Mathematics Chapter 12 Homework Problem 12-23 Unit Purchase Cost Results Economic Order Quantity

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 1
subject Words 67
subject Authors Barry Render, Jr. Ralph M. Stair, Nagraj Balakrishnan

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Problem 12-23 Freq Ordering cost EOQ
Inventory EOQ Model 85 $45 1341.64
95 $46 1356.47
90 $47 1371.13
Input Data 80 $48 1385.64
Economic order quantity, Q* 1373.07 Note down the EOQ value each time.
Maximum inventory 1373.07
Number of orders 21.85
Total holding cost $1,029.81
Total ordering cost $1,029.81
Demand rate, D 30000 55 $49 1400.00

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