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Data Table
(Calculations set to Manual. Press F9 to recalculate).
Unit cost $12 Run Profit
23 $196,680
24 $249,550
25 $299,560
26 $239,600
27 $239,430
28 $222,090
29 $228,500
30 $272,430
Problem 10-42
43 $228,280
44 $262,440
45 $273,370
46 $273,670
57 $259,300
58 $178,840
59 $236,960
60 $207,740
61 $120,600
72 $239,250
73 $269,560
74 $254,240
75 $148,560
76 $236,760
87 $261,520
88 $283,040
89 $290,950
90 $292,630
91 $222,820
102 $300,320
103 $295,180
104 $210,360
105 $258,030
106 $262,410
117 $263,890
118 $229,840
119 $244,400
120 $239,040
121 $225,560
132 $300,000
133 $114,080
134 $269,390
135 $258,280
136 $156,570
147 $147,730
148 $280,380
149 $178,390
150 $254,310
151 $205,680
162 $263,780
163 $263,870
164 $280,790
165 $285,930
166 $285,290
177 $270,830
178 $233,700
179 $253,940
180 $258,180
181 $259,010
192 $173,530
193 $231,990
194 $122,130
195 $282,320
196 $242,630
Scenario Summary
Current Values: 16000 18000 19000 20000
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