Media Studies Introduction Introduction Remember First Communication Course Undergraduate Student Had Been Competitive Speaker High

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 9764
subject Authors Dan O'Hair, Mary Wiemann

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I remember my first communication course as an undergraduate student. I had been a
competitive speaker in high school, so I thought it would be an easy, albeit boring, course that
I would sail through. That course changed my life. In that course, which is similar to
Communication and You, I discovered the amazing world that is communication. The course
opened the door for a new way of looking at how people communicate in words and in
movements, in relationships and in organizations, and in one-on-one situations and through the
media. Never again was I able to look at how we communicate as just fispeaking,” nor was I
able to look at the study of communication as just fipublic speaking.” Through this course, you
have that same opportunity to open a door to a new way of thinking about communication for
your students—a course that can truly change the way they think about how they communicate
with and about others for the rest of their lives.
A textbook is a very important key for opening these doors. With Communication and You,
Dan O’Hair and Mary Wiemann created a textbook that is engaging and approachable by
taking complex ideas and theories and breaking down the ideas into manageable and relatable
concepts. The authors use current examples relevant to students’ lives. The students will not
only recognize these examples, they will be able to grasp and apply them to their lives (in and
Establishing a teaching philosophy is not something you often think of as being part of an
instructor’s manual. However, once you think about it, how you teach is going to structure
everything else that will happen in this course! The best way to construct a teaching
philosophy is to start with some brainstorming. Spend some time answering the following
questions. Don’t forget to follow the rules of brainstorming: write whatever comes into your
head and write everything down; even bad ideas can be springboards to good ideas!
Why did you become a teacher?
What do you like best about teaching?
What do you dread about teaching?
What do you remember most about a teacher that inspired you?
Can you describe the worst teacher you ever had?
What do you think is the most important thing to improve teaching?
What do you think is the most important thing to improve learning?
When clarifying course goals and objectives, check with your department to find out if specific
goals and/or objectives are required for this course. If not or if you are allowed to add goals,
think about what you really want the students to learn and how you will know if they have
learned it. Go through the objectives listed at the beginning of each text chapter and think
about specific aspects to focus on.
To take attendance or not take attendance? This is probably one of the most debated topics in
higher education. Regardless of where you come down on this debate, here are a few things to
think about before you make a final decision:
Does your department require attendance? For the university or at the department level,
attendance may be required for all classes or only for particular classes. Find out the rules
before you go farther.
• How many absences will you count as fifree,” if any? Is there a policy at your
school/department covering this issue?
• What counts as an excused absence? Check your university’s policy for this. If there isn’t,
what will you count as excused (if anything)? What about emergencies? Family
emergencies? Medical issues? University sports or club participation (e.g., conferences)?
What proof will you require for these excused absences? See if your school’s health
center/clinic offers notes for health-related absences before you require them of students.
If you are going to take attendance, how will you do it? If you have a large class, are
clickers available for use in taking attendance? If not, will you call roll each day? If so, you
will need to bring an attendance sheet to class every day. Factor that into your teaching time.
Will you have students sign a sheet every day? If so, designate a spot for collecting them in
your office or have a specific time when you mark attendance every day.
Participation is often a vacuous area on a syllabus. While many instructors have participation
on their syllabus as a graded item, many can’t define what is meant by participation. Here are a
few things to think about:
If you use participation as a fibuffer” for grades, tell students that! If you give points when a
student is in class most of the time and makes meaningful contributions, tell students that
Be wary of defining participation as fitalking in class.” Some students lack confidence to
speak up fion the fly” in class. Other students have cultural barriers to speaking up in class.
Grade Policies
How will you grade students? Do you grade on a straight 80%–90%–100% scale or do you
use a different scale? Do you grade on a curve or never grade on a curve? Do you round up?
If so, at what point? Do you offer extra credit? If so, how do students earn it? Be as specific
as possible so that you can point to the policy if students have questions.
Assignment Policies
While most students complete assignments correctly and on time, there are always students
who don’t. What will you do in that case? Think these issues through now (and put them on
your syllabus) rather than when they come up.
