Mathematics Chapter 10 Homework Problem 10-41 Wait Fail between failure

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 3
subject Words 121
subject Authors Barry Render, Jr. Ralph M. Stair, Nagraj Balakrishnan

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Data Table
Calculations set to Manual. Press F9 to recalculate.
Time in
1 78.27 78.27 78.27 0.00 35.84 114.11 35.84 78.27 0.00 15.07 93.34 15.07 Daily prodn per cell (tons) 5 1 $23,155.11
6 96.52 275.01 275.01 0.00 26.01 301.02 26.01 275.01 0.00 18.45 293.46 18.45 Old maintenance procedure 6 $29,402.75
7 6.32 281.33 301.02 19.69 23.54 324.57 43.23 293.46 12.13 14.64 308.10 26.77 Mean (hrs) 21 7 $52,695.06
10 15.54 339.58 355.12 15.54 24.78 379.90 40.33 339.58 0.00 15.25 354.82 15.25 10 $21,999.28
11 26.51 366.09 379.90 13.81 18.01 397.92 31.83 366.09 0.00 11.09 377.18 11.09 New maintenance procedure 11 $35,450.26
16 41.45 474.34 474.34 0.00 19.35 493.69 19.35 474.34 0.00 12.67 487.01 12.67
Based on 1 replication: 16 $20,026.45
24 28.32 779.59 779.59 0.00 19.79 799.38 19.79 779.59 0.00 20.87 800.46 20.87 24 $36,865.89
25 1.94 781.53 799.38 17.85 15.20 814.58 33.05 800.46 18.93 14.30 814.76 33.23 Based on 200 replications: 25 $16,178.56
26 0.21 781.74 814.58 32.84 27.80 842.38 60.64 814.76 33.02 14.90 829.66 47.91 Annual downtime saving $23,959.94 26 $20,974.80
30 32.01 1016.23 1016.23 0.00 29.10 1045.33 29.10 1016.23 0.00 15.82 1032.05 15.82 30 $16,832.81
31 44.40 1060.63 1060.63 0.00 18.79 1079.42 18.79 1060.63 0.00 7.04 1067.67 7.04 31 $29,310.65
36 29.21 1157.53 1159.99 2.46 31.01 1191.00 33.47 1157.53 0.00 11.11 1168.63 11.11 36 $13,801.57
37 10.01 1167.54 1191.00 23.46 17.07 1208.06 40.53 1168.63 1.10 8.55 1177.18 9.64 37 $17,514.17
44 27.32 1335.61 1340.33 4.71 15.18 1355.51 19.90 1335.61 0.00 16.80 1352.41 16.80 44 $15,495.68
45 25.87 1361.48 1361.48 0.00 15.45 1376.92 15.45 1361.48 0.00 12.38 1373.86 12.38 45 $15,434.76
52 56.07 1531.15 1531.15 0.00 14.37 1545.52 14.37 1531.15 0.00 16.03 1547.18 16.03 52 $20,294.08
53 32.88 1564.03 1564.03 0.00 19.64 1583.66 19.64 1564.03 0.00 3.00 1567.03 3.00 53 $48,797.31
58 42.88 1735.38 1742.62 7.24 25.53 1768.15 32.77 1735.38 0.00 16.09 1751.47 16.09 58 $24,480.60
59 28.90 1764.28 1768.15 3.87 16.88 1785.03 20.75 1764.28 0.00 13.51 1777.79 13.51 59 $34,238.69
64 99.32 1979.23 1979.23 0.00 35.14 2014.37 35.14 1979.23 0.00 16.33 1995.56 16.33 64 $23,025.73
65 26.43 2005.66 2014.37 8.70 23.40 2037.76 32.10 2005.66 0.00 10.19 2015.85 10.19 65 $58,855.96
70 70.17 2180.67 2180.67 0.00 26.49 2207.17 26.49 2180.67 0.00 16.53 2197.21 16.53 70 $22,963.22
71 28.98 2209.65 2209.65 0.00 17.49 2227.14 17.49 2209.65 0.00 17.74 2227.39 17.74 71 $13,025.75
76 27.45 2351.68 2351.68 0.00 22.36 2374.04 22.36 2351.68 0.00 15.85 2367.53 15.85 76 $23,863.05
77 43.02 2394.70 2394.70 0.00 13.73 2408.43 13.73 2394.70 0.00 11.27 2405.97 11.27 77 $29,259.37
Problem 10-41
Old maintenance procedure
New maintenance procedure
86 10.73 2665.57 2693.86 28.29 28.92 2722.78 57.21 2665.84 0.27 13.15 2678.99 13.42 86 $43,781.25
87 16.24 2681.81 2722.78 40.98 18.50 2741.28 59.47 2681.81 0.00 14.29 2696.09 14.29 87 $15,892.95
94 7.35 2891.41 2920.08 28.68 17.11 2937.20 45.79 2902.01 10.60 13.95 2915.96 24.55 94 $21,594.40
