Mathematics Chapter 10 Homework Problem 10-47 Start End Calculations Set Manual

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 88
subject Authors Barry Render, Jr. Ralph M. Stair, Nagraj Balakrishnan

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Data Table
Calculations set to Manual. Press F9 to recalculate simulation values. Run Time
1 71.90
A 10.00 0.67 11.23 0.00 11.23 Based on 1 replication: 2 59.80
B 7.17 0.50 6.71 0.00 6.71 Project completion time = 71.90 3 69.38
D A 20.00 3.33 21.80 11.23 33.03 Based on 200 replications: 5 70.19
E C 7.00 0.33 7.24 3.56 10.80 Project completion time = 68.56 6 65.25
I F 11.17 0.50 10.90 43.06 53.96 10 71.10
JG, H 7.00 0.33 7.22 58.27 65.49 11 74.18
15 64.46
17 67.73
19 72.64
21 68.86
23 67.33
25 68.89
27 72.29
29 73.97
31 66.07
33 67.38
35 64.49
37 78.06
39 70.20
41 60.75
43 66.82
45 68.41
47 67.07
49 68.93
Problem 10-47
51 68.62
53 66.20
55 62.98
57 66.96
59 68.48
61 65.97
63 65.88
65 70.49
67 73.21
69 73.01
71 67.83
73 68.82
75 73.28
77 71.85
79 68.43
81 63.80
83 70.21
85 64.06
87 68.44
89 67.22
91 66.66
93 72.85
95 67.86
97 68.75
99 67.01
101 67.67
103 73.32
105 68.84
107 66.68
109 66.31
111 69.54
113 68.64
115 71.41
117 66.84
119 68.09
121 71.79
123 76.01
125 68.25
127 66.65
129 63.73
131 72.34
133 65.52
135 69.78
137 66.02
139 68.00
141 66.76
143 62.62
145 63.62
147 60.92
149 69.94
151 61.45
153 72.45
155 70.21
157 70.84
159 64.52
161 71.65
163 72.68
165 65.59
167 74.79
169 73.31
171 69.48
173 71.32
175 76.16
177 71.99
179 76.51
181 71.02
183 67.92
185 70.21
187 69.02
189 64.82
191 71.57
193 67.57
195 67.75
197 64.55
199 67.08

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