Media Studies Chapter 4 Management Objectives Mbo And Total Quality Management Tqm Are Excellent Choices Reports

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subject Authors Alan B. Albarran

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Chapter 4 Theories of Management
I. Management as a Process
A. Process describes a series of actions or events marked by change
II. Approaches to Management
A. Classical school of management
1. Scientific management
i. Scientific management presented a systematic approach to
2. Administrative management
3. Bureaucratic management
i. Weber theorized that the use of a hierarchy or bureaucracy
B. Human Relations School of Management
1. The human relations school recognized that managers and
2. The Hawthorne Studies represented an important benchmark in the
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development of management thought by recognizing employees
have social as well as physical and monetary needs
3. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs comprises five areas of needs:
4. Herzberg’s Hygiene and Motivator Factors identified two sets of
5. Theory X and Theory Y
i. Theory X emphasizes the use of control tactics, threats, and
6. The human relations school launched a significant change in
management thought as the focus moved away from production to
C. Modern Approaches to Management
2. Systems approaches to management
4. Strategic management
6. Management in the twenty-first century
III. Management and the Media Industries
A. The different approaches to management have implications and limitations
1. Assign students to report one of the specific management practices and how it is (or
can be) applied in specific electronic and digital media industries. Management by
2. Have each student interview someone he or she has worked for, or someone else with
management experience. What are the management philosophies and approaches used
by this person?
1. Theory Z was developed by
a. McGregor
2. In Maslows hierarchy of needs, the highest level of needs is
a. physiological
3. This theorist believed an organization would be most productive when it functions as
a bureaucracy.
a. McGregor
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d. Herzberg
*p. 74 e. Weber
4. Which of the following is not an approach associated with the classical school of
a. administrative management
b. scientific management
5. Which managerial theory assumed that workers lacked ambition and interest in work
and therefore emphasized control, threat, and coercion to motivate employees?
a. Management by Objectives
6. The name most closely associated with the Hawthorne Studies is
a. McGregor
7. Who contributed to the leadership of scholarship?
a. Bernard
8. Which school of management contributed to the use of detailed job descriptions?
d. systematic management
e. behavioral management
9. Management theorist Peter Drucker is associated with this popular approach to
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a. total quality management
b. bureaucratic management
*p. 79 c. management by objectives
d. situational leadership
e. Theory Z management
10. Herzbergs concepts of hygiene and motivator factors are examples of this school of
d. the administrative school of management
e. the Japanese school of management
11. Leadership and management are very different, according to this theorist:
d. Taylor
e. none of the above
12. The Resource Dependence perspective is attributed to:
a. Bennis
13. Which of the following does not belong to the classical school of management?
a. scientific management
b. administrative management
14. Which of the following management approach argues that workers would be more
productive if they receive higher wages?
d. Theory X and Theory Y
e. none of the above
15. Which of the following management approach argues that managers and employees
share in the accomplishment of organizational objectives?
a. scientific management
b. administrative management
16. Human relations or behavioral theories of management often present a macro rather
than a micro perspective, focusing on the organization rather than the individual.
17. Under Theory Y, employee self-control and self-direction are more important than
direct managerial control.
18. The systems approach to management utilizes a macro perspective emphasizing the
organization rather than the individual.
19. Total quality management (TQM) is another name for management by objectives
20. Approaches to electronic and digital media management in use today are almost
exclusively those of the modern school of management.
1. Why is it appropriate to consider electronic and digital media management to be a
2. Distinguish between the factors emphasized by micro and macro approaches to
4. What is leadership? How does the concept of leadership relate to management?
5. Compare and contrast the classical school, the behavioral school, and the modern
approaches to management by discussing the following: (a) major philosophical

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