BI 723

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 976
subject Authors George R. Mangun, Michael S. Gazzaniga, Richard B. Ivry

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1) At any given time, many different schema control units may be activated. However,
we can rarely carry out more than one unit at a time and must select the most
appropriate one to translate into action. The units are mutually inhibitory, and only the
most activated one wins the competition for expression. This type of selection
mechanism is called
a.the supervisory attentional system.
b. contention scheduling.
c.the somatic marker hypothesis.
d. utilization behavior.
2) Primary reinforcers involve___________whereas secondary reinforcers do not.
a.acquired value
b. no value
c.some value
d. survival value
3) A switch from conceiving of crimes as being against the state to being against a
person is most aligned withtheprinciplesof________justice.
b. utilitarian
d. consequentialist
4) Under conditions of uncertainty, in a dyadic interaction a persons generosity is likely
b. decrease.
c.remain constant.
d. become irrelevant.
5) You are chasing a tennis ball that has been hit away from you. Which of the
following brain areas is least involved in tracking that stimulus?
a. the parietal lobe
b. the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
c. The inferotemporal cortex
d. V1
6) Which of the following statements does NOT describe agrammatic aphasics?
a.They are unable to process grammar.
b. They rely on overlearned forms of grammar.
c.They are unable to use syntax.
d. They have difficulty with comprehension.
The component that is responsible for acoustically coding information in working
memory is the
a. visuospatial sketchpad.
b. central executive.
c. phonological loop.
d. subvocal loop.
8) One major difference between the visual icon and the auditory echo is that the
a. visual icon is a sensory memory representation, whereas the auditory echo is a
short-term memory representation.
b. auditory echo lasts longer than the visual icon.
c. visual icon is a type of explicit memory, but the auditory echo is a type of implicit
d. auditory echo involves conscious recollection, whereas the visual icon does not.
9) In the experimental economics task known as the Ultimatum Game, one participant
must choose how to split a sum of money with another player. The second player can
choose to accept the offeror to reject it, upon which neither player receives anything.
Consideration of unfair offers is associated with
activity in the__________, an area that has been associated with disgust.
a. superior temporal sulcus
b. orbitofrontal cortex
c.cingulate cortex
d. insula
10) Which of the following sentences would a person with Brocas aphasia be most
likely to misunderstand?
a.The shirt that Michael bought yesterday is too small for him.
b. The woman whom Richard met yesterday is leaving for Vancouver.
c.The dog that George petted yesterday bit him and then ran away.
d. People with Brocas aphasia would not be likely to misunderstand any of these
sentences because they have only expressive deficits.
11) Humphreys and Riddoch (1994) described a patient with a syndrome they called
integrative agnosia, which was characterized by difficulty in
a. linking visual percepts to long-term knowledge about objects.
b. combining parts of objects into coherent whole percepts.
c. drawing and copying pictures of objects.
d. matching different views of an object as representing the same item.
12) Lesions of the lateral prefrontal cortex disrupt___________memory but
a.long-term ; working
b. long-term ; short-term
c.working ; long-term
d. working ; short-term
13) Gray matter is to white matter as __________ are to__________ .
a.gyri ; sulci
b. glial cells ; neurons
c. cell bodies ; axon tracts
d. oligodendrocytes ; Schwann cells
14) La reazione nera, or the black reaction, refers to
a.a cell stain developed by Golgi.
b. a perceptual phenomenon described by the Gestalt psychologists.
c.a ganglion preparation developed by Arvanitaki.
d. a type of reinforcement-based learning described by the behaviorists.
15) __________ is the process of acquiring new information, whereas __________ is
the trace that results from this process and can be revealed at a later time.
a. recall ; recognition
b. recognition ; recall
c. learning ; memory
d. memory ; learning
16) The involuntary failure to attend to sensory stimuli presented on the side of space
opposite to the site of brain injury (in the absence of sensory problems) is called
__________ syndrome.
a. agnosia
b. neglect
c. blindsight
d. hemianopia
17) Which of the following methods measures the BOLD signal?
a.magnetic resonance imaging
b. functional Magnetic resonance imaging
c.computerized axial tomography
d. electroencephalogram
18) A gap junction is
a. the point where a neurotransmitter vesicle binds to the presynaptic membrane.
b. a connection between two sections of a G protein that plays a role in
second-messenger cascades.
c. a transmembrane channel that connects the cytoplasm of two cells at an electrical
d. more likely to be found on the amino acids than on the biogenic amines.
19) Studies of cerebral laterality in nonhuman species indicate that hemispheric
a.are found in many species, and the specific functions involved are quite similar.
b. are found in many species, but the specific functions involved often differ.
c.are typically found only in humans and other primate species, and the specific
functions involved differ from species to species.
d. have been strongly documented in humans only.

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