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Montvalley Short-Haul Lines, Inc.
Base Case
Table 1 MVSH Defective Billing Data Table 2 MVSH Distribution of Billing Errors
No. of Error Category
Day No. Defective Bills Day Bills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
110 154 463326210 36
2 9 2 76 582644310 42
313 367 78354627 42
410 489 520 2957314 65
515 576 713 2725210 48
610 684 611 373829 49
714 761 411 262326 36
813 873 710 2744310 47
914 990 714 3749215 61
Billing II Sums
Montvalley Short-Haul Lines, Inc.
Part II Billing Data
Table 1 MVSH Defective Billing Data Table 2 MVSH Distribution of Billing Errors
No. of Error Category
Day No. Defective Bills Day Bills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 6 1 56 22311315 18
2 6 2 72 21432225 21
3 7 3 69 42422314 22
20 720 91 58133482 34
21 50 13121251 16
22 69 27221242 22
23 83 38132441 26
24 72 33233352 24
Page 2
4 7 4 83 210 153317 32
5 4 5 71 31641315 24
6 6 6 85 36132414 24
7 7 7 66 21531213 18
8 8 8 78 31542225 24
9 7 9 95 82742413 31
10 510 91 41533324 25
11 511 84 46221714 27
12 412 61 22622351 23
13 713 77 21531431 20
14 514 87 36142352 26
15 715 80 46152242 26
17 717 89 27131561 26
18 518 84 98142371 35
19 719 63 45122252 23
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