.
E) gonadotropins.
The glands that produce mucus used as a lubricant during sexual intercourse are
________ glands.
A) vestibular
B) seminal
C) vulvular
D) bulbourethral
E) mons
Which of the following descriptors regarding cytoplasm is false?
A) extracellular fluid contains more protein
B) the material that fills a cell
C) variable consistency
D) includes cytoskeleton
E) includes cytosol
The most complicated spinal reflexes are called
A) collateral reflex arcs.
B) ipsilateral reflex arcs.
C) intersegmental reflex arcs.
D) dermatomes.
E) spinal plexuses.
Figure 26-1 The Structure of the Kidney
Identify the structure labeled "9."
A) renal sinus
B) fibrous capsule
C) renal pyramid
D) renal papilla
E) renal column
An equivalent term for epicardium is
A) myocardium.
B) endocardium.
C) parietal pericardium.
D) visceral pericardium.
E) anacardium.
Blood from the dorsal venous arch is drained by the ________ vein(s).
A) small saphenous
B) great saphenous
C) posterior tibial
D) small saphenous and great saphenous
E) posterior tibial and great saphenous
Electrons in an atom occupy an orderly series of electron shells or
A) energy levels.
B) electron clouds.
C) energy circles.
D) electron lanes.
E) energy fields.
What is occurring in the area between #2 and #3?
Figure 12-2 The Nerve Action Potential
A) An excitatory graded potential is occurring.
B) Potassium ions are entering the axon and causing depolarization.
C) Chemically gated sodium channels are open and sodium is diffusing into the axon.
D) Sodium ions are entering the axon and causing depolarization.
E) Repolarization of the axon due to sodium ions leaving the axon is occurring.

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