978-0073526195 Chapter 6

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1151
subject Authors Joseph Dominick

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1. The first magazines printed in America were designed as:
2. The movement to uncover wrongdoing and advocate reform of corrupt or harmful practices was called:
3. Between the two World Wars, three types of magazines evolved: the digest, the newsmagazine, and the
_________ magazine.
4. After the two World Wars, sports magazines such as Golf Digest became popular, because of:
5. Which of the following is causing magazines to struggle?
6. Which of the following strategies have publishers used to try to improve their finances?
7. Defining features of magazines include all of the following EXCEPT:
8. Time and TV Guide are examples of which type of magazine?
9. If Dell were to publish a magazine called DellTimes, which promoted Dell products, that would be an
example of a:
10. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly and Journal of Japanese Botany are examples of which
type of magazine?
11. Hemispheres, the in-flight magazine of United Airlines, is an example of a ________ magazine.
12. Supermarkets are most associated with which segment of the magazine industry?
13. A magazine's _________ department works to attract new readers while retaining current ones.
14. A magazine's _________ department is responsible for selling space in the magazine.
15. A(n) _________ is a plan or blueprint of the pages for an upcoming issue of a magazine.
16. The basic sources of magazine revenue include subscriptions, single-copy sales, advertising and:
17. A full page ad in Fortune costs about $130,000; an ad on Fortune.com costs about _________.
18. A magazine's _________ is the number of buyers guaranteed by a magazine. It is used to compute the cost
of a magazine's advertisements.
19. People who buy a magazine at a newsstand are part of the magazine's _________.
20. In terms of magazine audiences:
21. The earliest American magazines avoided highly political issues
22. Unlike newspapers during the penny press era, magazines of that time did not increase their appeal or
23. According to the textbook, Reader's Digest is the finest example of the digest, one of three major magazine
types that evolved between World War I and World War II.
24. Contemporary magazines have recovered from the tough economic times of the 1980s-1990s and are
making record profits.
25. Replica editions of magazines try to duplicate the reading experience of the paper version of the magazine.
26. Most magazine publishers include vast amounts of user-generated content on their Web sites.
27. The print version of magazines continues to bring in the bulk of money.
29. All magazines can be classified into one of 12 main content categories, including (among other categories)
newsmagazines and entertainment magazines.
30. Trade publications are also referred to as business publications or business magazines.
31. Newsletters can be big business - these highly specialized, small-circulation publications have high
subscriber fees, ranging up to $4,000 per year.
32. The magazine industry can be considered to have three main functional elements: production, distribution,
and retail.
33. Controlled circulation magazines have high subscription fees so that members of the general public can't
afford them.
34. Although it is not the only major company to do so, Mediamark Research Inc (MRI) measures print
magazine readership.
35. The typical magazine reader is less likely to belong to a religious organization than nonreaders.
36. Creating an online magazine as opposed to a print version requires additional skills and poses different
challenges. Discuss some of these challenges.
37. What is a specialized magazine that is not on the market do you think would have a readership? Who would
be the intended audience and advertisers and what would be the feature story scope?

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