978-0133791532 Chapter 02 Part 1

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subject Pages 9
subject Words 2492
subject Authors Gary Dessler

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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 4e (Dessler)
Chapter 2 Managing Equal Opportunity and Diversity
1) Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution states, "no person shall be deprived of life, liberty,
or property, without due process of the law"?
A) First
B) Fifth
C) Tenth
D) Thirteenth
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept
2) According to the Equal Pay Act of 1963, an employer may pay workers differently for all of
the following reasons EXCEPT for ________.
A) production quantity
B) merit systems
C) seniority
D) gender
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept
3) Which legislation makes it unlawful to discriminate in pay on the basis of sex when jobs
involve equal work; require equivalent skills, effort, and responsibility; and are performed under
similar working conditions?
A) Title VII
B) Equal Pay Act of 1963
C) Executive Order 11246
D) Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept
4) Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act specifically prohibits discrimination based on all of the
following characteristics EXCEPT ________.
A) national origin
B) cultural orientation
C) color
D) religion
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept
5) Members of the EEOC are appointed by the ________.
A) U.S. Senate
B) U.S. Supreme Court
C) President of the United States
D) Vice-President of the United States
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept
6) The EEOC consists of ________ members, and each member serves a term of ________
A) 5; 3
B) 5; 5
C) 7; 4
D) 7; 6
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept
7) The EEOC was initially established to investigate complaints about ________.
A) job discrimination
B) unfair business practices
C) sexual harassment in public schools
D) accommodations for disabled workers
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept
8) Steven is a 55-year-old American male of Anglo-Saxon descent. What legislation is intended
to protect Steven from discrimination?
A) Executive Order 11375
B) Equal Pay Act of 1963
C) Executive Order 11246
D) Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Application
9) Rollins and Associates is making an extra effort to promote and hire under-represented,
protected individuals. Rollins and Associates is most likely participating in ________.
A) progressive desegregation
B) affirmative action
C) progressive action
D) permitted discrimination
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Application
10) Executive Orders 11246 and 11375 apply to which of the following employers?
A) publicly traded firms
B) federal contractors
C) small businesses
D) private employers
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept
11) The ________ requires employers with federal contracts over $2,500 to take affirmative
action in employing disabled persons.
A) Equal Pay Act of 1963
B) Vocational Rehabilitation Act
C) Age Discrimination in Employment Act
D) Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept
12) The Vocational Rehabilitation Act requires that employers ________.
A) accommodate disabled workers
B) provide training opportunities
C) perform background checks
D) promote female employees
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept
13) According to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, it is unlawful to
A) allow juries to determine age discrimination
B) fire older employees for insubordination
C) institute a minimum age for employees
D) require employees to retire at age 65
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept
14) The Pregnancy Discrimination Act treats pregnancy as a(n) ________.
A) disability
B) uncovered disease
C) unspecified condition
D) gender-specific condition
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept
15) Which of the following does NOT participate in the issuance of uniform guidelines?
B) Department of Labor
C) Better Business Bureau
D) Civil Service Commission
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept
16) Which Supreme Court case was used to define unfair discrimination in conjunction with
EEO laws?
A) Abington School District v. Schempp
B) Meritor Savings Bank FSB v. Vinson
C) Griggs v. Duke Power Company
D) Faragher v. City of Boca Raton
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept
17) In Griggs v. Duke Power Company, Griggs sued the power company because it required coal
handlers to be high-school graduates. The case was decided in favor of Griggs because
A) high-school diplomas were not related to job success as a coal handler
B) Duke Power Company intended to discriminate based on race
C) no business necessity existed for Duke Power Company
D) Griggs held a GED
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept
18) All of the following are principles established by Griggs v. Duke Power Company EXCEPT
A) burden of proof is on the employer
B) employment selection practices must be job related
C) performance standards should be unambiguous
D) discrimination does not have to be overt to be illegal
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept
19) Under the principles established by Griggs v. Duke Power Company, ________ may be used
as a defense for any existing program that has an adverse impact on members of a protected
A) gender
B) fair in form
C) affirmative action
D) business necessity
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept
20) If a person is in a protected class, he or she is protected by which of the following?
A) Department of Labor guidelines
B) Sarbanes-Oxley Act
C) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
D) Consumer Protection Act
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept
21) Which Supreme Court decision does NOT apply to cases of sexual harassment?
A) Griggs v. Duke Power Company
B) Meritor Savings v. Vinson
C) Burlington Industries v. Ellerth
D) Farragher v. City of Boca Raton
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept
22) Which court case provided details regarding how employers could validate the relationship
between screening tools and job performance?
A) West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish
B) Albemarle Paper Company v. Moody
C) Griggs v. Duke Power Company
D) Burlington Industries v. Ellerth
Chapter: 2
LO: 2.1: Summarize the basic equal employment opportunity laws and how each impacts HR
functions such as recruitment and selection.
Skill: Concept

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