ANT 27476

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 20
subject Words 2164
subject Authors Todd R. Clear

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According to the author some people believe that ______________factors result in
large numbers of Hispanics and African Americans being processed in the criminal
justice system.
PSIs disallow victim impact statements describing their emotional and financial losses
due to the offender's action.
The argument that African Americans are more criminal than whites by nature is not
sustained by the evidence.
John Irwin and Donald Cressey suggest that prison subculture encompasses three
subcultures including a convict, a thief and a straight.
It would be safe to say that classification decisions are not, on the whole, subject to
sociopolitical pressures.
Most sexual offenses occur between strangers.
People who undertake careers in corrections do so because they find the field an
excellent place to express their most cherished values
Women are generally more receptive and responsive to prison based programs than
their male counterparts.
A day fine lets the wealthier offenders off easier than it does the poor.
In the past decade, many have argued that the needs of the victim and the community
should be the focus of punishment goals.
The United States incarcerates its people at approximately the same rate as other
Parole can be revoked for a new crime or a technical crime.
All states have some form of prison programs that prepare the offender for release to
community supervision.
Correctional practices developed similarly across the United States.
The jail rate is highest in the:
a. East and South.
b. West and South.
c. West and North.
d. East and North.
a. Remove an offender's capacity to commit crime
b. Min/max range of incarceration
c. Punishment as an example to the public
d. Restoring the offender to society
e. Control over the amount of time a prisoner serves
f. Deserved punishment
g. Incarcerated for the betterment of society
h. Repair damage
i. Fixed time of incarceration
j. Punishment for the individual
1) General deterrence
2) Retribution
3) Incapacitation
4) Specific deterrence
5) Indeterminate Sentencing
6) Selective incapacitation
7) Rehabilitation
8) Determinate sentencing
9) Restorative Justice Presumptive sentencing
10) Mandatory sentencing
According to the text, the central purpose of the early jail was:
a. the warehousing of the surplus population of immigrants.
b. detention of those sentenced by the court.
c. to make sure those accused of a crime would show up for their trials.
d. to inflict short-term punishment (for example, corporal punishment) on the offender.
Lex talionis embodies which of the following principles?
a. Punishment should correspond in degree and kind to the offense.
b. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is legal punishment.
c. Punishment needs to be proportionate.
d. All of these
In the wake of the "tough on crime" over the past three decades, the number of parolees
a. doubled
b. Tripled
c. decreased
d. remained the same
Inmates who fall victim to sexual violence while incarcerated tend to be:
a. a gang leader
b. correction officer
c. elderly
d. not affiliated with a gang
The procedures of juvenile corrections incorporate:
a. firm due process rules.
b. informality and discretionary decision making.
c. strict judicial precedent.
d. formal criminal procedure
The design of most women's prisons is the:
a. telephone-pole design.
b. radial design.
c. tier design.
d. campus design.
According to the author, Until the mid-1700s criminal punishment in Europe and
American colonies focused on the offender's body. It also focused on which of the
a. mutilation
b. whipping
c. dismemberment
d. all of these
Correctional officers sometimes feel that:
a. no one cares what happens inside the walls.
b. they"re doing time as well as the inmates.
c. their work accounts for nothing on the outside.
d. all of these.
The __________ model was dominant in the 1960s and early 1970s.
a. retribution
b. incapacitation
c. rehabilitation
d. reintegration
By the 1900s, punishments were carried out under the supervision of:
a. the governor.
b. the king.
c. correctional staff.
d. the victim.
Levels of gang activity __________ through the 1990s.
a. Declined
b. Increased
c. remained stable
d. Intensified
New alternative programs are filled with people who formerly would have been placed
a. on regular probation
b. in prison
c. in shock incarceration
d. acquitted
Most prisons employ a __________ model.
a. rehabilitative
b. reintegration
c. retributive
d. custodial
The public today calls for a __________ approach to juveniles.
a. Rehabilitative
b. Lenient
c. get-tough
d. Restorative
The term _________refers to the belief that one who takes another's life deserves
punishment equal to the victim's fate.
a. incapacitation
b. retribution
c. rehabilitation
d. incapacitation
The gap between unemployment rates for African American men and every other group
in society grows when:
a. prisons do not allow inmates to work.
b. men who are behind bars are released.
c. men who are behind bars are included in the unemployment rate.
d. prisoners are not included in the unemployment rate.
The __________ was an institution for young offenders that emphasized training, a
mark system of classification, indeterminate sentences, and parole.
a. penitentiary
b. jail
c. juvenile detention center
d. reformatory
