ANT 84445

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1910
subject Authors Bunny McBride, Harald E. L. Prins, William A. Haviland

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Anthropologist _____ is a leading advocacy anthropologist today and a special
rapporteur for the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights.
a. Rodolfo Stavenhagen
b. Clifford Geertz
c. Stephen Lansang
d. Gregory Bates
e. Jonathan Marks
Which of the following is most likely to require cooperative hunting skills?
a. Bow hunting
b. Net hunting
c. Spear hunting
d. Rifle hunting
e. Dart hunting
Which of the following statements about self-awareness is incorrect?
a. Self-awareness occurs earlier in children as a function of the amount of social
stimulation they receive.
b. At 15 weeks of age, the home-reared infant in North America is in contact with its
mother for about 20% of the time.
c. At 15 weeks of age, infants in the Ju/"hoansi society of South Africa's Kalahari
Desert are in close contact with their mothers about 70% of the time.
d. American children develop self-awareness earlier than do Ju/"hoansi children.
e. Self-awareness comes in stages and not all at once.
Pastoralists are like food foragers in that
a. both have some members of the group who remain behind to protect the camp.
b. both now live in areas that are marginal, where land is not suitable for farming.
c. both count on flexibility to get the game they hunt.
d. both engage in occasional horticulture.
e. women are the ones who primarily contribute to daily food intake.
Aung San Suu Kyi is a current coordinator of nonviolent resistance. All of the following
statements about her are correct except:
a. she was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize.
b. she was trained at Oxford University in England.
c. she founded the National League for Democracy and won a seat in Parliament to
represent this Party.
d. she was placed under house arrest in1990 and confined for 15 years.
e. she is the leader of the opposition party in Thailand.
According to Bronislaw Malinowski, the nature of an institution is determined by its
a. structure.
b. function.
c. culture.
d. superstructure.
e. infrastructure.
Legends, rhymes, jokes, chants, and dramas are all examples of which kind of art?
a. Narrative
b. Dramatic
c. Visual
d. Performative
e. Verbal
Approximately how many living languages exist today?
a. 175
b. 500
c. 1,750
d. 2,500
e. 6,000
f. 12,000
What is the primary significance of the African Burial Project?
a. It has provided information on the physical brutality of slavery and the attempt of
various Africans to retain their cultures even through burial rituals
b. It has provided a full understanding of the economic commerce and trade networks of
slavery in New York
c. It has uncovered the importance of burial rituals for individuals living during this
historical period
d. It has provided information on the Underground Railroad that operated throughout
the eastern half of the United States
e. It has provided an area where future forensic anthropologists can be trained
Why did Jews establish eruvin more than 2,000 years ago?
a. To form a their own governmental unit
b. To form a common-interest association based on bureaucracy
c. To allow them to adhere to their religious laws
d. To allow them to live separated from the entrance of any outsiders
e. To form a communal identity that had no involvement with the surrounding society
A series of symbols representing sounds of a language arranged in a traditional order is
called a(n)
a. language.
b. dialect.
c. tonal language.
d. gesture.
e. alphabet.
What is an eruv?
a. A Tiriki age grade of warriors
b. A Turkish volunteer organization
c. A Jewish communal space
d. A Canadian political organization
e. Part of the African Burial Project
Anthropology examines spirituality and religion in terms of the society's
a. traditions.
b. expectations.
c. worldview.
d. belief systems.
e. sacred places.
Religion serves various functions in society, including each of the following except:
a. it provides a path of hope.
b. it unites people worldwide in a belief system.
c. it provides moral guidelines for personal conduct.
d. it provides an orderly view of the universe.
e. reinforces community values.
Three years after planting their gardens, the Mekranoti are left with only
a. manioc.
b. sweet potatoes.
c. pineapple,
d. tobacco.
e. bananas.
Which of the following is a traditional telecommunication system?
a. Whispered speech
b. Hummed speech
c. Danced talk
d. Cried speech
e. Whistled speech
Among the Hopi, which of the following functions as a landholding corporation,
allocating land for the support of member households?
a. Lineages
b. Phratries
c. Moieties
d. Extended families
e. Clans
In a literate society, the function of legends has been largely taken over by
a. psychology.
b. anthropology.
c. sociology.
d. history.
e. political science.
Anthropology is
a. the study of Western culture primarily through the analysis of its folklore.
b. the study of humankind everywhere, throughout time.
c. the study of nonhuman primates through an analysis of their myth and folklore.
d. the study of the species Homo sapiens by analyzing its cultural but not its biological
