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subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1640
subject Authors Todd R. Clear

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________ was a leader of reform in England and the developer of a utilitarian approach
to crime and punishment
a. Jeremy Bentham
b. John Howard
c. Cesare Beccaria
d. Bishop Nicholas Ridley
The first juvenile court was established in:
a. Omaha.
b. New York.
c. Los Angeles.
d. Chicago.
With the correctional focus shifting to crime control, some believe that offenders have
had it too soft, resulting in:
a. the institution of strict regimes in prisons.
b. the removal of educational and recreational amenities from prisons.
c. an increase in the number of people in prison.
d. all of these.
Which of the following is most likely to lead to parole revocation?
a. A dirty drug test
b. Loss of a job
c. An arrest for a new crime
d. All of these
Which of the following is a reward associated with the jailing lifestyle?
a. increased acceptance by prison officials
b. fewer problems with those prisoners who are known politicians
c. increased prestige within the inmate social system
d. greater power among treatment officials
a. Objective standard for defense counsel
b. Circumstances that increase seriousness of crime
c. Deserves a punishment equal to the victim's fate
d. The three-drug protocol is constitutional
e. Developed in the late 1970s
f. Separate hearings for guilt & sentencing
g. Execution of the insane
h. Circumstances that invite mercy
i. Reinstituted death penalty
j. Death penalty unconstitutional
1) Ford v. Wainwright
2) Bifurcated
3) Baze v. Rees
4) Retribution
5) Aggravating
6) Strickland v. Washington
7) Gregg v. Georgia
8) Furman v. Georgia
9) Three-drug protocol
10) Mitigating
When compared to other developed countries, America's incarceration rate is extremely:
a. insignificant.
b. low.
c. average.
d. high.
The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1988 requires states to
determine whether the proportion of minorities in confinement ______their proportion
in the population?
a. correlates with
b. relates to
c. Underrepresents
d. Exceeds
If the correctional mission is unclear, the best correctional strategies and techniques
a. have a high rate of success.
b. work effectively.
c. do not seem to work.
d. enjoy wide public support.
The belief that one who takes another's life deserves a punishment equal to the victim's
a. is a moral argument.
b. is a utilitarian argument.
c. is a restorative argument.
d. a deterrence argument.
Administrators use prison programs as incentives for :
a. insubordination.
b. gang involvement
c. snitching.
d. good behavior.
Long term inmates are recognized as those who suffer from:
a. physical stress
b. emotional stress
c. medical problems
d. disciplinary actions
The founder of the Classical School of Thought is ___________________.
a. Cesare Beccaria
b. John Howard
c. Cesare Lombroso
d. Jeremy Benthem
__________ are employees who are directly concerned with furthering the institution's
goals and are in direct contact with clients.
a. Staff personnel
b. Line personnel
c. Case workers
d. None of these
A writ of habeas corpus requests an examination of the legality of____________.
a. conditions
b. confinement
c. length of sentence
d. sentence
_____________ conditions provide constraints on probationers including reporting to
the probation office, change of address, employment, and not leaving a jurisdiction.
a. Standard
b. Technical
c. Treatment
d. Punitive
When girls misbehave, the juvenile justice system often treats them as:
a. boys.
b. adults.
c. status offenders.
d. criminals.
Some lower courts have upheld rules in conflict with the ______ Amendment
protections because they were the least restrictive method of dealing with an
institutional problem.
a. First
b. Fourth
c. Eighth
d. Fourteenth
The justification for the lack of diverse educational, vocational, and other programs to
incarcerated women is that:
a. there is not enough money to go around.
b. women's sentences are generally short.
c. they do not have the educational background necessary.
d. there is a relatively small number of women in prison and jail.
There seems to be __________ relationship between the crime rate and the
incarceration rate.
a. little
b. a direct
c. a parallel
d. a corresponding
Responsibility of housing federal pretrial detainees belongs to:
a. the FBI.
b. the Secret Service.
c. the Marshal's Service.
d. none of these.
Clear, Cole, and Reisig divide some of the controversies, issues and themes that arise in
the study of corrections into two main areas:
a. managing the correctional organization and portraying a strong public image.
b. working with offenders and interpreting U.S. Supreme Court interpretations.
c. managing the correctional organization and working with offenders.
d. portraying a strong public image and interpreting U.S. Supreme Court interpretation.
According to the text, Every aspect of the corrections field raises questions that concern
deeply held values about:
a. money.
b. honor.
c. social relations.
d. punishment.
___________ adults have committed a serious offense in their lifetime.
a. Few
b. Most
c. About half of
d. None of these
It is estimated that __________ Americans cannot vote due to their felony convictions.
a. 1.2 million
b. 2.5 million
c. 3.9 million
d. 5 million
The number of states without the death penalty has _________in recent years:
a. decreased.
b. remained stable.
c. increased.
d. stabilized.
During the Progressive Reform Era, two main strategies were implemented. They
included improving conditions in social environments and ______________.
a. feeding inmates better food.
b. ensuring prisoners were not in solitude.
c. reintegrating inmates into society.
d. rehabilitating individual offenders.
Most parole failures occur:
a. long after release.
b. soon after release.
c. after one year.
d. before release.
During the Age of Reason, advances in scientific thinking led to a questioning attitude
that emphasized which of the following?
a. Observation
b. Experimentation
c. Technological development
d. All of these
The term ___________ refers to programs which educate gang members and eventually
encourage them to renounce their gang membership.
a. jumping out
b. deganging
c. gang removal
d. antiganging
According to the author, In a retributive justice model those who commit a particular
crime should be punished:
a. subjectively.
b. alike.
c. differently.
d. mercifully.
Interdependence between staff and offenders is considered:
a. informal enforcement.
b. exchange.
c. security.
d. screening.
The penitentiary was to be a place where:
a. offenders were isolated from bad influences in society.
b. offenders were isolated from one another.
c. where offenders could reflect on their misdeeds.
d. all of these.
According to the author, Rehabilitation is oriented solely toward the offender and does
not imply any consistent relationship between the severity of the punishment and the
gravity of the crime.
Social and political values greatly influence correctional thought and practices.
______ states and federal government facilities currently authorize capital punishment.
The conditions of parole only regulate conduct that is viewed in a legal context.
Laws passed by legislatures at all levels of government are known as __________.
One of the most successful alcohol treatment programs having shown effectiveness is
A __________ is considered a transfer to adult court.
Citizens and victims are involved in sentencing decisions to increase their confidence in
the wisdom of the sanctions.
Jails, prisons, probation and parole all struggle to work effectively together.
In Rhodes v. Chapman, the court required inmates to prove Eight Amendment violations
through showing the punishment was unnecessary.
__________ investigative firms have recently begun to provide judges with PSI's.
Release on parole has had little impact on other parts of the system, such as plea
bargaining and sentencing.
___________ distinguishes people according to language, religion, and group
There are four basic types of restorative justice strategiesvictim-offender mediation,
community boards, family group conferencing and circle sentencing.
States retaining indeterminate sentencing allow discretionary release by the parole
board within the boundaries of the sentence and the law.
Many correctional officials believe that ___________ represent the most difficult group
for correctional treatment.
A ________________________ is now a standard in the PSI where an interview is
conducted by the probation officer to the victim of the crime.

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