Networking Chapter 5 Homework Ipv4 And Ipv6 Addresses Core Idea

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 1789
subject Authors Anthony Sequeira, Michael Taylor

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Chapter 5: IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses
Core Idea
This chapter is all about IP addressing and how a host on a network can be identified as both
sender and receiver of traffic. It is also about being able to parse out the network part of the
address of a given host. Understanding these concepts will lead to being able to plan and
implement a workable IP Addressing scheme.
The focus of this topic is on the structure of IP addressing and how addresses are assigned. The
initial topic will be on binary and hexadecimal representation of decimal values. This will help in
Network+ Exam Objective for this Chapter/Lesson
x 1.4 Given a scenario, configure the appropriate IP Addressing components
Make an effort to define the following terms for the designated areas. After defining these,
calling on the students for repeat definitions as you progress through the slide deck will help
them retain the terminology.
IP Addressing:
x Classful masks
x Private IP addresses
IP Routing:
x Default gateway
x Bootstrap Protocol
x Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
x Zeroconf
IPv6 Concepts:
x Unicast
x Multicast
x Anycast
Focus Questions
x How are decimal numbers represented in binary format?
x What is the format of an IP Version 4 (IPv4) address, and what are the distinctions between
unicast, broadcast, and multicast addresses?
Part 1: Computer Network Numbering Systems slide set
Icebreaker Discussion
Choose one or both of the following:
1. What is the purpose of a logical address?
This is a discussion to get the students thinking about why a logical (Layer 3) address is
necessary when MAC addresses (Layer 2) are supposed to be unique. The basic answer is
2. How large should an address be to define a single device on any network in the world?
The real answer to this comes down to the number of domains, but it should prompt a
discussion among the students to get them thinking about how to define an addressing
Icebreaker Activity
1. What is the binary representation of the (decimal) numbers 1, 2, 4, and 9? What is the
hexadecimal representation of the numbers 10 and 11?
This should be a simple exercise provided your students have some understanding of binary
notation. You may want to prompt them with a chart of the binary numbers from 0 to 3 as
an example if they do not complete this quickly. This should also give you an idea of how
Main Activities
1. Binary and Hexadecimal Conversion
You may want to expand on this discussion, but we will focus primarily on address conversion in
this section, meaning that we only need to consider binary values up to the decimal 255. We will
also look at hexadecimal conversion briefly because MAC addresses (unlike IP addresses) tend to
use hexadecimal representation and it is easiest to cover these topics together.
To convert from decimal to binary (for values 0 through 255), you can ask a series of questions
to get the value from left to right:
1) Is the value larger than 128?
2) Is the value (or result) larger than 64?
3) Is the value (or result) larger than 32?
4) Is the value (or result) larger than 16?
5) Is the value (or result) larger than 8?
6) Is the value (or result) larger than 4?
7) Is the value (or result) larger than 2?
8) Is the value (or result) larger than 1?
i. If yes, next bit to the right is 1 and subtract 1 from the value.
ii. If no, next bit to the right is 0.
The result at the end should be 0. You can also use the following table for quick conversion once
your students are practiced at the conversion activity.
To convert from binary to decimal, you can populate the above table with 1s where necessary
and add the result wherever a 1 exists.
Binary to Hexadecimal:
Hexadecimal is best used to represent four binary digits. The easiest conversion is to use the
following chart.
Part 2: IPv4 Addressing relevant slide set
2. Classful Network Identification
x Place a Class A address on the whiteboard, such as
x Ask the class what the subnet mask should be. (
x Ask the class to identify the network number in the IP Address.
3. Subnet Notation and CIDR Conversion
Two main notations are used for subnet masks: dotted-decimal and prefix (or slash) notation.
Each of these notations is used to define the number of leading 1s in a subnet mask. For
example, the dotted-decimal notation refers to eight leading 1s in the subnet mask
(meaning that the first 8 bits are the network address and the last 24 bits are the device
Dotted-Decimal Value
Slash Value
To use this table, in a dotted-decimal notation of, the prefix notation would be
8 + 8 + 1 + 0 = /17.
Chapter 5: Network Simulator Activity
x Verify a Data Link Connection from a Computer to a Network
x Intermediate IPv4 Addressing Practice
x IPv4 Address Types and Classes
x Configuring Static Hostname Resolution on a Workstation
Part 3: IPv6 Addressing relevant slide set
Quiz Questions
You can ask the following questions either in class for a group discussion or for individual practice. If
you ask them for individual practice, review in class to make sure everyone properly understands
the content.
1. Briefly explain unicast, multicast, and broadcast messaging (in IPv4).
Unicast: Packet travels from a single source to a single destination.
2. What are the main differences between IPv4 addressing and IPv6 addressing?
The main difference that should be identified here is the increased address and packet size for
3. Convert the decimal numbers 192, 217, and 133 to binary. What are the hexadecimal
representations of these values?
This is a practice exercise for the skills that should have been reinforced throughout the lecture.
4. What are the dotted-decimal notation values for a /8 network and a /20 network? What is the
prefix notation for a dotted-decimal network?
For a /8, the dotted-decimal equivalent is For the /20, you have to do some binary
5. Briefly define (IPv4) Class A, B, C, and D networks.
Class A: Device addresses. Prefix of 1–126. Mask of /8.
Class B: Device addresses. Prefix of 128–191. Mask of /16.
Chapter 5: Network Simulator Activities
Configuring a Client Network Adapter with an IPv4 Address
IPv6 Addressing Terminology
Truncating IPv6 Addresses

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