Will you take late work? For how long? What percentage (or how many points) will be
deducted? Is that deduction per day or per class day? What if the student has an excused
absence? How long do they have to make up the work?
What about speeches? Can students make up a speech that is missed? Under what
Academic Dishonesty
Most schools have a policy on academic dishonesty. Read it—and know it—before you start
class. Put it on your syllabus so that students also know the consequences of academic
dishonesty in your class and at your school.
Most academic dishonesty cases that I’ve come across involved students who did not
understand what plagiarism is. Students tend to change a few words in a paragraph and think
that they are simply summarizing the ideas (they don’t realize that even in these instances
they have to provide a citation). Take time to teach students about plagiarism, using specific
examples that they have to work through so it sticks.
• If your school uses a plagiarism detection site, use it and tell your students that you use it!
Also, let them know if the system checks against not only information on the Internet but
against other student papers that have been turned into the system (perhaps from the past
one or two semesters). This alone will help to quell any leanings toward academic
dishonesty that a student might have.
Policies for Students with Differing Abilities
Most schools have policies that cover students with differing abilities. It is important to
follow these policies, as some may have legal consequences with regard to the Americans
with Disabilities Act. If you are unsure of these policies, check with the department chair or
your school’s equity officer.
Instructor Availability
Check with your department to see if there are requirements for the number of office hours
that should be held per class hour taught. If there aren’t, it is up to you to determine your
availability. However, the hours you hold are not the only thing to consider.
What will those office hours be? Do most of your students work full time? If so, office hours
What is your department’s culture of? Do people come in at 8 A.M., leave at 5 P.M., and
work Saturday mornings? Or do they only come in for class and office hours. Your
department’s culture is likely to be a factor when setting office hours.
• Can your students call you at home? Will you give out your cell phone number? Are there
hours you will be in your office when you don’t want students to interrupt? Be clear on
these requirements so that your students can find you when they need to and you can draw
your own line between home and work or perhaps between teaching and research.
Respect for Diversity
Diversity in the classroom does not only come in the form of race/ethnicity. It can also
encompass gender, ability, sexuality, geography, and even ideas.
Don’t point to students outside the finorm” as examples of difference. For example, don’t ask a
Latino student, fiWhat do Latinos think about that?” If it’s not a question that you can turn
around (e.g., ask a white student, fiWhat do white people think about that?”), then it’s probably
not a great question to ask. Remember, diversity also encompasses ideas. Research may show
Building Community
The more you are able to build community with students, the more comfortable they will be in
their speaking performances and in discussing issues in class. Following are some ways to
build this community:
• Share your experiences when discussing concepts. Instructors who open up to their classes
are more likely to have classes that open up, which will help build community.
• Have discussions. Don’t do all the talking—invite student participation whenever/wherever
possible. Students who feel their voices are valued are more likely to open up to you and
Disrespectful Students
Disrespectful students can be a challenge that no instructor wants to face, but most eventually
will. There are a number of ways instructors can approach those who are being disrespectful:
Address the problem early. If a student is borderline disrespectful once, consider waiting
until a second offense to address the problem; otherwise, address it immediately.
During class, diffuse the problem by shifting the focus away from the offending student.
Ask another student his or her opinion or end the discussion and present a lecture, possibly
using an example that might counter what the student has said.
If possible, address the student away from the rest of the class. For example, ask the student
to stay after class and talk with you for a moment or, if necessary, ask the student to make
Students and Personal Information
What if one of your students asks to see you after class and reveals that she/he is being abused
by someone in a relationship? Or she/he has depression and is on medication? Or she/he is on
the verge of a mental breakdown? What do you do? These scenarios are becoming more and
more common on college campuses; it is rare for me to go through a semester without facing
an issue similar to one of these. How can you address issues like these?
Before a situation like this occurs, know what services are offered on campus, such as health
services and counseling. Know their policies, the contact information, and how each group
prefers to work with students.
Be empathetic, then refer. The student is placing deep trust in you by revealing these issues.
Empathize with them, acknowledge their feelings and their experiences, then refer them so
he or she can receive more assistance. Students often resist because they feel as if they are
the only ones going through the issues they are going through. Assure them this is not the
case that; let them know that many students go through life and mental health issues that
interfere with their academics.
