BI 445 Test 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 1000
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) which of the following labels best matches osteocyte?
a) stem cell
b) dissolves matrix
c) mature bone cell
d) secretes organic matrix
2) how would a molecule that mimics camp affect an olfactory receptor?
a) it would increase sodium permeability.
b) it would open chemically-gated sodium channels.
c) it would depolarize the olfactory receptor.
d) it could trigger an afferent action potential.
e) all of the answers are correct.
3) which of the following is the innermost layer of a blood vessel?
a) tunica intima
b) external elastic membrane
c) tunica media
d) internal elastic membrane
e) tunica externa
figure 23-2 mechanics of ventilation
what pressure will be present in the space labeled "4"?
a) alveolar pressure
b) interpleural pressure
c) subalveolar pressure
d) subatmospheric pressure
e) atmospheric pressure
figure 12-1 the neuron
which part of the neuron can propagate an action potential?
a) 1
b) 1 and 2
c) 2 and 3
d) 3
6) which statement best describes osmosis?
a) active transport of water across the cell membrane
b) diffusion of water from a greater to a lesser water concentration
c) movement of water into a solute
d) diffusion of water from a greater to a lesser water concentration across a selectively
permeable membrane
e) random movement of water due to kinetic energy
figure 16-1 ans pathway
identify the structure labeled "1"
a) somatic motor neuron
b) preganglionic neuron
c) sensory neuron
d) ganglionic neuron
e) astrocyte
figure 8-4 bones of the ankle and foot
identify the bones labeled "9"
a) metatarsals
b) carpals
c) metacarpals
d) tarsals
e) coxae
9) when seated, the weight of the body is borne by the
a) ischial tuberosities.
b) posterior inferior iliac spines.
c) iliac crests.
d) obturator foramina.
e) inferior rami of the pubis.
10) the presence of many large, highly-branched purkinje cells in a sample of brain
tissue indicates that it came from the
a) pons.
b) medulla.
c) cerebral cortex.
d) cerebellar cortex.
e) arbor vitae.
11) changes in the transmembrane potential of a cell are involved in
a) movement.
b) thought.
c) glandular secretion.
d) nerve cell communication.
e) all of the answers are correct.
12) when opposing the thumb, which muscle is active?
a) flexor pollicis longus.
b) abductor pollicis longus.
c) flexor digitorum profundus.
d) flexor carpi radialis.
e) pronator teres.
13) which of the following blood count values would be a sign of anemia?
a) 10,000 wbc
b) 3.5 million rbc
c) 400,000 platelets
d) 5.5 million rbc
e) a and d taken together
14) which of these contributes to the formation of the popliteal vein?
a) internal iliac
b) small saphenous and great saphenous
c) anterior and posterior tibial and fibular
d) peroneal and popliteal
e) great saphenous and posterior tibial
15) preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic nervous system are located in the
a) lateral gray horns of the cervical cord.
b) anterior gray horns of the cervical and thoracic spinal cord.
c) lateral gray horns of segments t1 to l2 of the spinal cord.
d) anterior gray horns of segments t1 to l2 of the spinal cord.
e) lateral gray horns of t1 to s2 of the spinal cord.
16) sperm develop from stem cells called
a) spermatogonia.
b) primary spermatocytes.
c) secondary spermatocytes.
d) spermatids.
e) spermatozoa.
17) excess hydrogen ion is eliminated from the body largely by
a) sweating.
b) the kidneys.
c) the liver.
d) the feces.
e) buffers.
18) the thoracic cavity contains the
a) coelom.
b) pericardial cavity.
c) pelvic cavity.
d) pleural cavities.
e) pericardial and pleural cavities.
19) the soft fibrous membrane in an infant's skull located at the junction of the frontal,
coronal, and sagittal sutures is the
a) lateral fontanelle.
b) posterior fontanelle.
c) anterior fontanelle.
d) mastoid fontanelle.
e) epicranial fontanelle.
20) microphages include
a) monocytes.
b) kupffer cells.
c) neutrophils.
d) eosinophils.
e) both neutrophils and eosinophils.
21) lymphocytes can develop into cells that secrete defense proteins against disease.
these cells are termed ________, while these proteins are called antibodies.
22) structurally, the pubic symphysis is classified as a(n) ________ articulation.
23) blood returns from the gallbladder by way of the ________.
24) why are ruptured intervertebral discs more common in lumbar vertebrae and
dislocations and fractures more common in cervical vertebrae?
25) the blood vessel that supplies blood to the head and neck is the ________.
26) the medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain comprise the ________.
27) chambers within the brain that contain cerebrospinal fluid are called ______.
28) hypercapnia refers to elevated levels of ________.
29) how many chromosomes do human gametes contain?
30) the structural theory that explains how a muscle fiber contracts is called the

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