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Problem 8-14
NEW Gauge, Inc.
Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility
This spreadsheet is designed for up to three operators, three trials, and ten parts. Enter data ONLY in yellow shaded cells.
Number of operators 3Upper specification limit 1.6 Average range 0.028
Number of trials 2Lower specification limit 1.4 Range of operator averages 0.013
Number of parts 8Range of part averages 0.028 <— Note: This formula was modified to account for only 8 parts being measured.
Data Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3
Trial Trial Trial Part
Part # 1 2 3 Average Range 1 2 3 Average Range 1 2 3 Average Range Average
11.511 1.518 1.515 0.007 1.522 1.491 1.507 0.031 1.473 1.502 1.488 0.029 1.503
21.501 1.480 1.491 0.021 1.510 1.495 1.503 0.015 1.488 1.500 1.494 0.012 1.496
% of Total Variation % of Tolerance Variance Ratios
Repeatability (Equipment Variation) – EV 0.126 EV 92.76% EV 62.98% EV 86.04%
Reproducibility (Appraiser Variation) – AV 0.015 AV 11.13% AV 7.56% AV 1.24%
Repeatability and Reproducibility – R&R 0.127 R&R 93.42% R&R 63.44% R&R 87.28%
Part Variation – PV 0.048 PV 35.66% PV 24.22% PV 12.72%
Total Variation – TV 0.136
Upper control limit for individual ranges 0.090
Do not modify these tables
Trials/Operators D4 K1 K2
2 3.27 4.56 3.65
3 2.58 3.05 2.7
31.499 1.480 1.490 0.019 1.473 1.543 1.508 0.070 1.513 1.453 1.483 0.060 1.494
41.510 1.491 1.501 0.019 1.525 1.489 1.507 0.036 1.479 1.505 1.492 0.026 1.500
51.496 1.487 1.492 0.009 1.531 1.459 1.495 0.072 1.449 1.521 1.485 0.072 1.491
61.475 1.493 1.484 0.018 1.495 1.492 1.494 0.003 1.494 1.475 1.485 0.019 1.487
71.508 1.486 1.497 0.022 1.475 1.474 1.475 0.001 1.484 1.455 1.470 0.029 1.480
81.486 1.519 1.503 0.033 1.526 1.508 1.517 0.018 1.494 1.516 1.505 0.022 1.508
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