95 18.65 2910.06 2937.20 27.14 13.77 2950.97 40.91 2915.96 5.90 11.48 2927.44 17.38 95 $12,701.42
100 0.70 2961.60 3037.00 75.40 31.47 3068.47 106.87 2992.34 30.74 13.34 3005.68 44.08 100 $20,069.31
101 32.09 2993.69 3068.47 74.78 21.02 3089.49 95.80 3005.68 11.99 16.16 3021.83 28.14 101 $27,284.33
106 6.15 3097.24 3161.54 64.30 16.73 3178.26 81.03 3109.95 12.71 18.47 3128.41 31.18 106 $17,111.56
107 6.58 3103.82 3178.26 74.45 16.78 3195.04 91.22 3128.41 24.60 19.98 3148.39 44.58 107 $25,985.94
112 26.07 3214.70 3266.63 51.93 28.21 3294.84 80.14 3214.70 0.00 14.82 3229.52 14.82 112 $21,323.30
113 33.72 3248.43 3294.84 46.41 19.68 3314.52 66.09 3248.43 0.00 3.62 3252.05 3.62 113 $14,865.96
118 47.18 3374.28 3397.38 23.10 31.79 3429.17 54.89 3374.28 0.00 21.17 3395.45 21.17 118 $45,520.02
119 6.90 3381.18 3429.17 47.99 21.08 3450.25 69.07 3395.45 14.27 13.74 3409.19 28.01 119 $26,275.75
124 62.10 3596.67 3596.67 0.00 20.86 3617.53 20.86 3596.67 0.00 13.87 3610.53 13.87 124 $26,010.43
125 50.94 3647.61 3647.61 0.00 25.80 3673.41 25.80 3647.61 0.00 8.55 3656.16 8.55 125 $31,465.48
130 1.44 3824.36 3846.21 21.85 25.46 3871.67 47.31 3835.42 11.06 16.35 3851.77 27.41 130 $20,219.17
131 43.57 3867.93 3871.67 3.74 26.94 3898.61 30.67 3867.93 0.00 15.06 3883.00 15.06 131 $20,832.37
138 41.58 4096.93 4096.93 0.00 16.77 4113.70 16.77 4096.93 0.00 19.56 4116.48 19.56 138 $16,120.02
139 69.66 4166.59 4166.59 0.00 15.18 4181.76 15.18 4166.59 0.00 11.89 4178.48 11.89 139 $22,322.29
144 13.55 4413.55 4453.65 40.10 18.15 4471.80 58.24 4429.66 16.11 15.69 4445.35 31.79 144 $21,815.77
145 9.01 4422.56 4471.80 49.24 22.25 4494.04 71.48 4445.35 22.79 21.19 4466.54 43.98 145 $33,161.56
152 11.18 4702.24 4720.88 18.64 20.72 4741.61 39.37 4707.48 5.24 14.38 4721.86 19.62 152 $13,275.79
153 12.86 4715.10 4741.61 26.51 26.06 4767.66 52.57 4721.86 6.76 22.76 4744.62 29.52 153 $30,075.19
158 106.73 4992.01 4992.01 0.00 28.42 5020.43 28.42 4992.01 0.00 7.33 4999.34 7.33 158 $15,832.37
159 30.40 5022.41 5022.41 0.00 13.61 5036.02 13.61 5022.41 0.00 17.12 5039.53 17.12 159 $19,997.77
162 4.12 5091.17 5113.15 21.98 23.90 5137.05 45.89 5097.59 6.43 16.62 5114.21 23.05 162 $21,381.24
163 60.45 5151.61 5151.61 0.00 22.94 5174.55 22.94 5151.61 0.00 11.34 5162.95 11.34 163 $21,269.01
170 27.50 5424.84 5424.84 0.00 25.65 5450.49 25.65 5424.84 0.00 6.77 5431.61 6.77 170 $17,446.64
171 48.92 5473.76 5473.76 0.00 5.00 5478.76 5.00 5473.76 0.00 18.85 5492.61 18.85 171 $29,248.48
176 24.86 5571.17 5607.98 36.81 25.45 5633.43 62.26 5571.17 0.00 14.93 5586.11 14.93 176 $22,762.27
177 5.28 5576.45 5633.43 56.98 13.78 5647.21 70.76 5586.11 9.65 16.07 5602.18 25.73 177 $20,584.83
186 3.31 5687.33 5798.15 110.82 12.58 5810.72 123.39 5716.66 29.33 11.66 5728.33 41.00 186 $19,440.21
187 19.82 5707.15 5810.72 103.57 20.25 5830.97 123.82 5728.33 21.18 15.86 5744.19 37.03 187 $25,883.99
194 88.39 5885.59 5944.31 58.72 17.76 5962.07 76.48 5885.59 0.00 11.70 5897.29 11.70 194 $20,410.10
195 6.25 5891.84 5962.07 70.23 15.65 5977.72 85.88 5897.29 5.45 14.97 5912.26 20.42 195 $33,553.56
200 37.17 6171.40 6171.40 0.00 28.49 6199.89 28.49 6171.40 0.00 13.44 6184.84 13.44 200 $17,879.95

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