Management Chapter 7 Homework Visual Appeal Speedy Svc Staff Speedy Svc

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 1
subject Words 137
subject Authors James R. Evans, William M. Lindsay

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Problem 7-05
Georgio’s Giant Gyros
Competitors’ Product Information
Company Price Size (oz.) Calories * Sodium (mg) * Fat (%) *
Georgio’s 3.00 5.5 440 875 13
Per ounce comparision
Company Price/Oz. Calories/Oz.* Sodium/Oz.* Fat (%) *
Georgio’s $0.545 80.0 159.1 13
* Lower is better
Competitive Evaluation Ranking (Based on per ounce comparison – except for facilities and work)
Price Size Calories Sodium Fat Facility Work Proced.
Georgio’s 5 3 5 3 5 4 5
Consumer Panel Ratings vs. Importance
Attribute Georgio’s Kingyro Antonio’s Overall
Moistness 3 4 2 3
Flavor 5 5 5 5
Healthy food (nutricious) 5 4 3 4
Visual appeal 3 3 3 3
Consumer Ratings of Competitors
Attribute Georgio’s Kingyro Antonio’s
Moistness 2 5 3
Flavor 3 4 5
Healthy food (nutricious) 5 2 4

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