978-1319059415 Test Bank Chapter 5 Ethical Public Speaking MC

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 996
subject Authors Dan O'Hair, Hannah Rubenstein, Rob Stewart

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Page 1
1. Ethics is the study of moral conducthow people should act toward one another.
A) True
B) False
2. The Greek word ethos means ficharacter.”
A) True
B) False
3. Positive ethos includes competence, good moral character, and goodwill.
A) True
B) False
4. Milton Rokeach identified two kinds of values: personal and terminal.
A) True
B) False
5. fiA world at peace” is an example of a terminal value.
A) True
B) False
6. Invective is not appropriate in positive public discourse.
A) True
B) False
7. Instrumental values are desirable states of being, such as living a comfortable life.
A) True
B) False
8. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees unconditional freedom of
A) True
B) False
9. Slander, or speech that is potentially harmful to an individual's reputation at work or in
the community, is illegal.
A) True
B) False
Page 2
10. Speakers who act as though everyone shares their points of view and points of reference
exhibit reckless disregard for the truth.
A) True
B) False
11. Conversation stoppers breach the acceptable firules of engagement” for public
A) True
B) False
12. Nearly 50 percent of the nation's 400 largest and most prestigious colleges and
universities maintain policies that infringe their students' free speech.
A) True
B) False
13. Trustworthiness is a combination of honesty and dependability.
A) True
B) False
14. When speaking persuasively, it is ethical to omit relevant facts that support alternative
viewpoints in an effort to bolster one's argument.
A) True
B) False
15. Modern civic virtues are similar to the pillars of character, characteristics thought to
exemplify the excellence of character so important in the early democracy of Greece.
A) True
B) False
16. A stereotype is a generalization about an apparent characteristic of a group that is
applied to all members of that group.
A) True
B) False
Page 3
17. It is easier to claim defamation regarding comments directed at a private person than a
public figure.
A) True
B) False
18. Hate speech is offensive communication directed against a group's racial, ethnic,
religious, gender, or other characteristics.
A) True
B) False
19. When preparing speeches for the classroom, you must adhere to the same rules of use for
copyrighted works as you would for a professional speech.
A) True
B) False
20. Emotional appeals are a legitimate way for a speaker to bolster a weak argument.
A) True
B) False
21. The quality of fairness in a speaker refers to his or her effort to see all sides of an issue
and to be open-minded.
A) True
B) False
22. Plagiarism does not apply to summarized or paraphrased information.
A) True
B) False
23. Simply cutting and pasting material from sources into your speech and representing it as
your own is a form of plagiarism.
A) True
B) False
24. Any sources that require credit in written form should be acknowledged in oral form.
A) True
B) False
Page 4
25. Oral presentations need not include full bibliographic references.
A) True
B) False
26. It is not necessary to acknowledge what you have paraphrased or summarized from a
source in a speechonly direct quotations.
A) True
B) False
27. Summaries contain fewer words than paraphrased versions of text or speech.
A) True
B) False
28. Paraphrasing alters the form but not the substance of another person's ideas.
A) True
B) False
29. Conceptions of what constitutes plagiarism differ by culture.
A) True
B) False
30. If you are using copyrighted words without permission because it falls under the doctrine
of fair use, you do not need to acknowledge the source in your speech.
A) True
B) False
31. The study of moral conduct, or how people should act toward one another, is
A) ethics.
B) ethnology.
C) ethnography.
D) ethnicity.
32. Which of the following is a Greek word meaning ficharacter”?
A) logos
B) ethos
C) pathos
D) mythos
Page 5
33. Ethos consists of
A) competence, charisma, and candor.
B) competence, dramatic ability, and charisma.
C) competence, good moral character, and goodwill.
D) competence, candor, and good moral character.
34. Research on source credibility reveals that people place their greatest trust in speakers
who A) have a solid grasp of the subject.
B) engage in rules-based ethics.
C) paraphrase their sources.
D) avoid invective.
35. An example of a terminal value or characteristic is
A) ambition.
B) courage.
C) logic.
D) comfort.
36. ______ values are desirable states of being, whereas _____ values are socially desirable
behavioral characteristics.
A) Instrumental; ethical
B) Terminal; instrumental
C) Ethical; terminal
D) Cultural; ethical
37. A contemporary term for ethos is
A) source credibility.
B) ethics.
C) integrity.
D) competence.
38. Which type of speech is not protected by the First Amendment?
A) fifighting words”
B) hate speech
C) invective
D) plagiarism
Page 6
39. The values divide in the United States exists between
A) the northern and the southern states.
B) the fired states” and the fiblue states.”
C) men and women.
D) college-educated and non-college-educated people.
40. The ethical theory that emphasizes the role of individual moral character in guiding
ethical decisions is known as
A) consequentialist.
B) rules-based.
C) value ethics.
D) virtue ethics.
41. Conceptions about what constitutes plagiarism can sometimes differ by
A) state.
B) university.
C) speaker.
D) culture.
42. The basic rule for avoiding plagiarism as a public speaker is
A) only sources for direct quotations should be acknowledged in oral form.
B) only sources for paraphrases of outside information should be acknowledged in oral
C) any sources that require credit in written form should be acknowledged in oral
D) even the sources for common knowledge should be acknowledged in oral form.
43. The doctrine of fair use does which of the following?
A) protects free speech
B) permits the limited use of copyrighted works for some specific purposes
C) grants the speaker a performance license
D) allows students to use copyrighted work without attribution
Page 7
Answer Key
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. B
31. A

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