Don’t promise confidentiality! If a student asks to speak with you in confidence, do not
agree. Legally, you may be required to break that confidence, which will break the student’s
trust in you. Tell the student that you are happy to discuss the issue but that you cannot
promise confidentiality.
Don’t get involved in the drama. If a student comes to you because the issues she/he is
experiencing are affecting academics, make necessary adjustments (with guidance from
Establishing Authority
It can be difficult to establish authority in the classroom, especially if you look the same age
(or younger) than most of the students in the classroom. However, there are some tested things
you can do to establish authority:
Dress the part. If you appear young compared to your students, dress more professionally.
Students are more likely to take you seriously as a professional if you are dressed the part.
Use professional language. The more slang you use, the younger you appear. By using
professional language, you can establish authority in the classroom. A special note to those
who do not appear young in comparison to your students: using current slang (other than as
an example) will generally not make you look younger—it generally makes you look odd.
Pull rank. Don’t be afraid to list your academic credentials, especially at the beginning of a
term. If it is the culture of your department, use your title and reinforce this by having
students call you by your professional title, or at least Mr. or Ms.
Don’t take yourself too seriously. It’s a fine line between establishing authority and being
just plain stuffy. While it is important to establish authority in the classroom, do your best to
ensure that this authority does not become a wall as you try to create a good classroom
Communication Anxiety
People often ask if I enjoy teaching first-year students. Sometimes I have to laugh because in
my intro-level courses, I often have just as many upper class students as beginning students.
This is often due to communication anxiety, especially when it comes to public speaking. Here
are some ways to help students combat this issue:
Create a good classroom climate. This goes farther than anything else in helping to alleviate
communication anxiety. Students are much less worried about speaking while in a climate
they trust than they are in one where they don’t feel comfortable or included.
Encourage students to practice often and with each other. The more students practice,
especially with others, the less likely they are to experience communication anxiety.
Ease them into it! As you can tell from the attached rubrics, the grade I give a student varies
depending on the speech. I like starting with an introductory speech early in the semester
For those of you who are new to teaching—welcome to a wonderful profession! I hope you
enjoy your stay and that you are able to find the fulfillment I have enjoyed in this adventure of
teaching! That being said, here are some great things you can do on the first day of class to
make this a great beginning:
Give yourself time! I know—you look at the textbook and think: there is no way I can fit all
this in. Before worrying about the time needed to present all the information in the textbook,
take time on the first day of class to get to know your students.
Introduce yourself. Really, introduce yourself—not just your name. Why are you here?
Where did you come from? What is a quirky, fun thing that people may not know about
you? Taking the time to show the class you are a real person is a great way to start building
a positive climate.
Tell students what the class will be like—go over the syllabus and talk about the
expectations you have for the them. Tell them how to address you (if you don’t, you will be
known as fiexcuse me I have a question” for the entire term) and how not to address you. I
Class discussion is always an uncertain time for instructors. Will class discussion happen or
will you be talking to yourself? Will class discussion be productive? Or go out of control?
Here are some ways to promote class discussion without the class going off on unintended
Prepare! This is the number one thing you can do to promote good discussion. Take time to
search online and through newspapers, magazines, and similar sources to find issues that
relate to your topic. Create a file folder by topic (you can use them for multiple courses
covering similar topics) that holds your ideas for movies, videos, articles, and the like on
that topic. You will always be prepared, even if you don’t have much time to prepare!
• Ask open-ended questions. Don’t ask a question that requires only a yes or no answer—at
best, you will get exactly that. On the other hand, don’t ask a question that is so open ended
that the students have no direction. A question such as, fiWhat did you think of the reading?”
will elicit a guaranteed lack of eye contact as well as lack of discussion.