The differences between male and female prison subcultures have been attributed to the
nurturing, ________ qualities of women.
a. educational
b. vocational
c. psychological
d. maternal
A parolee may be required to:
a. abstain from alcohol.
b. keep away from certain people.
c. maintain good work habits.
d. all of these.
80 percent of California's recommitments stemmed from:
a. technical violations.
b. violent offenses.
c. new crimes.
d. none of these
The rate of confirmed AIDS cases in state and federal prisons is __________ in the total
U.S. population.
a. three times lower than
b. the same as
c. 2.5 times higher
d. on a par with
When compared to men, the offenses women commit are usually
a. more violent.
b. more self destructive.
c. less serious.
d. less expensive.
The warden's job security rests on her or his ability to:
a. employ a certain number of minorities.
b. define duties for top management.
c. keep autonomy of their managers.
d. run the institution efficiently.
a. noninterference policy
b. rules created by judges
c. legal rules regarding agency policies
d. rules other judges follow with similar cases
e. laws created by legislatures
f. Lists individual rights
g. intervention towards an agreed resolution
h. responsible for compensation of a plaintiff
i. judicial order
j. investigates public officials
1) Constitutions
2) statute
3) case law
4) precedent
5) regulations
6) hands off policy
7) civil liability
8) habeus corpus
9) mediation
10) ombudsman
The history of corrections has taught us that we often __________ the people we try to
a. cure
b. reach
c. neglect
d. injure
Research shows that __________ juveniles are carrying guns than before.
a. Fewer
b. More
c. the same number of
d. we cannot research this statistic
The first case recognized by the Supreme Court which recognized prisoners' rights
involved the case of:
a. brutality and physical conditions.
b. challenges to convictions.
c. due process.
d. medical treatment.
a. compliance by threat
b. compliance for material resources
c. compliance through manipulation of symbolic rewards
d. supervisor can oversee limited subordinates effectively
e. Subordinate reports to only one superior
f. toleration of some actions of inmates to operate the prison
g. behavior violation of department policy
h. prison disorder results from weak management
i. Support line personnel
j. In direct contact with the client
1) Unity of command
2) Staff personnel
3) Boundary violations
4) Administrative control theory
5) Inmate balance theory
6) Line personnel
7) Span of control
8) Coercive power
9) Normative power
10) Remunerative power
Since the _________, retribution as a justification for the criminal sanction has aroused
new interest.
a. 1930s
b. 1950s
c. 1970s
d. 1990s
The practice of removing offenders from the community to another land was known as:
a. benefit of clergy.
b. galley slavery.
c. wergild.
d. transportation.
More than two-thirds of people under correctional authority are:
a. in prison.
b. under community supervision.
c. guilty.
d. mentally ill.
The treatment program that has consistently proven to be successful for the alcohol
abuser in general population but less successful for those in the correctional population
a. psychotherapy.
b. milieu therapy.
c. group counseling.
d. Alcoholics Anonymous.
Legal cases continue to raise concerns about the lengthy periods that condemned
offenders spend on death row because of ___________.
Vaginal examinations are frequently conducted by correctional officers to discover
A facility authorized to hold pretrial detainees and sentenced misdemeanants for periods
no longer than 48 hours is called a ______________________.
The Pennsylvania System focused on the isolation of inmates and serving penance.
____________ ______________ are norms and values developed within the prison
social system.
A large portion of the prison population is made up of offenders who are being returned
to prison for new crimes or __________________.
In England by the year 1200, a system of wergild, or payment of money as
compensation, had developed as a way for the king to collect additional resources from
the citizens.
Under the law of retaliation, lex talionis, vengeance was a duty to be carried out by the
person wronged or by a family member.
Inmates who choose _________ cut themselves off from the outside and generally
become key figures in the politics and economy of the joint.
Some inmates upon incarceration decide to withdraw from others as well as isolate
themselves as a form of coping with the inmate society.
Parole boards welcome public criticism.
For juvenile offenders, the role of family is critical to the success of correctional efforts.
Inmates who are on a mandatory release status are able to include their good time credit
towards their release.
The ________________Poor Laws established the basis for officials to take charge of
vagrant and delinquent children.
The mentally ill offender is now recognized as an overgeneralization and a
The ___________ alone is not enough to predict whether or not a juvenile offender is
someone whom society should fear.
The United States employs a national standard approach to sentencing.
__________ assumes that society can remove an offender's capacity to commit further
crimes by detention in prison or by execution.
The ____________, the parole bureaucracy, and the experiences of the offender are the
three forces that influence a newly released offender's adjustment to society.

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