Management Chapter 8 Batch Viscosity Percent Solids

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 2
subject Words 37
subject Authors James R. Evans, William M. Lindsay

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Chapter 8
Knight Industries
Batch Viscosity Percent Solids Lb./Gal.
174 64.2 13.3
269 62.6 13.4
379 63.7 13.4
475 63.6 13.3
562 62.4 13.2
669 63.4 13.2
14 79 63.4 13.3
15 73 62.6 13.2
16 76 63.3 13.3
17 79 64.1 13.3
18 70 62.7 13.2
19 69 63.8 13.2
20 74 63.9 13.3
21 75 63.4 13.3
22 74 62.7 13.3
23 70 62.9 13.3
24 75 62.9 13.2
25 65 62.8 13.2
32 79 62.6 13.2
33 79 62.5 13.2 Viscosity Percent Solids Lb./Gal.
34 79 62.5 13.3 Mean 74.146 63.056 13.261
35 66 62.3 13.1 Std. Dev. 4.569 0.511 0.080
36 77 63.2 13.3
Chapter 8
Knight Industries Scatter Diagram
Knight Industries – Scatter Diagram

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