Mathematics Chapter 10 Homework Problem 10-43 Total Cost Per Day 130720

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 98
subject Authors Barry Render, Jr. Ralph M. Stair, Nagraj Balakrishnan

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Data Table
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mer #
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Arrival Distribution (Exponential) 1 $1,307.20
1 6.67 6.67 6.67 9.01 15.68 0.00 0 Mean (minutes) 12 2 $1,083.20
3 19.10 31.68 31.68 6.92 38.60 0.00 0 Service Time Distribution (Normal) 4 $689.60
5 0.34 55.21 62.16 6.85 69.02 6.96 1 Std dev (minutes) 3 6 $936.00
7 4.55 72.01 76.11 12.59 88.69 4.09 1 8 $971.20
9 1.23 73.74 97.99 6.99 104.99 24.25 3 Hourly labor cost $11 10 $936.00
11 0.93 77.05 113.13 10.49 123.62 36.08 4 Hourly truck cost $40 12 $1,073.60
13 19.13 98.97 130.30 3.55 133.85 31.32 4 Based on 1 replication: 14 $1,182.40
15 13.49 122.38 142.00 7.51 149.51 19.61 4 Prob system is empty 0.21 16 $1,032.00
17 21.06 151.00 156.93 6.78 163.71 5.94 1 Average number in system 3.26 18 $1,131.20
19 4.43 159.33 169.22 8.85 178.07 9.89 2 Crew cost per day $264.00 20 $1,064.00
21 4.93 165.39 189.31 8.63 197.94 23.92 3 22 $718.40
23 4.06 171.24 209.14 11.13 220.27 37.90 4 Total cost per day $1,053.97 24 $1,179.20
25 23.74 199.71 231.91 4.82 236.73 32.20 3 26 $664.00
27 16.69 225.02 246.42 8.16 254.57 21.39 3 28 $820.80
29 5.80 231.43 260.61 5.11 265.72 29.19 5 30 $1,217.60
31 11.55 252.22 278.71 7.81 286.52 26.49 4 32 $1,345.60
33 5.98 268.87 295.54 9.82 305.35 26.67 3 34 $1,188.80
35 22.57 293.32 310.26 8.32 318.58 16.94 3 36 $875.20
37 4.21 307.60 321.02 6.36 327.38 13.43 3 38 $920.00
39 3.81 320.19 338.65 5.65 344.31 18.46 3 40 $897.60
41 4.55 331.05 348.12 3.88 352.00 17.06 3 42 $1,080.00
43 25.82 371.40 371.40 9.66 381.06 0.00 0 44 $1,044.80
45 25.13 404.02 404.02 9.03 413.05 0.00 0 46 $1,192.00
47 16.99 422.36 422.36 7.05 429.40 0.00 0 48 $670.40
49 43.25 514.48 514.48 9.00 523.48 0.00 0 50 $1,070.40
51 0.62 517.69 528.87 8.36 537.23 11.18 2 52 $1,073.60
53 34.43 555.19 555.19 9.61 564.80 0.00 0 54 $1,188.80
55 0.33 559.62 573.22 12.76 585.98 13.61 2 56 $1,060.80
57 0.48 568.16 596.54 1.28 597.82 28.38 3 58 $926.40
59 1.55 572.50 603.72 3.60 607.32 31.22 5 60 $1,128.00
61 14.24 632.64 632.64 11.04 643.68 0.00 0 62 $1,307.20
Problem 10-43
63 10.99 667.77 667.88 5.29 673.17 0.11 1 64 $827.20
65 10.64 690.57 690.57 5.40 695.97 0.00 0 66 $1,518.40
67 3.56 702.27 709.09 8.27 717.36 6.82 1 68 $881.60
69 6.99 726.56 728.12 7.58 735.70 1.56 1 70 $1,044.80
71 10.51 744.85 744.85 7.89 752.74 0.00 0 72 $1,288.00
73 12.04 772.02 772.02 8.18 780.20 0.00 0 74 $1,387.20
75 41.04 839.78 839.78 12.07 851.85 0.00 0 76 $836.80
77 0.24 843.12 857.90 5.29 863.19 14.78 2 78 $1,291.20
79 0.47 844.86 873.09 17.40 890.49 28.23 4 80 $961.60
81 13.89 875.56 899.45 4.09 903.53 23.89 2 82 $907.20
83 5.01 887.19 911.18 15.50 926.68 23.99 4 84 $1,105.60
85 3.89 892.49 928.98 5.50 934.47 36.48 5 86 $926.40
87 9.55 903.39 948.35 8.44 956.79 44.96 6 88 $1,662.40
89 4.21 914.19 962.74 9.90 972.64 48.54 6 90 $1,105.60
91 9.65 937.29 980.18 12.90 993.08 42.89 5 92 $980.80
93 24.19 973.63 999.23 4.91 1004.14 25.60 3 94 $961.60
95 1.75 987.51 1015.72 3.46 1019.18 28.21 4 96 $782.40
97 9.95 1000.18 1029.45 10.63 1040.08 29.27 4 98 $1,752.00
99 31.79 1046.45 1049.38 11.80 1061.17 2.93 1 100 $1,064.00
100 5.93 1052.38 1061.17 10.02 1071.19 8.80 1 101 $744.00
102 $910.40
103 $740.80
104 $852.80
105 $936.00
116 $824.00
117 $1,246.40
118 $1,083.20
119 $827.20
120 $964.80
131 $1,003.20
132 $788.80
133 $1,025.60
134 $792.00
135 $1,227.20
146 $1,041.60
147 $993.60
148 $1,022.40
149 $808.00
150 $878.40
161 $897.60
162 $878.40
163 $1,009.60
164 $766.40
165 $849.60
176 $750.40
177 $1,131.20
178 $1,201.60
179 $1,105.60
180 $881.60
191 $900.80
192 $1,179.20
193 $1,336.00
194 $1,336.00
195 $1,355.20

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