Management Chapter 10 Give Employees Who Leave For School And

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 2
subject Words 545
subject Authors James R. Evans, William M. Lindsay

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Case – Catalan Bar and Grille
Josh Martin is writing a business plan for starting a new restaurant. His concept is to
create a restaurant that will serve Spanish cuisine such as paella, steak and other
traditional dishes in a family atmosphere in a resort community along the North Carolina
coast. His vision is stated as “We will be a profitable, responsible, and customer-driven
team that supplies high-quality food and service while maintaining sensitivity to our
employees and the community. We are committed to hiring, developing, and rewarding
people who are enthusiastic, intelligent, and hard-working team players dedicated to the
Josh has come across the Baldrige criteria and attended a brief presentation by the
local Chamber of Commerce, and is wondering how it might help him to design a
management infrastructure to build a successful business. Some of his initial and
somewhat random thoughts are outlined below.
Design the menu and food presentation to clearly differentiate from competitors.
Have weekly shift meetings to relay information about current issues and generate
ideas for process improvements. Review this information at monthly
Use an Enterprise Resource Planning system to manage information, along with a
Customer Relationship Management module to process customer intelligence.
This system will help to generate accurate forecasts of demand and manage the
supply chain.
Learn about industry best practices for supply chain management and work with
suppliers to reduce inventory requirements and costs.
Use wireless handheld computers to capture orders and send them to the kitchen.
Use marketing research to understand age, ethnicity, income, and marital factors
of customers. Hand out coupons at Junior Achievement functions.

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