Mathematics Chapter 10 Homework Problem 10-39 Standard deviation 20 Blowout?

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 100
subject Authors Barry Render, Jr. Ralph M. Stair, Nagraj Balakrishnan

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Problem 10-39 Data Table
Calculations set to Manual. Press F9 to recalculate.
Number of pretzels available 170 Run Profit %unsold
Cost per pretzel $0.50 1 $144.50 10.00%
10 $111.50 22.94%
Blowout? No 11 $170.00 0.00%
17 $170.00 0.00%
If Colin orders 170 pretzels 18 $170.00 0.00%
19 $170.00 0.00%
Based on 1 replication: 20 $120.50 19.41%
Profit $144.50 21 $129.50 15.88%
29 $170.00 0.00%
30 $170.00 0.00%
31 $102.50 26.47%
32 $170.00 0.00%
43 $170.00 0.00%
44 $116.00 21.18%
45 $170.00 0.00%
46 $89.00 31.76%
47 $126.50 17.06%
48 $107.00 24.71%
49 $170.00 0.00%
59 $170.00 0.00%
60 $170.00 0.00%
61 $74.00 37.65%
62 $128.00 16.47%
63 $101.00 27.06%
64 $170.00 0.00%
65 $60.50 42.94%
66 $123.50 18.24%
67 $170.00 0.00%
68 $170.00 0.00%
69 $170.00 0.00%
70 $170.00 0.00%
71 $170.00 0.00%
72 $113.00 22.35%
73 $170.00 0.00%
74 $140.00 11.76%
75 $111.50 22.94%
76 $170.00 0.00%
89 $170.00 0.00%
90 $170.00 0.00%
91 $170.00 0.00%
99 $170.00 0.00%
100 $170.00 0.00%
101 $170.00 0.00%
102 $95.00 29.41%
103 $168.50 0.59%
104 $170.00 0.00%
105 $170.00 0.00%
106 $134.00 14.12%
107 $108.50 24.12%
108 $170.00 0.00%
109 $170.00 0.00%
110 $150.50 7.65%
111 $144.50 10.00%
112 $110.00 23.53%
122 $128.00 16.47%
123 $170.00 0.00%
124 $153.50 6.47%
125 $170.00 0.00%
126 $170.00 0.00%
127 $170.00 0.00%
128 $170.00 0.00%
135 $170.00 0.00%
136 $101.00 27.06%
137 $170.00 0.00%
138 $96.50 28.82%
139 $170.00 0.00%
140 $170.00 0.00%
149 $170.00 0.00%
150 $170.00 0.00%
151 $170.00 0.00%
152 $170.00 0.00%
153 $170.00 0.00%
154 $170.00 0.00%
155 $98.00 28.24%
156 $117.50 20.59%
157 $135.50 13.53%
158 $143.00 10.59%
159 $170.00 0.00%
168 $90.50 31.18%
169 $119.00 20.00%
170 $113.00 22.35%
171 $114.50 21.76%
172 $170.00 0.00%
173 $108.50 24.12%
181 $48.50 47.65%
182 $81.50 34.71%
183 $125.00 17.65%
184 $83.00 34.12%
185 $170.00 0.00%
186 $137.00 12.94%
Scenario Summary
Current Values: 190 210

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