Performing Arts Travel Report Points Total Purpose This Assignment Intended Demonstrate How Relatively Simple

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 1
subject Words 381
subject Authors Andrew Shahriari, Terry E. Miller

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Travel Report
(100 points total)
Purpose: This assignment is intended to demonstrate how relatively simple, inexpensive, and
interesting world travel actually can be.
Content: Each report should minimally include the following:
Orientation: Geography, climate, population, etc. (5 points)
Brief History: Politics, economy, religion, etc. (5 points)
Cultural Customs: Language, greetings, dress, taboos, etc. (10 points)
Travel: Transportation cost and means, time of travel, lodging, visas, currency, exchange
rate, immunizations, etc. (15 points)
This project is designed to be FUN as well as educational. The focus is on the TRAVEL, not the
history, etc., so don’t overdo the opening sections. The idea is to stimulate you to pursue
Due date: To be announced.

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