Marketing Appendix C Homework Tips For Preparing Electronic Rsum 12 Strengths

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 2597
subject Authors David L. Kurtz, Louis E. Boone

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Online Appendix - Your Career in Marketing 615
As a consumer, you already know marketing is a pervasive element in our lives. In one form or another, it
reaches every person. This course informed you about the different types of marketing messages,
showed you how they are created, and helped you understand the impact they have.
Online Appendix: Your Career in Marketing
Key Terms: chronological résumé, functional résumé, combined résumé, open-ended interview
PowerPoint Basic: 1-14
PowerPoint Expanded: 1-30
1. Marketing costs are a big component of a product’s total budget
a. Approximately 50 percent of the total costs of products are
2. Marketers contribute to society as well as to individual employers
a. Marketing decisions affect everyone’s welfare
b. Ethics and social responsibility are critical factors in creating long-
term relationships with consumers, business customers, and the
3. You may choose a career in marketing
a. Of the many career paths chosen by business graduates, marketing
4. Your quest for a successful, rewarding career
a. Contemporary Marketing discusses the best ways to approach
career decisions and to prepare for an entry-level positionyour first
5. Assessing your skills and interests
a. Before you begin the job search, it’s important to know yourself, your
strengths, and your interests
b. Education improves your prospects of finding and keeping the right
c. In addition to taking classes, try to gain related experience either
through a job or by participating in campus organizations
d. Internships, summer and part-time jobs, and volunteer activities on
campus and in your community can also give you valuable hands-on
6. Standing out from the crowd of job seekers
a. Because high-quality employees provide companies the edge they
7. Internships provide valuable work experience
a. Internships are a critical link in bridging the theorypractice
educational gap
b. They help carry students between the academic present and the
Career Readiness
Résumé Miscues
8. Learning more about job opportunities
a. Examine a number of factors when assessing each job possibility:
i. Actual job responsibilities
9. Marketing positions
a. Marketing responsibilities vary among organizations and industries
b. The “Career Path” features that follow outline major marketing
positions, providing job descriptions and projected career paths for
c. Each position is also cross-referenced to the chapter in this text that
discusses the marketing area in detail
d. Career Path 1: Marketing, Product, and Advertising Managers.
Related chapters: Chapters 1 and 2 (marketing); Chapters 12 and
13 (product); Chapter 16 (integrated marketing communication,
advertising, and public relations)
10. Building your résumé
a. Three basic formats are used in preparing a résumé
i. A chronological résumé arranges information in reverse
chronological order, emphasizing job titles and organizations
and describing responsibilities held and duties performed.
Figure OA.1
Functional Résumé
Figure OA.2
Tips for Preparing an
Electronic Résumé
b. Regardless of which format you choose, all résumés contain certain
information and they all have the same goal: to interest an employer
enough to invite you to apply formally for a job and conduct an
11. Cover Letter
a. Your potential employer typically is first introduced to you through a
cover letter
b. A cover letter should attract attention and interest about what is
c. Do:
i. Keep your letter to a single page
ii. Customize the letter to the company or person for whom it is
intended, even though you may be writing 20 such letters.
Send an original letter, not a photocopy
12. Letters of recommendation
a. Letters of recommendation serve as testimonials to your
performance in academic and work settings.
Online Appendix - Your Career in Marketing 619
Career Readiness
How to Dress for
Your Job Interview
b. An effective letter of recommendation typically contains the following
i. Statement of the length and nature of the relationship
between the writer and the job candidate
ii. Description of the candidate’s academic and career growth
13. Using paperless systems
a. Most large firms have moved toward electronic (paperless) résumé
processing and applicant-tracking systems
b. Some human resource experts say outright that the fastest way to
get your résumé to the correct person is to use the firm’s own online
application system
c. It’s best to prepare a résumé compatible with these systems
d. In addition, keep in mind a few overall rules
i. First, read the directions for completing and transmitting
your résumé or application carefullyand follow them to the
14. Job interviews
a. Your first goal in your job search is to land an interview with a
prospective employer
b. Preparing for the interview - Do your homework
c. You can prepare by researching the following basic information
about the firm:
i. How long has the firm been in business?
ii. In what industry does the firm operate? What is its role
within the industry?
d. What to expect in an interview - Prepare yourself for the questions
you will likely be asked. Here are a few examples:
i. What interests you about this position/organization?
ii. What do you see as your key strengths and weaknesses?
iii. Do you consider yourself an organized person? How do you
620 Online Appendix Your Career in Marketing
manage competing demands to meet deadlines?
iv. How would your responsibilities on your last job or internship
apply here?
e. When you arrive for your interview, be sure to confirm the name of
the person (or people) who will conduct the interview
f. During a typical interview, the interviewer usually talks little. This
approach, referred to as an open-ended interview, forces you to talk
about yourself and your career goals. This is a major reason why it
is important to arrive prepared
i. Keep the conversation on target; don’t ramble on and on
ii. You may also ask questions of the interviewer, so be sure to
listen carefully to the responses. Appropriate questions
include those about job responsibilities, training, and long-
range opportunities for advancement
15. Employment decisions
a. When the interview process is complete, you may be offered a
position with the firm. Your decision to accept the offer should
depend on a variety of factors, including the following:
i. Do you want to work in this industry?
ii. Do you want to be part of the company’s mission? Would
you be proud to work for this company?
iii. Could this particular job lead to other opportunities within the
iv. Will you be able to work well with your coworkers and
v. Can you already see ways you can learn and contribute
your best efforts to the company?
b. If you are offered the job and decide to accept it, congratulations!
Approach your new job with professionalism, creativity, and a
willingness to learn

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