A great way to start discussion is with an example or a case study. Not necessarily a true
case study (though those can also be beneficial) but an example of someone (preferably
some of the students) engaging in the concept you wish to study. For example, when talking
about nonverbal communication, you could ask students if they have ever encountered
someone sitting too close to them in a public place. Odds are good that more than one
While many people believe that instructors have all the time in the world, get summers off,
work only a few hours a week, you and I know better. Because the typical 9–5 structure does
not exist in academics, time is often harder to manage because everyone assumes you fihave
time” for what they need. Here are some ways to manage your time:
Set a schedule. When will you be on campus? When will you be at home? Will you be
working at home? Stick to the schedule you set (for both places if need be) as much as
possible. Pay attention to your department culture when you do this: how often do others
expect you to be on campus? Once you create your schedule, make it sacred.
Partition your schedule. One of the best pieces of advice I ever received was to divvy up my
time based on what the expectations were in my department. What percentage of my time is
supposed to be devoted to teaching? To service? To research? Once you have that formula
(ask around; your department chair will likely know), divvy up your time accordingly. How
much time do you plan to spend working each week? If 80 percent of that time is devoted to
• Save time for you! Exercise, get enough, sleep and eat healthy foods. It may be difficult to
make time to go to the gym when you have 64 papers screaming at you (metaphorically, I
hope), but do it. You will be glad you did. Your students can wait an extra day or two for
their grades if need be. If you grade them while you are cranky because you missed a
workout, students may still end up with their worse grades.
Give your students limits. Does a student want to meet with you right now? If you deem that
it is not an emergency (and it isn’t office hours), have him/her make an appointment. Do
they expect you to answer their emergency e-mail IMMEDIATELY? Tell students at the
beginning of the semester that you will not check e-mail after 5:00 P.M. (that may not be
true, but at least they won’t expect an immediate answer!). If you allow students to turn in
Below is an example of a syllabus with some italicized fiKeep in Mind” notes about how you
might want to structure your own syllabus follows. This sample is very detailed and includes
many elements. As times change, more (or fewer) elements may need to be added. For
example, if a student is fiSkyped” into class by another student, does that count as an absence?
It isn’t a common occurrence yet, but it might be in the future. Better to think about it now
rather than later. Also, check with your department to see if there are standard syllabi you
should be using or if there are standard parts of the syllabus that should remain the same across
courses and/or sections (e.g., attendance, office hours).
Introduction to Communication COMM 100
Section #11, Fall 2013
TuTh, 9:30–10:45 A.M., Room B19
Instructor: Micaela Rivera
Office: Room 229 Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 1:00–2:30 P.M.*
Office Phone: (555) 123-4567 Wed. 2:00–4:00 P.M.*
Cell Phone: (555) 890-1234* *Other times available
*Please do not call after 9:00 P.M. by appointment.
or before 8:00 A.M. E-mail:
-- Please note, the most effective way to reach me is through e-mail. --
Keep in Mind
Always start with the title of the course and the course number.
The section number is handy if you are teaching multiple sections of a course.
Also, include the time, date, and room where the class is held.
WHAT’S ALL THIS? This document was created to help you understand what is
expected of you—and what you should expect of me—this semester. It will help you
understand what we will be doing in class, what the course learning objectives are, what
behaviors are acceptable or unacceptable in our classroom, how to format your
assignments, when things are due, and much more. Think of it as a contract, a binding
agreement between the two of us that will guide us in our actions as we tackle the riddles
of human communication. Please take the time to read through the information carefully;
your participation in this class is contingent upon accepting the guidelines contained in
this syllabus.
Keep in Mind
This may be the first college course some of your students take. If so, it’s a good
idea to tell them the function of a syllabus.
WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO? In this class we are going to work at becoming
better communicators, meaning the content we cover goes beyond teaching you how to
Demonstrate the skills of speech composition and delivery
Demonstrate the ability to work in groups
Apply computer technology in research and the production of visual aids
Evaluate the effectiveness of public communication
Apply communication principles and theories in an international context
Keep in Mind
WHAT’S THE CLASS LIKE? This course may be different from what you are
accustomed to. I am an advocate of active learning, which means you are in control of
what you get out of this class! No one else can decide what goes into your head. There’s
not a fimagic tank” in your brain that I can pour knowledge into. Expect a class with lots
of discussion, in-class activities, collaborative learning groups, peer-teaching sessions,
self and peer evaluations, written assignments, speeches, examinations, and possibly an
occasional standard lecture. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns
you may have.
