978-0133914689 Chapter 3 Part 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1909
subject Authors Christine L. Nemacheck, David B. Magleby, Paul C. Light

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a. charge; transact
b. create; produce
c. regulate; limit
d. tax; spend
Answer: d
Test Bank Item Title: TB_Q3.2.25
Topic: The Constitutional Structure of American Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Diferentiate the powers the
Constitution provides to national and state governments.
Page Reference: 83
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Diiculty Level: Moderate
26. Where do a majority of foreign-born residents in the United
States live?
a. in the nation’s largest cities
b. in the South
c. in the Midwest
d. in suburban areas
Topic: Deining Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Interpret the deinitions of
federalism, and assess the advantages and disadvantages of the
American system of federalism.
Page Reference: 80
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Diiculty Level: Easy
27. The federal government’s power to use any airports it needs at
any time is a direct result of the __________.
a. war power
b. supremacy clause
c. commerce clause
d. reserve power
Topic: The Constitutional Structure of American Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Diferentiate the powers the
Constitution provides to national and state governments.
Page Reference: 82
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Diiculty Level: Moderate
28. Printz v. United States dealt with what question?
a. whether states can impose taxes on the federal government
b. whether states can prohibit medical assistance in ending life
c. whether states can require schools to ask citizens for proof of
d. whether states are required to conduct background checks
for handgun sales
Topic: The Constitutional Structure of American Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Diferentiate the powers the
Constitution provides to national and state governments.
Page Reference: 86
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Diiculty Level: Moderate
29. Which type of federalism is characterized by a system of
separate but equally powerful state and national governments?
a. combined
b. cooperative
c. dual
d. progressive
Topic: Deining Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Interpret the deinitions of
federalism, and assess the advantages and disadvantages of the
American system of federalism.
Page Reference: 75
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Diiculty Level: Easy
30. One beneit of the federal system is the ability of the states to
operate as __________ for new ideas.
a. classrooms
b. courts
c. cradles
d. laboratories
Topic: Deining Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Interpret the deinitions of
federalism, and assess the advantages and disadvantages of the
American system of federalism.
Page Reference: 78
Skill Level: Analyze It
Diiculty Level: Diicult
31. Under restrictive federalism, which of the following is true?
a. The federal government is prohibited from creating unfunded
b. States are granted authority to act only when the federal
government allows it.
c. States have tight control over local governments.
d. Authority is shifted from the federal government to the states.
Topic: Deining Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Interpret the deinitions of
federalism, and assess the advantages and disadvantages of the
American system of federalism.
Page Reference: 76
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Diiculty Level: Moderate
32. Based on Supreme Court rulings in 1990 and 1997, the
responsibility to pass laws either allowing or prohibiting doctor
aid in ending life resides with __________.
a. the national government
b. states
c. local governments
d. the people
Topic: The Constitutional Structure of American Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Diferentiate the powers the
Constitution provides to national and state governments.
Page Reference: 85
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Diiculty Level: Moderate
33. The national and state governments may have their own lists of
powers, but the national government relies on four
constitutional pillars for its ultimate authority over the states. Of
the following, which is one of those four pillars?
a. the excise power
b. the commerce clause
c. the full faith and credit clause
e. the equal protection clause
Topic: The Constitutional Structure of American Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Diferentiate the powers the
Constitution provides to national and state governments.
Page Reference: 81
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Diiculty Level: Moderate
34. The preemption of state and local laws is based on which clause
of the U.S. Constitution?
a. commerce
b. due process
c. equal protection
d. supremacy
Topic: The National Courts and Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.3: Assess the role of the national
courts in deining the relationship between the national and
state governments, and evaluate the positions of decentralists
and centralists.
Page Reference: 82
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Diiculty Level: Moderate
35. The Supreme Court found most of Arizona’s immigration law to
be a violation of whose broad control over immigration?
a. states
b. the federal government
c. local government
d. the United Nations
Topic: Introduction
Page Reference: 74
Learning Objective: Introduction
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Diiculty Level: Moderate
36. Which of the following is a power delegated to the states?
a. conduct elections
b. create post oices
c. coin money
d. regulate interstate commerce
Topic: The Constitutional Structure of American Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Diferentiate the powers the
Constitution provides to national and state governments.
Page Reference: 82
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Diiculty Level: Moderate
37. Which of the following is a delegated power of the national
a. criminal law
b. contract law
c. control over money supply
d. social welfare activities
Topic: The Constitutional Structure of American Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Diferentiate the powers the
Constitution provides to national and state governments.
