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Chapter 7
Multiple Choice Questions
7.1 Many schools are moving towards a more global approach to the identification of potential high-risk
students through the development of a school based team that, depending on the state in which the student
resides, may be referred to as:
a. The Multidisciplinary Team (MDT)
b. School Based Support Team (SBST)
c. Multifactor Team (MFT)
d. All of the above
7.2 The MDT is responsible for gathering all the necessary information on a child in order to determine
the most effective and practical direction for him or her in education:
a. True
b. False
7.3 The MDT should always use only one single procedure as criteria for determining an appropriate
educational program for an individual with special needs:
a. True
b. False
7.4 The professional most often responsible for doing a comprehensive achievement battery to determine
where the child’s strengths and weaknesses are with respect to academics when compared to national
norms, doing classroom observations, making recommendations for the child’s future educational
program (IEP) and monitoring the student’s progress over time is the
a. Physical therapist
b. Special education evaluator
c. Speech and language pathologist
d. Occupational therapist
7.5 Which of the following is not normally a responsibility of the speech and language pathologist?
a. Determining where the child is functioning with respect to his speech and language abilities when
compared to the norms.
b. Determining if there are any significant difficulties in either expressing or understanding language
c. Giving intelligence and achievement tests
d. Making a recommendation for a hearing evaluation.
7.6 A ________ normally evaluates gross motor skills (e.g., walking, arm movements, throwing a ball),
self-help skills, and job related skills when necessary.
a. School psychologist
b. Guidance counselor
c. Physical therapist
d. Occupational therapist
7.7 A ________ normally evaluates fine motor skills (e.g. picking things up with 2 fingers, holding a
pencil, etc.). evaluates
a. School psychologist
b. Guidance counselor
c. Physical therapist
d. Occupational therapist
7.8 The ________ is normally the first link to determining whether a suspected disability exists.
a. School psychologist
b. Guidance counselor
c. Physical therapist
d. Regular education teacher
7.9 The regular education teacher will normally be the professional to:
a. Inform other professionals within the school that a problem appears to be arising with a given child.
b. Explain what the presenting concerns are and when she sees them occurring most often.
c. Implement any pre-referral recommendations or implement the goals which are set forth by the
Committee on Special Education for a child
d. All of the above could be responsibilities of the regular education teacher
7.10 The role of the social worker is often to do which of the following?
a. Compile all of the relevant background history on a child.
b. Meet with parents to discuss family status, family dynamics, potential conflicts, and so on.
c. Run group therapy within the school.
d. All of the above may be the responsibility of the school social worker
7.11 The professional most often responsible for diagnosing intelligence, visual motor coordination, and
emotional behavior of children is the
a. School psychologist
b. Guidance counselor
c. Physical therapist
d. General education teacher
7.12 A person under the age of 18 years of age who has been given certain adult rights by the court is an
emancipated minor:
a. True
b. False
7.13 All of the following symptoms might suggest the recommendation for an academic evaluation
a. Consistently low test scores on group achievement tests
b. Indications of delayed processing when faced with academic skills
c. Labored handwriting after grade 3
d. Excellent word recall
7.14. All of the following symptoms might suggest the recommendation for a speech and language
evaluation EXCEPT:
a. Difficulty pronouncing words through grade 3
b. Immature or delayed speech patterns
c. Difficulty labeling thoughts or objects
d. Difficulty putting thoughts into words
e. All of the above would warrant a recommendation for a speech and language evaluation
7.15 All of the following symptoms might suggest the recommendation for a psychological evaluation
a. High levels of tension and anxiety exhibited in behavior
b. Aggressive behavior
c. High motivation
d. Patterns of denial
7.16 All of the following symptoms might suggest the recommendation for a psychological evaluation
a. Oppositional behavior
b. Despondency
c. Inconsistent academic performance, ranging from very low to very high
d. History of inappropriate judgment
e. Strong impulse control
7.17 An objective of a psychological assessment is to:
a. Determine the child's present overall levels of intellectual ability
b. Determine the child's present verbal intellectual ability
c. Determine the child's non-language intellectual ability
d. Explore indications of greater potential
e. All of the above
7.18 An objective of the psychological assessment is:
a. To find possible patterns involving learning style i.e. verbal comprehension, concentration
b. To ascertain possible influences of tension and anxiety on testing results
c. To determine the child’s intellectual ability to deal with present grade level academic demands
d. To explore the influence of intellectual ability as a contributing factor to a child's past and present school
difficulties i.e. limited intellectual ability found in retardation
e. All of the above
7.19 A perceptual evaluation is suggested when the team suspects discrepancies in the child’s ability to
receive and process information.
a. True
b. False
7.20 The auditory modality is:
a. The delivery of information through sound
b. The delivery of information through sight
c. The delivery of information through touching
d. The delivery of information through movement
7.21 __________ refers to whether a test measures what it is supposed to measure.
a. Validity
b. Reliability
c. Neither a nor b
d. Both a and b
7.22 __________ refers to consistency of test results.