Keep in Mind
Give students an idea of your teaching style. Help them to understand how class
is generally going to function.
WHAT DO I HAVE TO READ? The following text will be used in class, Bring it to
class every day unless I let you know otherwise. Please be aware that this course requires
a lot of reading. We are going to cover loads of information in a very short amount of
time, so be prepared to keep up! If you have any problems obtaining the book, please let
me know.
Required text:
O’Hair, D. and Wiemann, M. L. (2014). Communication and You. New York, NY:
Bedford/St. Martins.
Keep in Mind
Include the text(s) you will be using! If you will be using supplementary
materials, include those here as well.
WHAT ELSE DO I NEED? In addition to your textbook and basic class materials
(something with which to take notes, for example), you’ll need at least one two-pocket
folder (a variety are available at the bookstore) to put all of your speech materials in on
speaking days.
* * * * * * Please obtain your folder before your self-introduction speech! * * * * * *
Keep in Mind
HOW DO I EARN MY GRADE? Over the course of the semester, you will have a
variety of course work and speeches to prepare and deliver. A summary of the major
assignments and their point values are given below. Grades will be available on the
course Web site after assignments have been turned in and graded.
Telling a Story (2–3 minutes)
ƒ Speech ______/ 20 points
ƒ Script ______/ 10 points
Self-Introduction Speech (2–3 minutes)
ƒ Speech ______/ 30 points
ƒ Speech Packet ______/ 10 points
ƒ Self-Critique Blog ______/ 15 points
ƒ Speech Group Blog Comments ______/ 5 points
Demonstration Speech (3–5 minutes)
ƒ Speech ______/ 50 points
ƒ Speech Packet ______/ 20 points
Group Informative Speech (15–17 minutes)
ƒ Speech ______/ 75 points
ƒ Speech Group Peer Grade ______/ 25 points
ƒ Speech Packet ______/ 25 points
Persuasive Speech (5–7 minutes)
ƒ Speech ______/ 100 points
ƒ Speech Packet ______/ 25 points
ƒ Self-Critique Blog ______/ 15 points
ƒ Speech Group Blog Comments ______/ 5 points
Quizzes (12 @ 10 points each) ______/ 120 points
• Exams
ƒ Midterm Exam ______/ 150 points
ƒ Final Exam ______/ 150 points
Total ______/ 850 points
Keep in Mind
Tell students how much each assignment is worth. If you lay it out in this format,
students can use their syllabus to keep track of their grades throughout the
HOW DO I EARN EXTRA CREDIT? Extra credit is available. More information will
be provided when opportunities are made available. You can earn no more than 40 points
total in extra credit.
Keep in Mind
HOW IS MY FINAL GRADE DETERMINED? Final grades are calculated based on
the total number of points earned during the semester compared to the number of points
available. Points are converted to percentages as follows.
Grade A A– B+ B B– C+ C C– D+ D F
Start % 94 90 87.5 82.5 80 77.5 72.5 70 67.5 60 0
Keep in Mind
Tell students exactly how you calculate their grade. For example, do you use 90%
or 93% as an fiA”? Let them know upfront in order to eliminate problems later.
HOW DO I EARN AN fiA”? I set high expectations for each of you because I believe
every student is capable of earning an fiA.” I will make a sincere effort to make sure that
you know how to successfully meet the objectives set for each assignment in order to do
well. Expect a packet of information to be handed out with each assignment description;
is a key to success in this course. Many of our classroom activities cannot be duplicated
or made up. Please be aware that I will be taking attendance every day, even on Fridays
and before breaks, so plan on being in class.
Keep in Mind
Do you take attendance? Does it count for points? Let students know ahead of
The department has laid down specific requirements for attendance in this course and I
will rigorously adhere to those guidelines. You are allowed two absences during the
course of the semester to allow for unexpected emergencies, illnesses, doctor’s
Please use your two days wisely; using the fifreebies” up at the beginning of the semester
will mean lost points for you if you get sick near the end and miss more class. If you are
absent for more than two classes (including online class, more on that in a bit), you will
lose 50 points from your attendance grade for each additional absence. For example,
missing a total of three days would mean you lose 50 points, while missing four days
would mean you lose 100 points. Excessive absences will quickly reduce your grade!
