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Case: American Parkinson’s Disease Association Center
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a complex neurological disorder whose major characteristics
are tremor, slowness of movement, and muscle rigidity. With advancing disease, patients
may have trouble with balance and gait, as well as cognitive problems. Awareness of PD
• To sponsor pioneering research into the cause, diagnosis, treatment, and cure for
• To develop a grassroots network of information and referral centers and support
groups nationwide.
The Cincinnati office of APDA is a nonprofit information and referral center for PD. The
primary purpose of the center is to support and educate by counseling and providing
literature to patients and individuals who are associated with the disease. The center
implements positive coping skills and goals for patients, caregivers, and other health care
personnel; and informs patients and caregivers of the reason and rationale for their
therapies. Services are delivered to customers by telephone, mail, Internet, person-to–
person contact, support group, and chapter work. The center also conducts an annual
symposium, sponsored by area neurologists, hospitals, as well as pharmaceutical
companies, to address hot topics such as new drugs and surgical treatments.
The center employs a medical director, who is a neurologist specializing in PD, a
The key customers are the Parkinson’s patients, their caregivers, family members,
support groups, and the professionals (neurologists, geriatricians and nursing homes) who
work with these patients. Customers use the center for information and referrals to
improve their response to the disease and overall well-being. The center responds to
every client on an individual basis. APDA is the main supplier of all media materials.
Discussion Questions
1. Describe the supply chain structure for this center.
2. On what issues should the center focus in order to build relationships with its
customers and suppliers?
3. Can you suggest specific activities and practices that they might engage in to
develop into a total quality organization?
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