Management Chapter 8 Homework Palma State Bank Run Chart

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 3
subject Words 55
subject Authors James R. Evans, William M. Lindsay

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Problem 8-23
Palma State Bank
Run Chart – Showing Sample Means Over Time
Number of observations 125
Grand Average
Sample Mean DATA
Observation Values Sample
1 12.09 1 2 3 4 5 Means
2 12.20 1 11.86 12.09 12.05 12.25 12.18 12.09
3 12.26 2 11.57 13.21 12.24 11.95 12.02 12.20
11 12.83 10 11.56 14.01 12.80 11.42 12.87 12.53
12 12.56 11 12.95 13.00 13.06 12.19 12.93 12.83
13 12.97 12 12.88 12.52 12.69 12.13 12.59 12.56
14 12.76 13 12.72 13.65 12.49 12.41 13.58 12.97
15 12.83 14 13.16 12.91 13.01 11.73 12.98 12.76
16 12.92 15 12.51 12.87 12.45 13.50 12.80 12.83
17 12.79 16 12.94 12.34 12.91 13.41 13.01 12.92
18 12.67 17 13.28 13.14 12.27 12.03 13.21 12.79
19 12.65 18 12.89 12.53 12.74 12.25 12.96 12.67
20 11.95 19 12.70 12.79 12.49 12.62 12.63 12.65
21 12.47 20 11.76 11.28 12.56 12.30 11.83 11.95
22 12.19 21 12.23 12.78 12.42 12.75 12.16 12.47
23 12.57 22 11.88 11.96 11.67 13.40 12.03 12.19
24 13.06 23 13.03 12.14 12.65 12.43 12.58 12.57
25 12.39 24 13.06 13.43 13.05 12.64 13.12 13.06
4 12.73 3 12.31 11.96 12.22 12.43 12.36 12.26
5 12.36 4 11.98 13.72 12.12 12.88 12.95 12.73
6 12.52 5 12.71 12.40 11.96 12.41 12.34 12.36
7 12.41 6 13.46 13.13 12.17 11.59 12.24 12.52
8 12.48 7 11.83 12.78 12.56 12.40 12.49 12.41
9 12.21 8 12.44 12.80 12.19 12.73 12.26 12.48
10 12.53 9 12.01 11.92 12.59 11.99 12.52 12.21
Problem 8-23
Histogram for Palma State Bank
Sample DATA Values
1 2 3 4 Means
1 11.86 12.09 12.05 12.25 12.06 11.28 12.18 12.49 12.87
2 11.57 13.21 12.24 11.95 12.24 11.42 12.19 12.49 12.88 Bin Frequency
3 12.31 11.96 12.22 12.43 12.23 11.56 12.19 12.51 12.88 11.25 0
4 11.98 13.72 12.12 12.88 12.68 11.57 12.22 12.52 12.89 11.55 2
5 12.71 12.40 11.96 12.41 12.37 11.59 12.23 12.52 12.91 11.85 8
11 12.95 13.00 13.06 12.19 12.80 11.86 12.26 12.59 12.96 13.65 7
12 12.88 12.52 12.69 12.13 12.56 11.88 12.27 12.62 12.98 13.95 1
13 12.72 13.65 12.49 12.41 12.82 11.92 12.27 12.63 13.00 14.25 1
14 13.16 12.91 13.01 11.73 12.70 11.95 12.27 12.64 13.01
15 12.51 12.87 12.45 13.50 12.83 11.96 12.30 12.65 13.01
16 12.94 12.34 12.91 13.41 12.90 11.96 12.31 12.69 13.03
17 13.28 13.14 12.27 12.03 12.68 11.96 12.34 12.70 13.05
18 12.89 12.53 12.74 12.25 12.60 11.98 12.34 12.71 13.06
19 12.70 12.79 12.49 12.62 12.65 11.99 12.34 12.72 13.06
20 11.76 11.28 12.56 12.30 11.98 12.01 12.36 12.73 13.12
21 12.23 12.78 12.42 12.75 12.55 12.02 12.40 12.74 13.13
22 11.88 11.96 11.67 13.40 12.23 12.03 12.40 12.75 13.14
23 13.03 12.14 12.65 12.43 12.56 12.03 12.41 12.78 13.16
24 13.06 13.43 13.05 12.64 13.05 12.05 12.41 12.78 13.21
25 12.27 12.34 12.25 12.81 12.42 12.09 12.42 12.79 13.21
6 13.46 13.13 12.17 11.59 12.59 11.67 12.24 12.53 12.91 12.15 18
7 11.83 12.78 12.56 12.40 12.39 11.73 12.24 12.56 12.93 12.45 31
8 12.44 12.80 12.19 12.73 12.54 11.76 12.25 12.56 12.94 12.75 23
9 12.01 11.92 12.59 11.99 12.13 11.83 12.25 12.58 12.95 13.05 25
10 11.56 14.01 12.80 11.42 12.45 11.83 12.25 12.59 12.95 13.35 9
Observation number
Problem 8-23 Run Chart of Sample Means Sample Means

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