If you’re not in the classroom by the time I call your name for attendance, you’re tardy.
Finally, you definitely need to be in class on days an assignment is due, when you are
scheduled to give a speech, and on exam days. I may or may not choose to accept late
papers; if accepted, a late paper will receive up to a 50% point deduction. Scheduling
make-up speeches is next to impossible, especially when you take into consideration that
I allow you flexibility in choosing your speech dates. So make-up speeches are seldom
allowed. If I choose to allow you to schedule a make-up speech, it is also subject up to a
50% point deduction.
Keep in Mind
What is your policy for late work? What about late speeches?
WHAT IS A WEB-ENHANCED COURSE? A Web-enhanced course uses both in-
class and online content. We’re going to use a course Web page and other online
resources quite often this semester, not only for turning in assignments and posting grades
but also for various activities, discussions, and other content related to our class. I’ll use
our class page to post announcements, assignments, extra credit, reminders, and other
items on a regular basis, so make sure to check our class Web page frequently! You’re
expected to have Internet access and to be moderately comfortable with
downloading/uploading files in order to succeed in this class. If you need help with
Keep in Mind
Consider using this section if you will have a face-to-face class while using a
course Web page (such as Desire2Learn or Blackboard) or if you will have a
hybrid course. It lets students know they are responsible for checking the Web
page and for going to class.
Let students know what skills they need to succeed in the class before class starts.
Do they need to be able to create a video? Upload a video? Create a Web page?
A blog?
Let students know how often you will be using Web content. Will it only be a
bulletin board with content and grades? Or will you be using it more
If you have any online classes, tell students what counts as an absence (if you
take attendance).
posted in the Web page drop box (or, in the case of your blogs, online at your site) before
the designated due date. Electronic submissions to the drop boxes should be Microsoft
Word documents (.doc or .docx) or .pdf files. No other file types will be accepted, and I
Keep in Mind
If you are accepting assignments via an online site, tell students what formats you
can and cannot accept!
Tell students which citation formats you accept for their assignments.
Plagiarism is a serious offense that carries severe penalties. At a minimum, it will result
in failure for an assignment/unit or for the course. At a maximum, it could result in
expulsion from the university. Our Web drop boxes have plagiarism-detection software
installed to catch anyone who tries to use someone else’s work. If you have questions
about an assignment, feel free to contact me to set up a time to meet and work through
your questions. If you need additional assistance with anything writing related or if you
just want to make sure your written assignments are top quality, please contact the
Keep in Mind
Check your school’s faculty and/or student handbook for policies on plagiarism.
Make yourself aware of any university, district, or system policies before you
need them.
HOW WILL YOU CONTACT ME? Occasionally I will e-mail assignments, notices,
reminders, and other material to you. You are responsible for checking your university
e-mail account on a regular basis. If you have any questions, please feel free to see me.
Keep in Mind
Let students know the best way to contact you. Is it at home or at work? On the
office phone, cell phone, or e-mail? Letting them know ahead of time will save
you from correcting them later!
HOW SHOULD I BEHAVE IN CLASS? The content of this course is intended to
challenge your views, attitudes, and beliefs and to encourage you to express yourself. You
may not agree with everything we discuss in class, but remember that having a different
viewpoint does not mean you are right and the other person is wrong. Sometimes beliefs
are just different.
Keep in Mind
It is important to let students know what appropriate behavior is in the
classroom. While you may think it is common sense, not all students see it that
way. Spelling it out can make sure everyone is on the same page.
WHAT IF I HAVE A RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY? University policy requires faculty to
make every reasonable effort to allow students to observe their religious holidays without
any academic penalty. So, if you know you are going to be absent due to a religious
holiday, it is up to you to inform me at the beginning of the semester of the dates you will
be gone. Please note: Missing a class due to a religious holiday does not excuse you from
the responsibility of turning in an assignment or taking an exam. Instead, we will work
out a plan for an alternative opportunity for you to submit your work.