Page Reference: 82
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Diiculty Level: Moderate
38. The National School Lunch Program, whereby school districts
receive federal funding for more meals served to qualiied
students, is both a __________ and a ___________ grant.
a. project, formula
b. block, project
c. categorical, formula
d. categorical, block
Topic: The National Budget as a Tool of Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Analyze the budget as a tool of
federalism, and evaluate its impact on state and local
Page Reference: 92
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Diiculty Level: Diicult
39. Which of the following demonstrates the impact of the privileges
and immunities clause on state governments?
a. States may not impose unreasonable residency requirements.
b. States must enforce judicial settlements from other states.
c. States must comply with federal law when federal and state
laws conlict.
d. States must return individuals charged with crimes to the
states in which the alleged crimes occurred.
Topic: The Constitutional Structure of American Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Diferentiate the powers the
Constitution provides to national and state governments.
Page Reference: 86
Skill Level: Analyze It
Diiculty Level: Diicult
40. The No Child Left Behind Act is an example of a(n) __________.
a. block grant
b. business grant
c. programmatic request
d. unfunded mandate
Topic: The National Budget as a Tool of Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Analyze the budget as a tool of
federalism, and evaluate its impact on state and local
Page Reference: 93
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Diiculty Level: Moderate
41. The closest contemporary example of a confederation is
a. the Arab League
b. the European Union
c. Great Britain
d. China
Topic: Deining Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Interpret the deinitions of
federalism, and assess the advantages and disadvantages of the
American system of federalism.
Page Reference: 76
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Diiculty Level: Moderate
42. What impact did the Great Depression of the 1930s have on
federalism in the United States?
a. It marked the end of the era of cooperative federalism.
b. It marked the beginning of the era of dual federalism.
c. It stimulated programs that expanded the power of state
d. It stimulated national programs that expanded the powers of
the federal government.
Topic: The Politics of Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.5: Evaluate the current relationship
between the national and state governments and the future
challenges for federalism.
Page Reference: 97
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Diiculty Level: Moderate
43. Which of the following is a concurrent power?
a. control over the money supply
b. social welfare activities
c. criminal law
d. power to tax
Topic: The Constitutional Structure of American Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Diferentiate the powers the
Constitution provides to national and state governments.
Page Reference: 84
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Diiculty Level: Moderate
44. The power of both the state and federal governments to levy
taxes is an example of __________.
a. layer-cake federalism
b. marble-cake federalism
c. devolution
d. a mandate
Topic: Deining Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Interpret the deinitions of
federalism, and assess the advantages and disadvantages of the
American system of federalism.
Page Reference: 75
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Diiculty Level: Moderate
45. Most __________ grants are awarded through a competitive
application process.
a. project
b. formula
c. business
d. block
Topic: The National Budget as a Tool of Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.4: Analyze the budget as a tool of
federalism, and evaluate its impact on state and local
Page Reference: 91
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Diiculty Level: Moderate
46. When your local police and the DEA work together to shut down
illicit drug operations, they are operating under what is called
a. dual federalism
b. combined federalism
c. competitive federalism
d. cooperative federalism
Topic: Deining Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Interpret the deinitions of
federalism, and assess the advantages and disadvantages of the
American system of federalism.
Page Reference: 75
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Diiculty Level: Moderate
47. Which of the following is a power speciically denied the states
by the Constitution?
a. conducting elections
b. maintaining a militia
c. providing for public health, safety, and morals
d. regulating interstate commerce
Topic: The Constitutional Structure of American Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Diferentiate the powers the
Constitution provides to national and state governments.
Page Reference: 81
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Diiculty Level: Easy
48. An advantage of federalism is that it checks the growth of which
of the following?
a. violence
b. inequality
c. wealth
d. tyranny
Topic: Deining Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.1: Interpret the deinitions of
federalism, and assess the advantages and disadvantages of the
American system of federalism.
Page Reference: 77
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Diiculty Level: Diicult
49. Which statement best describes the decision in Gibbons v.
Ogden of 1824?
a. The federal government has the ultimate power to regulate
interstate commerce.
b. States can regulate any product that crosses state lines.
c. Congress can regulate activity that afects commerce within a
d. States can regulate any activity that afects commerce within
a state.
Topic: The Constitutional Structure of American Federalism
Learning Objective: LO 3.2: Diferentiate the powers the
Constitution provides to national and state governments.
Page Reference: 82
Skill Level: Analyze It
Diiculty Level: Diicult
50. Which of the following is a delegated power of the federal
a. policing citizens
b. coining money
c. creating banks
d. levying taxes
Topic: The Constitutional Structure of American Federalism

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