978-1506362311 Test Bank Chapter 7 Part 2

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subject Pages 9
subject Words 3024
subject Authors Peter G. Northouse

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Northouse, Leadership 8e
SAGE Publications, 2019
A. empowerment
B. enthusiasm
C. cooperation
D. amount of experience
54. You have been working at your job for over a year. Your boss starts offering you
new assignments with weekly meetings in order to exchange valuable information
regarding the tasks. The result is that you and your boss are able to redefine your
working relationship and find new ways of relating. According to the LMX theory, you
are now in a ______ role.
A. tested
B. mixed
C. scripted
D. negotiated
55. Which of the following is not a subordinate benefit of high LMX?
A. increased performance-related feedback
B. preferential treatment
C. social interaction outside of the work setting
D. ample access to supervisors
56. LMX theory has been criticized. Which of the following is not a criticism of LMX
A. It runs counter to the human value of fairness.
B. It discriminates against some subordinates.
C. It directs our attention to the importance of the leadermember dyad.
D. It supports the advantage of privileged groups in the workplace.
57. You have been working at your job for over a year. Your boss starts offering you
new assignments with weekly meetings in order to exchange valuable information
regarding the tasks. According to the LMX theory, you are now in a ______ role.
A. tested
B. low-quality
C. scripted
D. negotiated
58. You have been working at your job for over a year. Your boss started offering you
new assignments with weekly meetings for the past two months in order to exchange
valuable information regarding the tasks. According to the LMX theory, you are having
______ exchanges.
A. high-quality
B. low-quality
C. medium-quality
D. negotiated-quality
59. You have been working at your job for over a year. Your boss starts offering you
new assignments with weekly meetings in order to exchange valuable information
regarding the tasks. According to the LMX theory, the influence between you is ______.
A. tested
B. medium quality
C. mixed
D. negotiated
60. The leader of your work team consistently shows she trusts and respects you and
depends on you to help the team accomplish established goals. You show her through
your reliable actions and communication that her trust is warranted. You and your
supervisor are in the ______.
Northouse, Leadership 8e
SAGE Publications, 2019
A. mature partnership phase
B. acquaintance phase
C. medium-quality phase
D. tested stranger phase
61. Ray is the leader of a non-profit organization that supports education for
underserved populations in your community. You volunteer regularly with this
organization and see Ray almost every day you are volunteering. Yesterday Ray asked
you to take on a lead volunteer role, stating that your commitment to the organization
and interaction with Ray have shown him he can count on you. You agree to step into
this lead volunteer role. You and Ray have just entered which phase of leadership
A. mature partnership phase
B. acquaintance phase
C. scripted partnership phase
D. stranger phase
62. Beth and James are in a dyadic relationship on a work team in which both of them
are focused on the group’s goals and outcomes. Beth and James are in ______.
A. tested roles
B. low-quality exchange
C. stranger phase
D. mature partnership phase
63. I focus on getting my job done and satisfying my needs and also think about the
needs of my team members. I also consider my influence with my leader as mixed and
one in which we are both testing my role in the organization. We are in the _____.
A. mature partnership phase
B. acquaintance phase
C. stranger phase
D. negotiated phase
Northouse, Leadership 8e
SAGE Publications, 2019
64. Out-group members ______.
A. act differently than in-group members
B. operate outside of their job descriptions
C. have better relationships with their leaders
D. are treated unfairly by their leaders
65. To assess leader-member exchanges, researchers typically use ______.
A. in-depth observations in the workplace over time
B. interviews to pinpoint out-group members
C. questionnaires to evaluate leaderfollower relationships
D. focus groups of in-group members to assess benefits
66. Which is not a strength of LMX?
A. It looks at dyadic relationships in the leadership process.
B. It accurately describes the in- and out-group process.
C. Research substantiates how LMX is related to organizational outcomes.
D. It runs counter to the human value of fairness.
67. Potential for discrimination in LMX comes from ______.
A. the high-quality LMX dyadic relationships
B. when followers are in either the in- or out-groups
C. when leaders are open to followers switching in- or out-groups
D. when leaders attempt to have all followers in the in-group
68. Which of the following is a criticism of LMX?
A. It alerts leaders to their biases.
B. It is a unique approach that looks at dyadic relationships.
C. LMX does not fully explain the creation of high-quality exchanges.
D. It directs our attention to the importance of communication in leadership.
69. Which of the following is not a criticism of LMX?
A. LMX does not fully explain the creation of high-quality exchanges.
B. It runs counter to the human value of fairness.
C. It looks at dyadic relationships in the leadership process.
D. The measurement of LMX is questionable.
70. LMX theory can be applied ______.
A. by leaders at all levels of an organization
B. by mid-level leaders only
C. by upper-level leaders only
D. by lower-level leaders only