Keep in Mind
Know your school’s policies on religious holidays and university-sponsored
activities. Because these may be deemed excused absences, it is important that
you tell students how to handle these situations to save yourself the frustration of
being caught off-guard.
students with disabilities into its educational programs, activities, residential halls, and
everything else it offers. Those who will need academic adjustments or accommodations
for a disability should contact the Disability Services Office (Room 105; 123-456-7890).
Decisions to allow adjustments and accommodations are made on the basis of clinical
documentation the students provide to sufficiently indicate the nature of their situation.
Additional information is at:”
If you have specific needs for participation, please contact me at the beginning of the
semester; I am more than willing to do whatever it takes to help you succeed in this
course. Nonetheless, I am not a mind reader, so the only way I can help you is if you talk
to me.
Keep in Mind
Your school probably has a policy on disabilities. Know what that policy is and
how to best accommodate students with a disability. This includes online courses.
keep your cell phones on silent mode or off and refrain from using any phone features
(including text messaging) during class unless I say otherwise. A random burst of phone
ringing, no matter how cool your ringtone, is disruptive and disrespectful to your fellow
students and to me, and using your phone’s features distracts you from the day’s topic.
It’s especially important that you do not have your cell phone out on speech or exam
days. If I hear it or see it on one of those days, it’s mine.
I don’t mind laptops in the classroom as long as they’re being used for class-related
activities or note-taking only. Please don’t let me catch you checking Facebook, playing
Keep in Mind
What is your technology policy in the classroom? Spell it out before the semester
begins or students will assume that they may use technology in whatever way they
are most comfortable with.
ANYTHING ELSE? If you are having any problems with the class, speak up and ask
questions or see me before/after class. Making an appointment will ensure I can make
your needs and concerns a priority.
Keep in Mind
Do you have specific requirements related to attire that apply for all speeches? If
so, add them to the syllabus.
Week 1 Discussion Topic/Reading Assignments Due
• Course Overview/Introductions
Chapter 1: Communication: Essential Human Behavior
Chapter 13: Delivering Presentations
Chapter 1 Quiz*
Chapter 13 Quiz*
Week 2 Discussion Topic/Reading Assignments Due
• Explain Self-Introduction Speeches
Chapter 7 Quiz*
Week 3 Discussion Topic/Reading Assignments Due
Chapter 11: Preparing and Researching Presentations
Explain Demonstration Speeches
Chapter 11 Quiz*
Week 4 Discussion Topic/Reading Assignments Due
• Self-Introduction Speeches
Chapter 12: Organizing, Writing, and Outlining Presentations
Chapter 12 Quiz*
Week 5 Discussion Topic/Reading Assignments Due
Chapter 6: Listening
Chapter 5: Nonverbal Communication
Chapter 6 Quiz*
Chapter 5 Quiz*
Week 6 Discussion Topic/Reading Assignments Due
Chapter 14: Informative Speaking
Chapter 9: Communicating in Groups
Chapter 14 Quiz*
Chapter 9 Quiz*
Week 7 Discussion Topic/Reading Assignments Due
Chapter 10: Leadership and Decision Making in Groups
Explain Informative Group Speeches
Chapter 10 Quiz*
Week 8 Discussion Topic/Reading Assignments Due
Midterm Review
Midterm Examination—Chapters 1, 5–14
Week 9 Discussion Topic/Reading Assignments Due
• Demonstration Speeches
Chapter 15: Persuasive Speaking
Explain Persuasive Speeches
Chapter 15 Quiz*
Week 10 Discussion Topic/Reading Assignments Due
• Informative Group Speeches
Week 11 Discussion Topic/Reading Assignments Due
Chapter 2: Perceiving the Self and Others
Chapter 3: Communication and Culture
Chapter 2 Quiz*
Chapter 3 Quiz*
Week 12 Discussion Topic/Reading Assignments Due
Chapter 4: Verbal Communication Chapter 4 Quiz*
Week 13 Discussion Topic/Reading Assignments Due
• Persuasive Speeches

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