a. Validity
b. Reliability
c. Neither a nor b
d. Both a and b
7.23 Parents have the ability to play a very important role in the assessment process.
a. True
b. False
7.24 Which of the following is an area covered in a parent intake?
a. Identifying Data and family information
b. Developmental history
c. Academic history
d. Social history
e. All of the above
7.25 Reassuring parents of confidentiality in assessment is very important part of the parent intake.
a. True
b. False
7.26 Which of the following is FALSE?
a. Parents may initiate the evaluation process by requesting that the school system evaluate their child for
the presence of a disability and the need for special education.
b. Parents must be notified by the school, and give their consent, before any initial evaluation of the child
may be conducted.
c. Parents may wish to talk with the person responsible for conducting the evaluation to find out what the
evaluation will involve.
d. All of the above are true
7.27 Which of the following is FALSE?
a. Parents may find it very useful to become informed about assessment issues in general and any specific
issues relevant to their child (e.g., assessment of minority children, use of specific tests or assessment
techniques with a specific disability).
b. Parents should advocate for a comprehensive evaluation of their child
c. Parents may not suggest specific questions they would like to see addressed through the evaluation.
d. Parents should inform the school of any accommodations the child will need
7.28 Which of the following is FALSE?
a. Parents should inform the school if they themselves need an interpreter or other accommodations during
any of their discussions with the school.
b. Parents may prepare their child for the evaluation process, explaining what will happen and, where
necessary, reducing the child's anxiety.
c. Parents need to share with the school their insights into the child's background (developmental, medical,
and academic) and past and present school performance.
d. Parents should avoid sharing with the school any prior school records, reports, tests, or evaluation
information available on their child
7.29 When arranging and/or conducting a parent interview:
a. Help the parent feel comfortable and at ease by setting up a receptive environment.
b. Never view parents as adversaries even if they are angry or hostile.
c. Inform parents every step of the way as to the purpose of meetings and the steps involved in the referral
d. Inform parents of the purpose of any testing that the child will undergo.
e. All of the above
7.30 When arranging and/or conducting a parent interview, which of the following is NOT true?
a. Help the parent feel comfortable and at ease by setting up a receptive environment.
b. View parents as adversaries if they are angry or hostile
c. Inform parents every step of the way as to the purpose of meetings and the steps involved in the referral
d. Inform parents of the purpose of any testing that the child will undergo.
e. All of the above
7.31 When arranging and/or conducting a parent interview, which of the following is NOT true?
a. Let parents know that if the testing reveals a significant discrepancy between ability and achievement,
then the case needs to be reviewed by the CSE
b. Reassure parents about the confidentiality of information gathered about their child
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b
7.32 Of the following rights guaranteed to parents during the evaluation phase of the assessment process,
which one is NOT true?
a. The parent should receive a notice regarding the evaluation and their due process rights.
b. The parent does not have to consent to the evaluation
c. The parent may give consent for evaluation or withhold consent, or request a conference regarding an
initial evaluation.
d. It is the parents’ guarantee that more than one evaluation should be involved in assessing their child’s
suspected disability.
7.33 Of the following rights guaranteed to parents during the evaluation phase of the assessment process,
which one is NOT true?
a. Evaluations should be administered in the child's dominant language.
b. The child will undergo a complete evaluation and a recommendation will be made within 120 school
days from the time of the parent’s consent
c. The parent will be provided a list of resources where independent evaluations can be obtained.
d. If the parents’ dominant language is other than English, all information provided to the parent must be
in the dominant language.
7.34 Of the following rights guaranteed to parents during the evaluation phase of the assessment process,
which one is NOT true?
a. The child must be observed in his or her classroom by only the classroom teacher
b. The parent should be given a description of the proposed evaluation and its intended purpose prior to
c. The parents are entitled to receive information on their child’s areas of educational need.
7.35 Confirmation of names, addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, siblings names ages and dates of
birth, parent’s occupations, other adults residing within the home, marital status of parents are covered in
the area:
a. Identifying Data and Family Information
b. Developmental History
c. Academic History
d. Social History
e. All of the above
7.36 Length of delivery, type of delivery, complications if any, approximate ages of critical stages i.e.
walking, talking, hospital stays, illnesses other than normal ones, sleeping habits, eating habits, high
fevers, last eye exam, last hearing exam, falls of injuries, traumatic experiences, medications, prior testing,
are covered in the area of:
a. Identifying Data and Family Information
b. Developmental History
c. Academic History
d. Social History
e. All of the above
7.37 Number of schools attended, types of schools attended, adjustment to kindergarten, best school years,
worse school year, best subject, worse subject, prior teacher reports, prior teacher comments, homework
behavior are covered in the area of:
a. Identifying Data and Family Information
b. Developmental History
c. Academic History
d. Social History
e. All of the above
7.38 Groups or organizations, social behavior in a group situation, hobbies, areas of interest, circle of
friends, sports activities are covered in the area of:
a. Identifying Data and Family Information
b. Developmental History
c. Academic History
d. Social History
e. All of the above

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