978-0073523941 Test Bank Chapter 4

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 1456
subject Authors Joyce Hocker, William Wilmot

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Chapter 4 Power: The Structure of Conflict
Chapter 4
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Jake is always careful to arrive on time for work. He knows that his boss will deduct his pay
for any missed hours. Jake’s boss has what kind of power over him?
a. Interpersonal linkage
b. Resource control
c. Expertise
d. Communication skill
e. Responsibility
Hocker: Interpersonal Conflict, 10e TB-4 | 2
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2. Imagine you are looking for a new job. You know that your friend Alicia knows the vice
president of a company where you would like to work. Your text would describe Alicia’s
influence on you as which of the following?
a. Interpersonal linkage
b. Resource control
c. Expertise
d. Communication skill
e. Responsibility
3. While preparing to teach an online course, Julie regularly seeks the assistance of Tony, the
technology support person at her university. Julie understands that Tony has vast knowledge
about the software and course management system she needs to use. Your book would
describe the “power currency” Tony has in this scenario as which of the following?
a. Interpersonal linkage
b. Resource control
c. Expertise
d. Communication skill
e. Responsibility
4. Which of the following is not an example of denying the use of power?
a. Denying that you communicated anything
b. Denying that you remember what was communicated
c. Denying that the other person communicated anything
d. Denying that you meant what you said
e. Denying the situation in which the use of power was communicated
5. Latisha appreciates the fact that she has been trained in the art of public speaking because she
finds that in many situations she can employ her _____ as a power currency.
a. interpersonal linkages
b. resource control
c. expertise
d. communication skills
e. responsibility
Chapter 4 Power: The Structure of Conflict
6. The fundamental concept in conflict theory is:
a. power.
b. persuasion.
c. compromise.
d. collaboration.
e. relationships.
7. Which of the following is the most accurate statement about power currencies?
a. Power currencies are independent of one another.
b. Individuals generally have only one or two currencies to use.
c. Developing a repertoire of currencies can help lead to the sharing and balance of
d. Power currencies cannot be exchanged.
e. Exclusive reliance on one power currency is a good idea in most contexts.
8. Empowerment is most likely to occur when:
a. communication behaviors are ineffectively combined with excessive use of power.
b. expressions of interpersonal power are sufficient and communication behaviors are
c. communication behaviors are effective but an individual has very low interpersonal
d. expressions of interpersonal power are excessive and communication behaviors are
e. None of the answers is correct.
9. Which of the following statements is not true of competitive power?
a. Competitive power can be useful.
b. Competition can lead to collaboration.
c. All forms of power are always in a state of change.
d. Competitive power is appropriate when protecting children.
e. People with sufficient power currencies should never use them competitively.
Hocker: Interpersonal Conflict, 10e TB-4 | 4
10. When Ken’s parents died, his sister was named as the executor of their estate. She gave all of
the good furniture to her kids and left only one old dresser for Ken’s kids. Ken was furious
with his sister because of this. Even though Ken felt “low powerin this situation, he decided
to maintain his relationship with his sister and encouraged his kids not to bring up the issue
with their cousins. Ken’s decision is an example of which of the following moves Lerner
suggests that people in low-power positions adopt?
a. Speaking up and presenting a balanced picture of strengths as well as weaknesses
b. Making clear what one’s beliefs, values, and priorities are and maintaining congruent
c. Staying emotionally connected to significant others even when things get intense
d. Stating differences and allowing others to do the same
e. All of the answers are correct.
11. In order to ensure that there is a balance of power when dealing with large, impersonal
institutions through phone calls, one must avoid:
a. asking them to call back on unresolved issues.
b. identifying individuals on the phone by name.
c. being reluctant in escalating issues.
d. telling the institutions all the steps taken to get a response from them.
e. disobeying rules that seem ridiculous.
12. Which of the following is not an example of “metacommunication” used to balance power?
a. “Ok, so we have agreed that we will not bring up the issue of infidelity as we work out
this issue.”
b. “I am concerned that Sam is in a one-down position here since he has not been in the
company that long and people may not pay attention to his ideas.”
c. “You sure act like you are the most important person on the face of the planet.”
d. “When you call in your friends to testify on your behalf, I really feel like I have been
ganged up on.”
e. “If your pals Suzy and Sarah are going to be at the party, I’d like to bring one of my
other friends, too, just to make sure I have someone to talk with.”
13. Which of the following is not likely to balance the distribution of power in a conflict in favor
of a person feeling low power?
a. Validating or acknowledging the other
b. Announcing intended escalations
c. Asking the higher-power person what he or she needs
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Chapter 4 Power: The Structure of Conflict
Hocker: Interpersonal Conflict, 10e TB-4 | 5
d. Expressing optimism
e. Using you statements
Short-Answer/Essay Questions
1. What are some of the consequences of having a constant high level of power?
2. List, define, and provide examples of the RICE power currencies in interpersonal
3. Explain the importance of empowerment of low-power people by high-power people.
4. What does it mean to say that power is relational? Provide specific examples to support you
5. Hocker and Wilmot identify a “power paradox, that is, the more you struggle against
someone, the less power you will have over her/him. Make an argument in support
of/against the validity of this statement.
6. Hocker and Wilmot contend that the person least invested in an intimate relationship has the
most power. Do you agree or disagree? Explain using specific examples to support your
view. Finally, discuss the impact that imbalanced power could have on an intimate
relationship, including the ways in which they manage conflict.
7. When people feel low power, they often engage in very high-power moves. Provide some
examples of this. What advice would you give to someone in a low-power position?
8. What are some of the motivations for people to engage in cyberbullying? Provide an example
for each kind of motivation.

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