Nursing Chapter 8 Homework The Typical Components Position Description Are Job

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subject Pages 8
subject Words 3396
subject Authors Anita Finkelman

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Finkelman, Leadership and Management for Nurses: Core Competencies for Quality
Care, 3rd edition.
Chapter 8: Recruitment and Retention: Meeting Staffing Requirements
Explain how the human resources department assists the healthcare organization and
employees in recruitment and retention of staff.
Suggestions and Strategies for Classroom Experience
Ask an HR staff member from a local hospital to present in class, discussing
department functions. Have each student prepare one question to ask the speaker.
Suggestions and Strategies for Clinical Experience
Ask students to explore the processes for recruiting, hiring, promotion and
Discuss why staff recruitment is important and effective methods to improve the process.
Suggestions and Strategies for Classroom Experience
Ask students to role-play the five steps of the recruitment process.
Discuss with the students the importance of recruitment and the barriers to
successful recruitment. Students should identify what might interfere with their
Suggestions and Strategies for Clinical Experience
Explore what efforts a specific healthcare organization is making to recruit
nursing staff. Do the students think these efforts are effective? Why or why not?
Explain how a position description is developed.
Suggestions and Strategies for Classroom Experience
In class, review position descriptions from different local healthcare organizations
Suggestions and Strategies for Clinical Experience
Students ask staff members their views of position descriptions; are staff members
familiar with their own position description? Are they familiar with position
descriptions of staff members they usually work with such as LPN, UAP, and
nurse manager? Do they think position descriptions are valuable?
Apply the employment process to nursing staff recruitment.
Suggestions and Strategies for Classroom Experience
Role-play job interviews. Students who are playing the role of the interviewer
should be given a position description and other job information. The position
candidate should be given the title and an ad for the position.
Suggestions and Strategies for Clinical Experience
A nurse recruiter at a clinical site might be asked to come talk with clinical
Apply critical guidelines that a nurse should consider when applying for a position.
Suggestions and Strategies for Classroom Experience
Ask students to prepare for an interview for a position they want. The steps they
Discuss with the students how they might apply the ANA Bill of Rights for
Registered Nurses to themselves.
Suggestions and Strategies for Clinical Experience
Analyze the issue of retention and impact on staff and quality care.
Suggestions and Strategies for Classroom Experience
During class, access the Internet to get current information about nursing
shortage. Share with the students the costs of losing a new RN after 6 months, 1
Suggestions and Strategies for Clinical Experience
In clinical, review a description of the clinical site’s orientation for RNs with the
Apply the performance appraisal process.
Suggestions and Strategies for Classroom Experience
Ask students to support the benefits of performance appraisal as identified in the
Suggestions and Strategies for Clinical Experience
Ask students to review the performance appraisal process for their assigned
clinical site and discuss in conference.
Examine strategies that can be used to prevent or decrease stress and incivility in the
work setting.
Suggestions and Strategies for Classroom Experience
Ask students to identify what causes them stress and how they typically cope. Is
their coping effective? This can be done as a short, written assignment or as a
Suggestions and Strategies for Clinical Experience
In clinical conference, students can identify what they observe in the clinical
Discuss staffing issues that impact care and staff retention and recruitment.
Suggestions and Strategies for Classroom Experience
After discussing reasons for the variable nursing shortage, explore with the
students the specific reasons for the nursing shortage in the local community.
Does it vary among healthcare organizations? Why might this be so? What is the
Suggestions and Strategies for Clinical Experience
Examine how staffing is planned on the unit where student is assigned for clinical.
2. HR is the department in a healthcare organization that is responsible for ensuring that
3. The Joint Commission includes the following HR standards; human resources
4. HR policies and procedures focus on employment and staffing. Effective
5. The goal of staff recruitment is to get the right person for the job to meet the mission
and goals of the organization. Nursing leaders should work with HR to identify factors
6. Recruitment is a planned and coordinated effort to ensure that competent and
7. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) healthcare professions core competencies relate to
recruitment and retention of staff. Having qualified staff that is satisfied with work
8. A position description explains the job expectations used for hiring and performance
