978-1305502819 Test Bank Chapter 16

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 993
subject Authors Deanna D. Sellnow, Kathleen S. Verderber, Rudolph F. Verderber

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Chapter 16
Informative Speaking
Multiple Choice Questions
1. According to your textbook, when the topic is one with which the audience is already familiar,
they are more likely to listen if _______
2. Which of the following behaviors is most likely to produce a creative approach to a speech?
3. Which of the following statements about creativity is most true?
4. In a process speech you should _______
5. _______ is a researched informative speech that gives in-depth information.
6. _______
is a method of informing that recounts a story of an event, a person’s life, or some
other account.
7. Memory aids, such as acronyms, are often referred to as _______
8. If in your informative speech on the Hope diamond you explained the size, shape, weight, and
color of the diamond, you would be using an example of a _______
9. “One of the ways of responding is with aversiona feeling of dislike, a sort of running away
from a person and avoiding him” is an example of a _______
10. In your informative speech on the development of the human child, you explain that by age
three most other mammals are already independent and almost fully adults. Human babies,
on the other hand, are still very much dependent on their mothers. This explanation is an
example of a _______
11. The quickest way to define something is by _______
12. The sentence “A trowel is an instrument used for moving and smoothing concrete” defines
trowel by
13. The derivation or history of a particular word is called its
14. A speech that gives information about how to make gumbo may include a physical exhibition
known as a _______
15. When planning a demonstration speech, _______
16. Pria says to Ling, “Matthew’s speech was fun, really relevant to current events, and I can
clearly remember his main points, but I didn’t really learn anything new.” Based on Pria’s
statement, what aspect of an effective informative speech did Matthew fail to fulfill?
17. A speech that provides in-depth information that is taken from careful research is _______
18. An informative speech about the discovery of gravity and the historical reaction to this event is
an expository speech that explains _______
19. An informative speech about the life and music of Dizzy Gillespie is an expository speech that
explains _______
20. An informative speech about the effects of the women’s movement on how women are
portrayed in popular movies is an expository speech that explains
True/False Questions
1. According to your textbook, if your audience is not very familiar with your topic, they are less
likely to be interested in hearing what you have to say.
2. Creativity is a gift that some people have and others don’t.
3. Repetition can help you improve your memory recall.
4. The etymology of a particular word will provide words that have the same or similar meanings.
5. Creativity does not involve productive thinking, only free association.
Essay Questions
1. List and describe three of the major types of expository speeches and provide an example of
2. What are four guidelines that should be followed to build creativity?
3. One type of informative speech is a process speech. Define process speech and give an
example of a topic for a process speech. Then, list the main points in order. Finally, indicate
how you could effectively use a visual aid in that speech.

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