e. the analysis of humankind from the subjective perspective of one group.
Same-sex sexual acts are punished by the death penalty in all of the following countries
a. Iran.
b. South Africa.
c. Sudan.
d. Saudi Arabia.
e. Iran.
Displacement refers to the concept of being able to refer to things that are
a. not there.
b. visibly there.
c. in the process of being moved.
d. both symbolic and realistic.
e. arbitrary and changing.
What is the burin?
a. It is a stone tool with chisel-like edges
b. It is a crest on the skulls of Neanderthals who had large, robust jaws
c. It is a type of cave dwelling found in Europe
d. It is a type of primate found only on Madagascar
e. It is a type of burial in which the body is laid out prone
In the myth of Tabaldak and Odziozo, Tabaldak first created the Abenakis from stone,
and then from living wood. What does this tell us about the functions of myths?
a. Myths function to tell actual history; the Abenakis believe that they were originally
made of wood.
b. Myths bring humor into the lives of the Abenakis because they are so ridiculous.
c. Myths function primarily to provide entertainment; the Abenakis know they were not
made from wood, but like to tell this story to visiting anthropologists who are so
d. Myths function to express a culture's worldview; the Abenakis see themselves as
belonging to the world of living things rather than to the nonliving world of stone.
e. Myths provide knowledge of woodworking and stonemasonry to the Abenakis.
_____ sanctions attempt to precisely and explicitly regulate people's behavior. They can
be positive (such as military decorations) or negative (such as imprisonment).
a. Hierarchical
b. Egalitarian
c. Casual
d. Informal
e. Formal
All of the following statements about the naming ceremony are true except:
a. personal names create a sense of individual identity.
b. through naming, the social groups acknowledges the child's birthright.
c. names express multiple aspects of the group identity as well.
d. naming creates social identity.
e. all cultures have some ceremony to mark the naming of a child.
Which of the following is a primary difference between an insurgency and a revolution?
a. Revolutions involve large-scale violence, while many insurgencies are peaceful
b. Revolutions occur when there is an outside invasion, and insurgencies are internal
c. Insurgencies have limited objectives, while revolutionary movements are broader
d. Revolutions are successful insurgency movements
e. Insurgencies do not have single leaders; revolutions have charismatic leaders
Vodou is an example of what type of religion?
a. Mixed
b. Reactionary
c. Syncretic
d. Juxtaposed
e. Assimilated
The rule-governed relationships that hold a society together, with all their rights, duties,
and obligations, are known as its
a. constitution.
b. social structure.
c. cultural relativism.
d. laws.
e. ethnocentrism.
Social classes are closed in _____, where membership in hierarchically ranked groups
known as castes is determined by birth and remains fixed for life according to social
and religious mandates.
a. China
b. India
c. Vietnam
d. Thailand
e. Bolivia
Cooperative work groups are found
a. in all societies worldwide.
b. only in illiterate, nonindustrial societies.
c. only in extended households with married parents, children, and grandparents.
d. only in horticultural societies.
e. in agricultural societies, although there are special times where it occurs in industrial
Describe the potlatch.
Answer:Will vary
Schizophrenia is one of the most common of all psychoses.
Describe how evolution occurs through adaptation. Give examples
Answer:Will vary
Describe each of the components of language.
Answer:Will vary
Market exchange is defined as the exchange of goods through face-to-face bargaining in
a market place.
There are no cultures that prescribe male-to-male sexual acts, for any reason.
How is the extended family different from the nuclear family?
Answer:Will vary
How is pilgrimage "devotion in motion"?
Answer:Will vary
What is participant observation, and why is it considered the hallmark of ethnographic
Answer:Will vary
Explain the role of adaptation in cultural survival.
Answer:Will vary
Bronislaw Malinowski used standard methods of fieldwork for his work among the
Biomedicine is a traditional form of healing that is not widely accepted in the U.S.
Compare and contrast the idealist and materialist perspectives in anthropological
Answer:Will vary
Distinguish between a consanguineal and affinal kinship.
Answer:Will vary
It is the goal of anthropologists to know how biology and culture do and do not
influence each other. Using examples from each subdiscipline of anthropology, describe
how anthropologists attain that goal.
Answer:Will vary
Describe the challenges of subjectivity while in the field.
Answer:Will vary
Discuss the reasons and frequency of divorce from society to society. Would you
characterize the reasons as "essentially similar" or "highly distinct"?
Answer:Will vary
While ethnography is the in-depth study of a single culture, ethnology is the
comparative study of culture.
Identify and discuss the problems of structural violence.
Answer:Will vary

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