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I. Westerfield Construction
Westerfield Construction hired a new quality manager, Kelly Deters, to help integrate its
quality system into everyday business operations. One of her initial projects was to lead
the development and implementation of a customer service life cycle (CSLC), which is
the identification, analysis, involvement, management, data sharing, and evaluation of all
the contact points between the company and its customers, along with strong feedback
mechanisms. Deters began by assessing the readiness of the organization for change. She
determined that the executive team was able to inspire others and act as role models, and
were strong and effective leaders. The company had a functioning quality council of
Because the CSLC was cross-functional, it touched almost every part of the
organization, including some that did not recognize their relationship with other parts of
the company. Deters built a cross-functional team of employees to review the business
plan and customer strategies to provide context and alignment with the vision and
company strategy. She also had a consultant train the team in the use of the seven
management and planning tools (see Chapter 5). Resources were available to the team for
benchmarking outstanding organizations with established CSLCs. Sufficient budget,
Within six months the CSLC was operational and the team was rewarded for its
efforts; each team member was given a day off with pay, and the company newsletter ran
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