71. Research by Hill and colleagues supports the notion that positive a leadermember
relationship can result from ______.
A. a high degree of electronic communications between them
B. the leader and member having the same degree of conscientiousness
C. frequent social encounters with one another outside the workplace
D. the leader and member having complementary skill sets
72. Recent research on LMX has ______.
A. used non-US samples and racially diverse dyads
B. been sparse and lacking
C. not looked at employee outcomes
D. focused on describing in-groups and out-groups
73. Leadership making is a process that aims to ______.
A. make all workers in an organization into leaders
B. create networks of strong partnerships that will benefit the organization
C. link out-group members together in solidarity
D. debunk LMX theory so that workplaces become more inclusive
74. A strength of the LMX approach is its focus on the importance of ______ in
A. situations
B. personality
C. communication
D. morality
75. David’s boss Jerome allows David to park in his reserved corporate parking space
when Jerome is out of the country on business. David most likely ______.
A. is part of the company’s out-group
B. has a high-quality relationship with his boss
C. gets little feedback about his performance
D. does not do extra work beyond his job description
76. You do your job at work, show up on time and complete your tasks. But you notice
that there are a group of your colleagues in the company that seem to get more
attention from the boss. According to LMX theory, if you want to be a member of this
group you should ______.
A. point out this perceived favoritism to your boss
B. request that your colleagues include you in more meetings
C. ask your boss if you can take on some extra work
D. keep performing within your job description until you get noticed
77. Yolanda has been working for a consulting firm for a few months. Her supervisor
Ryan asks her one day if she’d like to take on an added assignment by working on
some reports for a valuable new client. Yolanda is interested in the opportunity because
she wants to have more of a hand in the firm’s success. Ryan and Yolanda are most
likely in which phase of the leadership making process?
A. Phase 1
B. Phase 2
C. Phase 3
D. Phase 4
78. Yuxi just started her new job as an account executive a month ago. She’s still
getting to know her boss. In LMX, this Stranger phase of leadership making most likely
involves ______.
A. Yuxi focusing exclusively on the company’s goals
B. Yuxi and her boss reciprocally influencing each other
C. Yuxi’s boss affording her a high degree of trust
D. Yuxi and her boss in a scripted relationship
79. Which of the following is true about LMX theory?
Northouse, Leadership 8e
SAGE Publications, 2019
A. It is used heavily in management training programs.
B. It can be said to highlight favoritism in a workplace.
C. It is applicable only in corporate for-profit settings.
D. It fails to examine individual relationships between leader and follower.
80. High quality exchanges between leaders and followers produce ______.
A. higher employee turnover
B. less feedback about performance
C. better organizational commitment
D. fewer demands on leaders’ time
1. In LMX theory, the dyadic relationship is the focal point of the leadership process.
2. LMX challenged the assumption that leaders treated followers in a collective way, as
a group, using an average leadership style.
3. In-group relationships are based on the formal employment contract (defined roles).
4. Subordinates in the out-group receive more information and concern from their
leaders than do in-group members.
5. Later studies of LMX showed that high-quality relationships between leaders and
subordinates produced less employee turnover.
6. In LMX theory, leadership making suggests that leaders help everyone to be in the in-
7. During the first phase of leadership making, the interactions within the leader-
subordinate dyad are generally low quality.
8. During the early phases of leadership making, a key predictor of relationship quality
for both leaders and followers is follower performance.
9. In LMX, it is usually the leader who makes an offer to the subordinate for improved
career-oriented exchanges.
10. Studies have shown that high LMX has an impact on employee creativity.
1. What are two characteristics of in-group relationships?
2. The emergence of LMX theory marked a major shift in leadership research. What
does LMX theory focus on that prior approaches did not?
3. List two organizational benefits of having many high-quality leadermember
4. What is the central prescription LMX theory offers to leaders?
5. As the leadership making process progresses through the stages, the follower’s
interest moves mostly from an interest in ______ to an interest in ______.
1. What is the relationship between LMX and employee empowerment?
2. LMX theory has been studied from various perspectives over the past 40 years.
Briefly describe the three major stages of LMX theory development.
3. What is the benefit to the leader of having a high-quality relationship with employees?
4. LMX theory assumes that improved exchanges between leaders and followers are
desirable. When might a follower not want “improved career-oriented social exchanges”
with a leader?
5. What are the advantages of studying leadership from a dyadic perspective?
6. Compare the earlier LMX studies, which described in-groups and out-groups to the
leadership-making studies in which there are three phases. How is it more helpful to
describe LMX in three phases instead of categorizing in- and out-groups?

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