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Hydraulic Lift Company
Situation 1
85 45 80 60 85 70 80 50 60 80
50 100 80 60 85 90 75 50 60 90
85 80 60 85 65 80 45 60 70 70
70 90 80 60 70 70 90 100 70 70
Hydraulic Lift Company
Situation 2
35 50 65 35
45 60 35 55
55 55 45 60
65 35 70 70
85 80 90 85
Hydraulic Lift Company
Situation 3
-15 125 145 60 80 95
50 95 115 25 -5 125
60 55 50 75 120 75
Hydraulic Lift Company
Situation 4
65 90 80 90 90 80
70 65 80 65 105 65
80 80 75 70 80 85
Hydraulic Lift Company
Situation 5
85 80 70 75 70 75 80
70 85 70 75 70 70 60
70 75 60 70 75 80 75
75 70 80 70 80 80 80
80 70 85 80 80 70 80
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