Mathematics Chapter 10 Homework Problem 10-38 Begin Wait for Service Customer

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 3
subject Words 70
subject Authors Barry Render, Jr. Ralph M. Stair, Nagraj Balakrishnan

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Data Table
(Calculations set to Manual. Press F9 to recalculate).
Time Between Arrival Begin Wait for Service End Time in Run Wait System Utilization
Arrivals Time Service Service Time Service System RN intvl LL Arrivals Probability 1 3.73 6.37 0.910
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 1 0.15 2 1.66 4.26 0.892
1 3 3 3 0 4 7 4 0.15 2 0.24 3 8.04 10.78 0.953
22 458 61 3 2 63 524 1.44 3.97 0.839
23 462 63 1 4 67 525 2.79 5.46 0.887
24 466 67 1 3 70 426 2.87 5.50 0.905
25 268 70 2 3 73 527 2.77 5.43 0.893
26 472 73 1 3 76 428 4.20 6.91 0.947
27 476 76 0 2 78 229 2.49 5.19 0.897
28 581 81 0 4 85 430 4.15 6.80 0.920
29 384 85 1 1 86 231 2.65 5.17 0.888
30 488 88 0 4 92 432 5.86 8.63 0.968
31 290 92 2 1 93 333 2.06 4.73 0.869
32 494 94 0 3 97 334 6.41 9.13 0.960
33 195 97 2 4 101 635 14.68 17.36 0.985
34 398 101 3 3 104 636 1.70 4.23 0.866
35 5103 104 1 4 108 537 1.79 4.33 0.861
36 1104 108 4 1 109 538 3.33 6.00 0.932
52 2147 147 0 4 151 454 1.70 4.28 0.874
53 5152 152 0 2 154 255 1.31 3.83 0.845
54 4156 156 0 4 160 456 3.85 6.60 0.912
55 2158 160 2 2 162 457 2.62 5.26 0.870
56 3161 162 1 2 164 358 2.63 5.25 0.849
57 3164 164 0 3 167 359 3.83 6.54 0.890
58 4168 168 0 3 171 360 4.05 6.63 0.909
59 5173 173 0 4 177 461 3.34 6.05 0.919
60 1174 177 3 4 181 762 1.90 4.51 0.895
61 1175 181 6 2 183 863 3.88 6.59 0.913
62 4179 183 4 4 187 864 2.78 5.55 0.898
Arrival Distribution
Problem 10-38
70 1202 204 2 1 205 372 4.14 6.64 0.877
71 5207 207 0 3 210 373 2.92 5.52 0.862
72 3210 210 0 1 211 174 8.61 11.32 0.941
73 1211 211 0 1 212 175 2.13 4.73 0.884
84 3247 247 0 4 251 486 2.40 5.13 0.891
85 5252 252 0 1 253 187 2.21 4.99 0.905
86 2254 254 0 4 258 488 2.12 4.70 0.867
87 3257 258 1 1 259 289 2.15 4.64 0.854
88 2259 259 0 2 261 290 1.14 3.76 0.836
99 4289 294 5 1 295 6101 4.40 7.14 0.956
100 2291 295 4 4 299 8102 2.78 5.40 0.863
101 2293 299 6 1 300 7103 1.72 4.29 0.860
102 4297 300 3 2 302 5104 3.16 5.79 0.895
103 4301 302 1 2 304 3105 5.07 7.73 0.892
114 1329 338 9 3 341 12 116 4.04 6.72 0.918
115 5334 341 7 4 345 11 117 4.57 7.18 0.922
116 2336 345 9 2 347 11 118 3.46 6.12 0.919
117 4340 347 7 2 349 9119 2.10 4.70 0.857
118 4344 349 5 2 351 7120 5.98 8.79 0.930
129 4373 374 1 4 378 5131 3.32 5.99 0.910
130 3376 378 2 2 380 4132 5.64 8.41 0.923
131 1377 380 3 3 383 6133 3.35 6.02 0.930
132 3380 383 3 2 385 5134 17.42 20.26 0.979
133 1381 385 4 2 387 6135 4.22 6.82 0.871
144 2416 418 2 4 422 6146 3.29 6.01 0.941
145 1417 422 5 4 426 9147 1.97 4.56 0.863
146 3420 426 6 4 430 10 148 15.39 18.14 0.967
147 2422 430 8 2 432 10 149 3.27 5.78 0.815
148 1423 432 9 2 434 11 150 1.45 3.93 0.821
159 3453 467 14 1468 15 161 2.90 5.46 0.896
160 3456 468 12 2470 14 162 3.03 5.63 0.882
161 1457 470 13 4474 17 163 1.87 4.37 0.839
162 2459 474 15 2476 17 164 2.43 5.18 0.905
163 4463 476 13 2478 15 165 2.23 4.86 0.874
174 4496 507 11 2509 13 176 2.23 4.92 0.895
175 1497 509 12 2511 14 177 10.05 12.73 0.962
176 3500 511 11 2513 13 178 1.43 4.03 0.847
177 5505 513 8 2 515 10 179 2.07 4.68 0.842
178 4509 515 6 4 519 10 180 2.26 4.86 0.904
189 4543 543 0 2 545 2191 4.47 7.10 0.895
190 1544 545 1 2 547 3192 2.25 4.90 0.883
191 3547 547 0 3 550 3193 4.38 7.11 0.950
192 3550 550 0 3 553 3194 2.06 4.62 0.868
193 2552 553 1 2 555 3195 1.87 4.26 0.837

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