978-0133506822 Chapter 10

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subject Authors Andrew J. DuBrin

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Human Relations: Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills, 12e (DuBrin)
Chapter 10 Becoming an Effective Leader
10.1 Multiple Choice Questions
1) Leadership in the workplace is mostly concerned with
A) controlling and giving orders.
B) influencing and persuading others.
C) taking care of business transactions.
D) disciplining group members.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
2) You know that you are an emergent leader when you
A) influence teammates even though you do not have a leadership title.
B) are chosen to participate in the company management training program.
C) are just getting started in your leadership career.
D) have not yet told the company about your plans to become a leader.
AACSB: Analytical thinking
3) Danielle displays leadership efficacy when she
A) helps prepare others for leadership positions.
B) tells group members they must perform better or be fired.
C) is confident of her knowledge, skills, and abilities to lead others.
D) is confident that group members work for more than money.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
4) Buck is self-confident, so he is likely to
A) regard leadership positions as unimportant.
B) have feelings of inferiority.
C) be composed under pressure.
D) have difficulties handling pressure.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
5) Assertiveness is particularly helpful to the leader when
A) attempting to point the group in the right direction.
B) practicing servant leadership.
C) practicing participative leadership.
D) engaging in independent decision making.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
6) Part of trusting group members is to
A) give up some control over them.
B) maintain tight controls over them.
C) attend company picnics with them.
D) establish detailed rules for expense accounts.
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
7) Team leader Derek shows integrity when he
A) gives five percent of his salary to charity.
B) gives all subordinates equal praise.
C) often behaves in a manner inconsistent with his values.
D) accomplishes what he said he would carry out.
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
8) Which one of the following is not particularly a characteristic of an authentic leader?
A) clearly states what he or she means
B) admits mistakes when they occur
C) shows consistency between beliefs and actions
D) discourages others from expressing an opposing view
AACSB: Application of knowledge
9) A sense of humor is particularly valuable in the workplace because it
A) is a good substitute for low wages.
B) helps defuse hostility.
C) increases tension, thus preventing workers from becoming too relaxed.
D) takes some power away from leaders.
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
10) The most effective technique for increasing self-objectivity is to
A) ask for feedback from others.
B) set objectives for self-improvement.
C) take frequent vacations.
D) adopt a relaxed, casual attitude.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
11) Amanda has high self-awareness and self-objectivity, which should help her become a(n)
________ leader.
A) autocratic
B) untrustworthy
C) phony
D) authentic
AACSB: Application of knowledge
12) Cognitive skill is particularly important for leaders when they
A) have to make decisions by themselves.
B) delegate extensively to group members.
C) must display self-confidence.
D) must smile frequently to maintain morale.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
13) According to research, superb leaders all have one trait in common:
A) exceptional spatial intelligence.
B) superb emotional intelligence.
C) a below-average tolerance for risk taking.
D) average imagination and creativity.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
14) The emotionally intelligent leader recognizes that
A) emotions have no legitimate role in the workplace.
B) emotions are for losers, facts are for winners.
C) emotions such as optimism and pessimism are contagious.
D) he or she is better off staying home on a bad day.
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
15) Leadership passion often reflects itself in the leader
A) playing video games for a diversion.
B) disciplining employees who are late for work.
C) pursuing external rewards such as stock options.
D) having a relentless drive to get work accomplished.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
16) Middle-manager Penelope has a self-sacrificing personality, so she is most likely to be more
concerned about
A) getting a big salary increase for herself than for her subordinates.
B) the welfare of group members than her own welfare.
C) working extra-long hours to attain her career goals.
D) looking for ways to maximize her employee benefits.
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
17) A distinguishing characteristic of charismatic leaders is that they
A) guide others toward great heights of achievement.
B) hug group members rather than shake their hands.
C) turn leadership responsibility over to the group.
D) are open to criticism.
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
18) A study with MBA students suggested that being given information about charisma,
combined with practice,
A) made the students too self-conscious to be charismatic.
B) helped students only with the hand-shaking aspect of charisma.
C) helped these students be perceived as more charismatic by raters.
D) resulted in the students being perceived as narcissistic.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
19) Team leader Casey can best practice participative leadership by
A) sharing authority with the group.
B) being a micromanager.
C) participating in group activities.
D) participating in companywide activities.
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
20) Research suggests that high-performing teams typically have a leader who
A) makes all the important decisions.
B) shares the leadership.
C) is so laid back he or she is barely noticed.
D) provides most of the technical expertise needed by the team.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
21) Which one of the following is the most likely to contribute to the development of teamwork?
A) avoidance of criticism within the group
B) team leader provides all input for performance evaluations
C) high performance standards
D) more than enough time to accomplish goals
AACSB: Application of knowledge
22) Which one of the following is the most likely to contribute to the development of teamwork?
A) keeping team members away from seeing the big picture
B) having the leader be the one person to dispense recognition
