ANT 83066

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1362
subject Authors George F. Cole, Michael D. Reisig, Todd R. Clear

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Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Inmates and visitors have a great deal of freedom
b. Newer with functional units located in the entry
c. Central corridor for prisoner movement
d. Treatment programs designed to reform offender
e. Restrictions on inmates/visitors are less strict than maximum security
f. Often used for juveniles and women
g. Emphasizes family and community ties as a method of reform
h. Strict limitations on freedom of inmates/visitors
i. A control center from which to monitor movement
j. Emphasizes security, discipline, and order
Campus style
The idea of community justice is very:
a. out of favor.
b. marginalized.
c. dangerous.
d. popular.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Interacting with clients to change their behavior
b. Corrections is divided against itself
c. Problem of attraction and motivation
d.Choice between unsatisfactory alternatives
e. Focusing on prisons
f. Looking for patterns and consistencies in study findings
g. Expectations and goals
h.Assigning a group to a valid program and one group to a non-valid program
i.Achieves correctional goals through technology
j.Disproportionately affected minority group members
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Prison newcomer
b. Cigarettes
c. Values and norms of the prison social system
d. Goods and services not allowed by prison authorities
e. Where prisoners may purchase certain items
f. Method of learning the prison subculture
g. Construct a life within the prison with little connection to society
h. Take advantage of prison programs
i. Main source of inmate violence
j. semiautonomous institutions
In ____________, the Supreme Court ruled that offenders cannot be sentenced to death
for acts committed prior to reaching the age of 18.
a. Roper v. Simmons
b. Atkins v. Virginia
c. Tennessee v. Garner
d. Ring v. Arizona
The right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment is found in which Amendment?
a. First
b. Fourth
c. Eighth
d. Fourteenth
States retaining indeterminate sentencing allow discretionary release by the parole
board within the boundaries of the sentence and the law.
a. True
b. False
Our criminal justice system is designed as a(n) _____________ attack on crime,
implemented by identifying criminals, then removing them from the community on
a. reactive
b. adversarial
c. premeditated
d. confrontational
Recently, there has been a major emphasis on programs to _________offenders
awaiting trial.
a. treat
b. convict
c. sentence
d. release
In response to the problems associated with using inmate labor to produce goods for the
competitive market, many states turned to the state-use system.
a. True
b. False
Parole officers are usually asked to play two roles: a cop and a judge.
a. True
b. False
A continuum of sanctions means that punishments vary in intrusiveness and control.
a. True
b. False
This case stated that jury trials are not required for juvenile court hearings.
a. McKeiver v. Pennsylvania
b. Kent v. United States
c. Schall v. Martin
d. Eddings v. Oklahoma
Based on recent research efforts, it appears that both state and county agencies cannot
really benefit from the use of a continuum of sanctions.
a. True
b. False
The organizational turf of criminal justice agencies is very clear because there is no
blurring around the edges regarding the responsibility for different types of actions.
a. True
b. False
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Advocated for separation of sexes while incarcerated
b. Rise of programs in which youngsters could live with their mothers in halfway
c. First female prison warden
d. Required for women to regain custody of children
e. Homosexual marriage and kinship
f. First warden of Elmira Reformatory for young men
g. Challenge for women upon release from prison
h. Account for the great increase of women in prison
i. What most distinguishes incarcerated women from incarcerated men
j. Separate treatment-oriented prisons
Zebulon Brockway
Many states have removed educational and recreational amenities from their
a. True
b. False
Prison disorder, including riots, staff murders, escapes, and inmate homicides, are
proportionately more rare today than in the 1970s and 1980s.
a. True
b. False
_________are those areas where crime seems constant; community policing attempts to
change the dynamic of those areas.
a. Hot spots
b. Problem areas
c. Locations
d. Issues
Eastern State Penitentiary followed the concept of a radial design to house inmates.
a. True
b. False
Recreational programs have two primary purposes. These include socialization and:
a. religion.
b. gang membership.
c. self-image enhancement.
d. drug trade.
The growth in the corrections system has resulted mostly from deliberate policies that
have increased the severity of sentences.
a. True
b. False
One of the consequences of discretionary parole is:
a. it leaves prisoners in limbo.
b. prisoners have few due process rights at the hearing.
c. decisions are made outside of the public's attention.
d. all of these.
The case of Wolff v. McDonnell showed that the court was extending the due process
rights for prisoners in certain aspects.
a. True
b. False
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Noninterference policy
b. Rules created by judges
c. Legal rules regarding agency policies
d. Rules other judges follow with similar cases
e. Laws created by legislatures
f. Lists individual rights
g. Intervention towards an agreed resolution
h. Responsible for compensation of a plaintiff
i. Judicial order
j.Investigates public officials
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Post-custody supervision in the community
b. Without any further correctional supervision
c. Used with indeterminate sentence
d. Furloughs
e. Required release
f. The prisoner promises to abide by certain conditions in exchange for being released
g. Stipulated by parole guidelines based on offenders actions
h. Treat a mental abnormality
i. The government extends the privilege of release
j. Conditional release
Most programs of economic development in the community, including "weed and seed"
programs, have had quite a successful track record in regard to improving community
environments while reducing instances of crime.
a. True
b. False
We have clear evidence that imprisonment is cost effective.
a. True
b. False
All delinquents, regardless of their crimes, can be saved from a life of crime.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is NOT an alternative to litigation by inmates?
a. ombudsman
b. criminal investigation
c. mediation
d. inmate grievance procedures
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Requires "essentials" of due process
b. Has no parent or guardian and does not receive proper care
c. Child who commits an act if committed by an adult is not a crime
d. Transfer to adult court
e. State as guardian
f. Parole
g. Specifies "essentials" of due process
h. Stop doing crime
i.Child not receiving proper care
j.Depends on social expectations
Status offense

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