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Chapter 18
Multiple Choice Questions
18.1 According to IDEA, every public school district is required to have a Committee on Special
a. True
b. False
18.2 The CSE is usually made up of mandated members and assigned members whom the board of
education deems necessary. Most states require that certain professionals and individuals be core
members. These usually include all of the following EXCEPT:
a. An administrator or director of pupil personnel services or director of special education
b. School psychologist
c. Medical doctor ( does not need to be in attendance at every meeting but should be present anytime
medical issues are involved i.e. health related classifications, issues involving medication etc.)
d. The siblings of the student
e. Parent of a child with a disability residing within the district
18.3 Which of the following is a responsibility of The Committee on Special Education?
a. Following appropriate procedures and taking appropriate action for a child referred as having a
suspected disability.
b. Determining the suitable classification for a child with a suspected disability
c. Reviewing and evaluating all relevant information.
d. Determining the least restrictive educational setting for any child having been classified as having a
e. All of the above
18.4 Which of the following is a responsibility of The Committee on Special Education?
a. Reviewing, at least annually, the status of the child?
b. Evaluating the adequacy of programs, services and facilities for the child
c. Maintaining ongoing communication in writing to parents in regards to planning, modifying, changing,
reviewing, placing or evaluating the program, classification or educational plan of the child .
d. Advising the Board of Education as to the status and recommendations of the child
e. All of the above
18.5 Reviewing, at least once a year, the status of the child is called:
a. Bimodal review
b. The bimonthly review
c. The annual review
d. The triennial review
18.6 Reevaluating and testing, every three years, the status of the child is called:
a. Bimodal review
b. The bimonthly review
c. The annual review
d. The triennial review
18.7 Which of the following is filled out by the Child Study Team when the team suspects that the child
being reviewed may have an educational disability, and occurs when a child is being reviewed for special
education by the CSE for the very first time and usually involves children previously in the mainstream
who have had no prior services?
a. Initial Referral To CSE From School Staff
b. Initial Referral To CSE From Parent/Guardian
c. Parent Consent For Initial Evaluation
d. Notice to Principal of Initial CSE Referral
18.8 Which of the following is filled out if the parent makes the initial referral to the CSE for a suspected
disability which is part of the parents due process rights?
a. Initial Referral To CSE From School Staff
b. Initial Referral To CSE From Parent/Guardian
c. Parent Consent For Initial Evaluation
d. Notice to Principal of Initial CSE Referral
18.9 Which of the following must be signed and dated by a parent prior to evaluation and is part of the
parents’ due process rights?
a. Initial Referral To CSE From School Staff
b. Initial Referral To CSE From Parent/Guardian
c. Assessment Plan and Parent Consent
d. Notice to Principal of Initial CSE Referral
18.10 Which of the following will the CSE need for the Committee meeting?
a. Child's Schedule
b. Transcript Of Past Grades
c. Latest Report Card
d. Teachers’ Reports
e. All of the above
18.11 Which of the following is not a SPAM need?
a. Social
b. Physical
c. Academic
d. Measurement
18.12 If a child’s disability prevents him/her from participating in a regular mainstreamed physical
education program, then the district must provide adaptive alternatives which capitalize on the student’s
a. True
b. False
18.13 The members of the team that evaluated the child should meet with the parents to discuss the results
of the testing:
a. Before the CSE meeting
b. After the CSE meeting
c. Never
d. Only in a letter-never in person
18.14 If your role on the committee has resulted from your evaluation of the child, then you need to keep
which of the following in mind:
a. Prior to the meeting, you should meet with the parents and go over your results.
b. Make sure that you have your report complete and typed at least one week to ten days prior to the CSE
meeting. In some districts, the CSE requires that the entire packet be forwarded a week in advance.
c. Prior to the meeting, outline the important points of the report that you wish to make. Do not go through
the report at the CSE meeting looking for the issues that you feel need to be discussed. Preparation will
make you look more professional.
d. Make sure you report strengths as well as weaknesses.
e. All of the above
18.15 This placement is the least restrictive placement for all non child with a disability. This placement
alone without some type of special education supportive services is not suitable for a child with a disability
and is usually not considered suitable by the CSE.
a. Regular class placement
b. Inclusion Classroom
c. Regular class placement with resource room assistance
d. Full time special class in a regular school
e. Hospital or institution
18.16 This placement involves the maintenance of the child in a regular mainstreamed classroom assisted
by the presence of a second teacher who is certified in special education.
a. Regular class placement
b. Inclusion Classroom
c. Regular class placement with resource room assistance
d. Full time special class in a regular school
e. Hospital or institution
18.17 This placement is usually provided for students who need supportive services but can successfully
remain within the regular classroom for the majority of the day.
a. Regular class placement
b. Inclusion Classroom
c. Regular class placement with resource room assistance
d. Full time special class in a regular school
e. Hospital or institution
18.18 This placement is viewed as the LRE setting for students whose disability does not permit
successful participation in any type of regular class setting, even for part of the day. These are students
who usually require a very structured, closely monitored program on a daily basis but not so restrictive as
to warrant an out-of-district placement.
a. Regular class placement
b. Inclusion Classroom
c. Regular class placement with resource room assistance
d. Full time special class in a regular school
e. Hospital or institution
18.19 The most restrictive setting used is:
a. Regular class placement
b. Inclusion Classroom
c. Regular class placement with resource room assistance
d. Full time special class in a regular school
e. Home schooling
18.20 An impartial hearing officer may be requested to intervene when there is a difference of opinion
between the parents and the CSE.
a. True
b. False
18.21 Sometimes, a “special meeting” will be called by the parents or CSE. Which of the following could
be a reason for a “special meeting”?
a. Change in a child’s IEP
b. Change in a child’s program
c. Declassification request
d. Addition or deletion of a modification
e. All of the above
18.22 Sometimes, a “special meeting” will be called by the parents or CSE. Which of the following could
be a reason for a “special meeting”?
a. Parental request for a CSE meeting
b. Disciplinary concerns
c. New student to district previously identified as a student with a disability
d. Referral from the building administrator
e. All of the above
18.23 Annual review meetings are required for ALL students receiving special instruction and/or related
a. True
b. False
18.24 A professional attending an annual review meeting as a special educator may do which of the
a. Suggest ways to meet the child's proposed goals and objectives as specified in the IEP
b. Discuss changes or additions for the child's upcoming program and services
c. Present the areas where the child showed success and significant progress
d. Discuss high school diploma and credential options
e. All of the above
18.25 A child in special education will have a triennial review which occurs every three years to provide
current assessment information to help determine his/her continued placement in special education.
a. True
b. False

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