C) keeping performance standards low
D) holding question-and-answer sessions with the team
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
23) Barry wants to be an effective team leader. He is therefore well advised to
A) interact frequently with team members.
B) micromanage a little every day.
C) have members downplay each other's accomplishments.
D) form in-groups and out-groups.
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
24) A recommended way of developing your leadership potential is to
A) allow your leader to make a mistake.
B) help your leader lead.
C) aim for leadership breakthroughs and minimize small acts of leadership.
D) be self-confident enough to ignore feedback about your traits and behaviors.
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
25) Melody wants to develop her leadership potential, so she should probably avoid
A) becoming an integrated human being.
B) modeling effective leaders.
C) acquiring narrow experience.
D) self-developing leadership traits and behaviors.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Job Scenario, Multiple-Choice
Roberto has been a hard-working and high-performing distribution specialist for a food
distribution company. Based on his good performance and positive interpersonal skills, he is
appointed as team leader of the group that distributes food to schools and hospitals. Several
weeks into the job, Roberto notices that the team of workers is really not working much like a
team. The team members each seem to do their own job acceptably, but there is not a high level
of cooperation and coordination among them.
26) As Roberto begins his efforts to develop an effective team, a recommended starting point
would be for him to
A) develop a team mission statement.
B) create a list of punishments that will be administered if teamwork does not develop.
C) lower performance standards to give the group a little room to focus on teamwork.
D) explain to the group that since they are not yet a true team, almost all of their work will be
closely monitored.
AACSB: Reflective thinking
27) Roberto has been somewhat successful in his preliminary attempt to move the group toward
better teamwork. To help sustain the teamwork, Roberto is advised to use which approach to
A) authoritarian
B) avoidance of all charismatic traits and behaviors
C) participative or shared leadership
D) micromanagement
AACSB: Reflective thinking
10.2 True/False Questions
1) An emergent is one who is appointed after the former leader quits or is fired.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
2) Self-confidence appears to be a much more important leadership characteristic in factory
settings than in office settings.
AACSB: Reflective thinking
3) Pauline displays leadership self-efficacy when she rises to meet the challenges faced by the
AACSB: Application of knowledge
4) Pointing the index finger outward will often be interpreted as a sign of self-confidence.
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
5) Trudy has an external locus of control so she has a strong tendency to accept full
responsibility when she encounters problems.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
6) Assertiveness by the leader is particularly helpful in providing direction to the group.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
7) An increasingly large percentage of subordinates want their leader to be dishonest because the
workplace has become so competitive.
AACSB: Analytical thinking
8) A key component of integrity is to be consistent with your principles, such as a leader not
playing favorites when he or she preaches fairness in dealing with people.
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
9) Jennifer fits the definition of an authentic leader, meaning that she has the appropriate
education credentials for her position.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
10) The most effective form of humor for the leader is to poke fun at the mistakes or
shortcomings of a subordinate.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
11) Self-awareness and self-objectivity are important leadership traits because they help a leader
capitalize upon strengths and ignore weaknesses.
AACSB: Analytical thinking
12) One area of leadership responsibility requiring high cognitive skills is coming up with ideas
for cost cutting.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
13) Now that the Internet facilitates gathering information, making critical assessments has
become a relatively unimportant part of a leader's job.
AACSB: Analytical thinking
14) Research conducted in several companies suggests that emotional intelligence is essential for
being an effective leader.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
15) An emotionally intelligent leader recognizes that emotions such as optimism and pessimism
are contagious in the workplace.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
16) Leaders in hot pursuit of external rewards such as bonuses and stock options are the most
likely to be passionate about their work.
AACSB: Analytical thinking
17) Luke has a self-sacrificing personality, so he will do anything to get ahead, even if it means
sacrificing the welfare of group members.
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
18) An experiment with MBA students found that they can be taught to be more charismatic
providing they consume a lot of caffeine and memorize a bunch of jokes.
AACSB: Analytical thinking
19) According to a study with Norwegian workers, an effective team leader stands out of the way
and offers no guidance or encouragement to team members.
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
20) Shared leadership frequently involves asking the team member with expertise in a given area
to assume leadership responsibilities with respect to a task requiring that expertise.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
21) To help develop teamwork, the mission statement should be created when the team has been
together for at least a year.
AACSB: Application of knowledge
22) A plausible tactic for enhancing teamwork within a work group is for the leader to hold
question-and-answer sessions with the team.
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
23) According to the leader-exchange model, a high level of teamwork exists within the in-
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
24) Narrow experience is better than broad experience for developing leadership potential
because the potential leader becomes more focused.
AACSB: Reflective thinking
25) According to one explanation of leadership, becoming a leader is much like the process of
becoming an integrated human being.
AACSB: Application of knowledge

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