Management Chapter 8 Data From Chemical Batches Batch

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 2
subject Words 12
subject Authors James R. Evans, William M. Lindsay

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Knight Industries
Data from Chemical Batches
Batch Viscosity Percent Solids Lb./Gal.
1 74 64.2 13.3
2 69 62.6 13.4
3 79 63.7 13.4
11 77 63.0 13.3
12 79 63.1 13.3
13 74 62.9 13.2
14 79 63.4 13.3
15 73 62.6 13.2
16 76 63.3 13.3
17 79 64.1 13.3
18 70 62.7 13.2
19 69 63.8 13.2
20 74 63.9 13.3
21 75 63.4 13.3
39 79 62.3 13.2

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