Networking Chapter 5 Tcpip Vulnerabilities What Does Tcpip Stand For Transmission Control Protocolinternet Protocol

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 864
subject Authors Alfred Basta, Nadine Basta, PhD CISSP CISA Mary Brown

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Chapter 5: TCP/IP Vulnerabilities
1. What does TCP/IP stand for?
2. What does TCP handle on the Internet?
3. What does IP handle on the Internet?
4. What is data encapsulation?
5. What are the layers of the TCP/IP stack?
6. What are the three flags in the IP header, and what are they for?
7. What does the Header Checksum do in the IP header?
8. What does the TCP Checksum field do in the TCP header?
9. What is the three-way handshake?
10. What is a SYN flood?
11. What is a Christmas Tree Packet?
12. What are three ways to reduce or eliminate TCP/IP vulnerabilities?
Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.
13. _______ RIP attacks take advantage of RIP, or Routing Information Protocol.
14. ______ Firewall rules should be implemented to block spoofed packets from entering the intranet
through the Internet.
15. ______ Firewalls can be software-based, on any local computer, or hardware-based, in an
appliance that sits on the network.
16. ______ The IPSec Authentication Header (AH) protocol is used to ensure that packets get to the
receiver in no time at all.
17. ______ IKE stands for the Internal Key Export protocol used to negotiate salary associations and
export keys to a new office.
18. ______ ACLs provide protection against certain types of security attacks.
19. ______ IPSec provides an ability for devices to negotiate the security algorithms and keys
required to make secure authenticated connections.
20. What changes should be done to TCP SYN and SYN/ACK to decrease vulnerabilities in

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