978-0133914689 Chapter 17 Part 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2309
subject Authors Christine L. Nemacheck, David B. Magleby, Paul C. Light

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Making Social Policy
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. The Affordable Care Act, colloquially known as Obamacare, deals primarily with
what policy area?
a. education
b. health care
c. welfare
d. economics
Topic: Social Policy Challenges for the Future: Health, Education, and Crime
Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Evaluate the current status of and challenges for
federal government policy in the areas of health care, education, and crime.
Page Reference: 519
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy
2. The nation’s first entitlement program was __________.
a. aid to unmarried women
b. veterans’ relief
c. food assistance to the poor
d. aid to the elderly
Topic: The Role of the Federal Government in Social Policy
Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Outline the goals of the federal government’s
social policy and the forms of protection it provides.
Page Reference: 508
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy
3. What government agency is credited with helping track down the cause of the
swine flu outbreak in 2009?
a. the National Institutes of Health
b. the Public Health Service
c. the Department of Health and Human Services
d. the Centers for Disease Control
Topic: Social Policy Challenges for the Future: Health, Education, and Crime
Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Evaluate the current status of and challenges for
federal government policy in the areas of health care, education, and crime.
Page Reference: 518
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy
4. Which of the following represents one of the major challenges facing health care
policymakers in the future?
a. containing the costs of health care
b. transitioning from a private health care system to a government-run system
c. educating the public about their rights and responsibilities under the new health
care law
d. transferring responsibility for health care policy from the federal government to
the states
Topic: Social Policy Challenges for the Future: Health, Education, and Crime
Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Evaluate the current status of and challenges for
federal government policy in the areas of health care, education, and crime.
Page Reference: 518
Skill Level: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult
5. Which of the following is a means-tested program?
a. Social Security
b. No Child Left Behind
c. Medicare
d. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
Topic: The Role of the Federal Government in Social Policy
Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Outline the goals of the federal government’s
social policy and the forms of protection it provides.
Page Reference: 508
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate
6. Created in 1935, __________ put 8.5 million Americans to work building roads,
public buildings, parks, and airports.
a. the Head Start program
b. the Works Progress Administration
c. the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act
d. the Veterans’ Assistance program
Topic: The Expansion of Social Policy in the Twentieth Century
Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Outline the evolution of social policy throughout
the twentieth century.
Page Reference: 511
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy
7. The food stamp program began during what event or period?
a. the Great Society
b. World War II
c. the Great Depression
d. the Vietnam War
Topic: The Role of the Federal Government in Social Policy
Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Outline the goals of the federal government’s
social policy and the forms of protection it provides.
Page Reference: 508
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy
8. Social Security is aimed at what group of people?
a. children
b. seniors
c. the poor
d. college students
Topic: The Expansion of Social Policy in the Twentieth Century
Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Outline the evolution of social policy throughout
the twentieth century.
Page Reference: 511
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy
9. The Social Security program was adopted during what event or period?
a. the Vietnam War
b. the Reagan administration
c. the Great Society
d. the Great Depression
Topic: The Role of the Federal Government in Social Policy
Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Outline the goals of the federal government’s
social policy and the forms of protection it provides.
Page Reference: 508
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy
10. Which of the following programs enjoys the most public support?
a. Medicaid
b. Social Security
c. No Child Left Behind
d. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Topic: The Expansion of Social Policy in the Twentieth Century
Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Outline the evolution of social policy throughout
the twentieth century.
Page Reference: 511
Skill Level: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult
11. Federal aid aimed at improving the quality of life for all citizens, such as by
fighting crime or improving schools, is usually distributed on the basis of
a. population
b. income
c. entitlement
d. need
Topic: The Role of the Federal Government in Social Policy
Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Outline the goals of the federal government’s
social policy and the forms of protection it provides.
Page Reference: 508
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy
12. Which of the following is true of the Affordable Care Act, colloquially known as
a. It creates a new government-run health insurance policy.
b. It provides universal coverage to all Americans.
c. It creates new legal protections for doctors against medical malpractice
d. It requires Americans who are not covered to buy health insurance or pay a
Topic: Social Policy Challenges for the Future: Health, Education, and Crime
Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Evaluate the current status of and challenges for
federal government policy in the areas of health care, education, and crime.
Page Reference: 520
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate
13. Which region of the United States is generally the least generous in regard to
protecting its citizens against economic hardship?
a. Northwest
b. West
c. Northeast
d. South
Topic: The Role of the Federal Government in Social Policy
Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Outline the goals of the federal government’s
social policy and the forms of protection it provides.
Page Reference: 510
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy
14. The federal government now offers __________ social safety net programs.
a. approximately 50
b. approximately 200
c. more than 500
d. more than 2,000
Topic: The Role of the Federal Government in Social Policy
Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Outline the goals of the federal government’s
social policy and the forms of protection it provides.
Page Reference: 508
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy
15. Rapid population growth in China has put a strain on the country’s social safety
net, especially in terms of citizens’ __________.
a. access to health care
b. ability to buy food
c. ability to pay for medical care
d. access to affordable housing
Topic: The Role of the Federal Government in Social Policy
Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Outline the goals of the federal government’s
social policy and the forms of protection it provides.
