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Data Table
Calculations set to Manual. Press F9 to recalculate.
House Home? Donate? Type? $15? $25? $35? Other $ Run Total
19 Yes Decline N/A $0 $0 $0 $0 19 $205
20 Yes Decline N/A $0 $0 $0 $0 20 $205
21 No N/A N/A $0 $0 $0 $0 21 $85
22 Yes Decline N/A $0 $0 $0 $0 22 $260
23 Yes Decline N/A $0 $0 $0 $0 23 $242
24 Yes Decline N/A $0 $0 $0 $0 24 $180
25 Yes Decline N/A $0 $0 $0 $0 25 $210
26 Yes Donate $15 $15 $0 $0 $0 26 $287
38 $273
39 $195
40 $220
41 $303
42 $165
43 $285
44 $226
45 $247
46 $271
Type of Donor
Problem 10-37
55 $181
56 $254
57 $260
68 $285
69 $150
70 $187
71 $80
72 $310
73 $195
74 $155
75 $161
76 $270
77 $285
78 $299
79 $394
80 $245
81 $275
82 $255
83 $195
84 $268
85 $213
86 $135
87 $327
88 $265
97 $246
98 $136
99 $190
100 $217
101 $235
102 $285
103 $156
104 $288
105 $205
106 $265
107 $138
108 $317
109 $288
110 $265
111 $147
112 $255
113 $195
114 $181
115 $313
116 $164
117 $341
129 $250
130 $328
131 $159
132 $286
133 $241
134 $115
135 $280
136 $362
137 $237
138 $135
139 $304
140 $195
141 $250
142 $225
143 $227
144 $324
145 $145
146 $262
147 $90
148 $150
149 $319
150 $234
151 $205
152 $155
168 $170
169 $286
170 $190
171 $147
172 $288
173 $230
174 $277
175 $272
176 $270
190 $195
191 $285
192 $280
193 $240
194 $225
195 $190
196 $236
197 $304
198 $250
199 $328
200 $70
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