9. There are a number of methods that can be used to develop the content of a position
description, such as interviews of staff members who hold the position and of managers,
10. The typical components of a position description are job expectations, education,
work experience and history, competencies, and required references.
11. The employment process is complex, and begins with recruitment of candidates. This
12. The next steps after identifying possible candidates are screening, interviews, and
13. Effective interviews are planned carefully, considering the position and the
14. Additional components of employment can include background checks, personnel
15. The nurse should know what type of position she desires. The applicant will want to
decide whether or not the level of work required meets the nurse’s personal needs and
16. During the interview, there should be limited sharing of personal information, and the
17. The Bill of Rights for Registered Nurses developed by the American Nurses
Association is a useful document when considering positions (see Box 9-2).
18. Negotiations about salary are important. The nurse needs to consider a self-
19. Other considerations include the type of work, workload, schedule of work, whether
20. Nurses need to be involved in recruitment of fellow nursing staff members, as they
know best what is needed in the organization from the perspective of nursing care. Word
of mouth is a critical method for getting new staff to join an organization. If nurses who
22. Retention of staff today is as importantin some cases more importantthan
recruitment. Losing staff is expensive, and decreases morale rapidly. Retention and
23. Staff plays a major role in retaining staff. How staff works together, communicates,
respects one another, and what motivates staff all need to be considered as important
24. Losing staff, whether through termination or resignation, needs to be analyzed to
25. Performance appraisal is a critical part of retention. During performance appraisal,
26. Performance appraisal also builds team cohesion, provides opportunity for feedback
and leadership, prevents discrimination problems, ensures compliance with relevant laws,
27. Objectivity is critical throughout the process. If the supervisor does not understand or
feel competent to evaluate a staff member, then that supervisor is obligated to get
28. There is an increased emphasis on competency-based performance appraisal. The
29. Types of performance appraisal interviews include probationary, annual,
ongoing/continuous, transfer, and exit.
31. Problems with employees require a variety of strategies to address them.
32. Job stress is a serious problem in all work environments, including health care. There
are many changes and frustration that staff must cope with, but they may not be doing so
34. Disruptive behavior and incivility are of concern the HCOs. Some HCOs now use
35. Examples of staffing terminology are provided in the chapter.
36. Nursing shortages have been variable due to changes in the healthcare delivery
system in the U.S. For example, economic situations may lead nurses to leave or retain
37. Legislation has been drafted to address some of the issues and reasons for the
shortage and anticipated worsening of the shortage. With the healthcare reform
BSN and Master’s Essentials: Application to Content
Chapter identifies which Essentials apply to the chapter content. This information is
primarily for the instructor, but students should understand the how these nursing
education standards apply to the chapter content and the nursing profession.
My Hospital Unit: An Evolving Case Experience
See the overview of the My Hospital Unit feature found in the front of the textbook.
Refer students to the specific My Hospital Unit scenario found in the chapter.
Applying AONE Competencies
The AONE competencies for nurse leaders are found in Appendix A. Ask students to
identify which of the AONE competencies apply to the content in the chapter.
Chapter Features: Case Study and Applying Evidence-Based Practice
The Chapter Features: Case Study and Applying Evidence-Based Practice features may
be used in both classroom and online formats. The last two slides in the PPT slides
This case is not found in the textbook. It may be used for individual or team assignments:
written assignment and classroom or online team discussions. It may also be used as an
essay question for exams.
The Chief Nursing Officer is very concerned after he reviews the annual human resources
report that indicates a downward trend in retention of nursing staff. There are a few units
that have been successful, but generally a problem exists across the nursing service
department. You know that the hospital is now competing with a new hospital that has
opened, and the schools of nursing in the area have seen a reduction in pre-licensure
applicants. The Chief Nursing Officer calls a special half-day meeting for all nursing
directors and nurse managers to discuss the problem.
1. How should the Chief Nursing Office describe the problem?
2. What data are needed for the meeting?
3. The theme is engagement rather than retention. What is the difference?
4. What are six strategies that might be used to address this problem?
5. How should the management team evaluate outcomes?

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