Mechanical Engineering Unit 35 Unit Review Questions Answer Keygo Back Index What Meant Motor Torquetorque The

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 3
subject Words 1091
subject Authors Carter Stanfield, David Skaves

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35-1) What is meant by motor torque?
35-2) What are two principal parts of a motor?
35-3) How is the speed of an inductive motor determined?
35-4) Why are capacitors rated for a higher voltage than the motor they are used
with? Capacitors are rated at a much higher than the line voltage to the system. For
35-5) What is a common application for capacitors in electric motors?
35-6) List the most common types of single phase motors.
35-7) Why would a start capacitor have a bleed resistor connected between the two
capacitor terminals?
35-8) What advantages do three phase motors have over single phase motors?
35-9) Can a shaded pole motor be electrically reversed? Why or why not?
35-10) According to Table 35-1, which types of motors develop the highest
starting torques?
35-11) What happens if there is single phasing of a three phase motor?
35-12) How did split phase motors get their name?
35-13) Can a split phase motor be operated at more than one voltage?
35-14) How may a capacitor start motor be distinguished from a split phase motor?
35-15) What type of motor is most commonly used in HVACR applications today?
Why? Permanent Split Capacitor (PSC) motors have replaced shaded pole and split
35-16) What is the function of the centrifugal switch found on split phase motors?
35-17) What is the advantage of a capacitor start capacitor run motor (CSCR) as
compared to a permanent split capacitor (PSC) motor?
35-18) What are ECM motors?
35-19) What are the principle advantages of ECM motors?
35-20) What is a VFD and what is it used for?
35-21) How does an ECM X13 motor compare to a PSC motor?
35-22) How many degrees apart are the windings of a three phase motor?

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