Mechanical Engineering Unit 62 Unit Review Questions Answer Keygo Back Index Why Should Furnaces Not Rest

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 3
subject Words 628
subject Authors Carter Stanfield, David Skaves

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62-1) Why should furnaces not rest directly on the ceiling joists?
62-2) How is fiber duct connected to the furnace?
62-3) How is the power wire sized for an electric furnace?
62-4) What is necessary to make a safe connection with aluminum wire?
62-5) An electric furnace has a minimum circuit ampacity rating of 50 amps. What is
the minimum current rating for the disconnect switch?
62-6) Where should the disconnect switch for the furnace be located?
62-7) How is the overcurrent protection sized for and electric furnace?
62-8) Discuss the effect of reduced voltage on electric furnace capacity.
62-9) Discuss the operational checks that should be made on a new electric furnace
62-10) Draw a connection diagram for the 24 volt controls on an electric furnace.
62-11) Why are all aspects of the power wiring circuit so important when installing
electric furnaces?
62-12) Why should the electrical service to the house be checked before installing an
electric furnace in an older house?
62-13) What can be done to remedy a furnace whose temperature rise is too high?
62-14) What is the most common size for heat strips in an electric furnace?
62-15) What is the current draw of the heat strips on a 15 kilowatt electric furnace
operating on 240 volts?
62-16) List the installation methods used to support an electric furnace.
An electric furnace can be positioned to rest on the return air box.
62-17) Is an electric furnace installation simpler than that for a gas furnace?
62-18) How are furnace clearances determined?
62-19) What is the best tool to use for bending a furnace air supply flange?
62-20) Can mastic be used on duct board plenums?

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