Page Reference: 507
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy
16. Sarah is a 27-year-old graduate student pursuing a masters degree in political
science. She has never purchased health insurance for herself and, frankly, would
prefer not to, given that she has enjoyed good health and would like to avoid
paying insurance premiums. If she chose not to purchase insurance in 2014, what
would be the likely consequence?
a. She will be fined by the federal government.
b. She will not face any consequences; there is no legal requirement for
purchasing health insurance.
c. She will receive a warning letter from the federal government. If she still does
not have insurance in one year, she could face minor criminal charges.
d. She will be fined by the state government.
Topic: Social Policy Challenges for the Future: Health, Education, and Crime
Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Evaluate the current status of and challenges for
federal government policy in the areas of health care, education, and crime.
Page Reference: 520
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Difficulty Level: Difficult
17. What are the two broad goals of social policy?
a. to raise the quality of life for all citizens and to control the costs of government
b. to create a social safety net and to raise the quality of life for all citizens
c. to create a social safety net and to protect citizens’ rights and liberties
d. to protect citizens’ rights and liberties and to control the costs of government
Topic: The Role of the Federal Government in Social Policy
Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Outline the goals of the federal government’s
social policy and the forms of protection it provides.
Page Reference: 508
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate
18. During which period were the first public assistance programs created in the
United States?
a. the late 1700s
b. the early 1800s
c. the late 1800s
d. the 1930s
Topic: The Role of the Federal Government in Social Policy
Learning Objective: LO 17.1: Outline the goals of the federal government’s
social policy and the forms of protection it provides.
Page Reference: 509
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy
19. Medicare and Medicaid were developed as part of what major expansion of social
a. the Great Society
b. the New Deal
c. the Fair Deal
d. the Race to the Top
Topic: The Expansion of Social Policy in the Twentieth Century
Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Outline the evolution of social policy throughout
the twentieth century.
Page Reference: 515
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy
20. What president called the Earned Income Tax Credit the “best anti-poverty, the
best pro-family, the best job creation measure to come out of Congress”?
a. Lyndon Johnson
b. Bill Clinton
c. Ronald Reagan
d. Richard Nixon
Topic: Introduction
Learning Objective: Introduction
Page Reference: 506
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: Easy
21. The first 100 days of the New Deal were remarkable for what reason?
a. That was the waiting period before the unemployed could obtain assistance.
b. The WPA put millions of unemployed people to work.
c. They produced the most significant list of legislation ever passed in U.S.
d. School lunch programs had to be suspended because of the war.
Topic: The Expansion of Social Policy in the Twentieth Century
Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Outline the evolution of social policy throughout
the twentieth century.
Page Reference: 511
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate
22. If the Social Security trust fund runs out, what will most likely happen?
a. The program will remain, but the federal government will raise taxes or reduce
benefit levels.
b. The program will be eliminated, as required by law.
c. There will be no change in the program; the federal government will simply
borrow more money to pay for it.
d. The program will be handed over to state governments, as required by law.
To Topic: The Expansion of Social Policy in the Twentieth Century
Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Outline the evolution of social policy throughout
the twentieth century.
Page Reference: 512
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Difficulty Level: Difficult
23. Policing crime is primarily a matter for which levels of government?
a. state and local
b. federal and state
c. districts and divisions
d. cities and townships
Topic: Social Policy Challenges for the Future: Health, Education, and Crime
Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Evaluate the current status of and challenges for
federal government policy in the areas of health care, education, and crime.
Page Reference: 523
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate
24. Which of these was an outcome of the Great Depression?
a. The federal government cut Social Security benefits because it lacked adequate
b. The federal government assumed new responsibilities for the management of
economic matters.
c. The federal government devolved responsibility for solving the economic crisis
to the states.
d. The federal government took a laissez-faire approach when dealing with
economic matters.
Topic: The Expansion of Social Policy in the Twentieth Century
Learning Objective: LO 17.2: Outline the evolution of social policy throughout
the twentieth century.
Page Reference: 510 – 511
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: Moderate
25. Why did the federal government become increasingly involved in education in the
1990s and beyond?
a. The federal government was responding to concerns about the quality of public
b. By order of the Supreme Court, the federal government was required to assist
states with improving educational performance.
c. The federal government was concerned that private schools outnumbered public
d. The federal government wanted to support strong student performance in math
and science.
Topic: Social Policy Challenges for the Future: Health, Education, and Crime
Learning Objective: LO 17.3: Evaluate the current status of and challenges for
federal government policy in the areas of health care, education, and crime.
Page Reference: 522
Skill Level: Analyze It
Difficulty Level: Difficult
26. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is charged with doing which of the
a. patrolling U.S. borders to prevent illegal immigration and entry of terrorists
b. monitoring the sale of destructive weapons and guns inside the United States
c. investigating international matters related to violations of federal criminal laws
d. gathering and reporting evidence in matters related to federal criminal laws

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