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Problem 9-20
Monterey Fiesta Mexican Restaurant
Raw Data
Week Orders Margaritas
1860 1330 Correlation Matrix
2850 1350 Week Orders Margaritas
3800 1290 Week 1
4850 1350 Orders 0.071102 1
5880 1360 Margaritas -0.06291 0.968071 1
6780 1250
7815 1275 Sorted Data
8780 1250 Orders Margaritas
18 870 1380 780 1250
19 890 1390 780 1250
20 910 1380 800 1250
21 940 1400 800 1290
22 830 1250 815 1245
23 840 1250 815 1275
24 815 1245 830 1250
25 800 1250 840 1250
9750 1160 645 1020
10 710 1140 650 1000
11 740 1140 675 1080
12 675 1080 710 1140
13 720 1140 720 1140
14 730 1150 730 1150
15 645 1020 730 1200
16 650 1000 740 1140
17 730 1200 750 1160
600 700 800 900 1000
Breadstick Orders/Week
Correlating Bread and Margaritas
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