Law Chapter 13 What Would You Expect The Major Differences

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 2204
subject Authors Christine Hess Orthmann, Kären M. Hess, Shaun E. LaDue

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Chapter 13
Chapter 13 Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter, students will know
How area assignments are determined
How patrol size is determined
Why rapid response may be important
How to most effectively channel resources to fight crime
What predisaster plans should include
What the strategic goals of the Department of Homeland Security include
Chapter 13 Outline
Deploying Personnel
Police Logs
Proportionate Assignment
Instructor’s Manual
Methods of Patrol
One-Officer versus Two-Officer Patrol Units
Take-Home Patrol Cars
Deploying Resources to Fight Crime
Mapping Crime
The Crime Triangle
Focus on Criminal
Cross-Trained Responders and an All-Hazards Approach
Deploying Resources for Homeland Security
Terrorist Attacks
Prevention of and Protection from Terrorist Attacks
Best Practices in Homeland Security: An Overview
Mutual Aid Agreement
Terrorism and Crime
Law Enforcement Productivity
Chapter 13 Summary
A key management function is deploying personnel to patrol the jurisdiction. Area
assignments are determined by requests for services based on available data. This is
called proportionate assignment. No area should be larger than the time it takes a car to
respond to emergency calls in a reasonable time. To determine patrol area size, consider
square miles, street miles, the amount of crime and disorder and response time. A
Chapter 13: Deploying Law Enforcement Resources and Improving Productivity
response as rapid yet as safe as possible builds public confidence in law enforcement
capabilities and competence. It also places officers at a scene to protect evidence before
people or the elements destroy it. It increases the chances of locating witnesses and
making arrests. Further, it increases the chances of providing lifesaving emergency first
aid to victims of crimes.
Most law enforcement departments use some form of random patrol, the basic premise of
which is to place officers closer to a potential incident or request for service before it
Managers are expected to fulfill their responsibility to deploy resources to fight crime.
The crime triangle is a model illustrating how all three elements—motivated offender,
suitable victim and adequate location—are required for crime to occur. Focusing on
career criminals is a logical approach to fighting crime. Equally promising in crime-
fighting efforts is a focus on high-crime locations.
Managers also must be prepared to deploy resources during times of emergency and,
therefore, should have carefully formulated predisaster plans. These plans should include,
at minimum:
Which emergencies to prepare for
A relatively new area of responsibility is participating in homeland security efforts.
Among the strategic goals of the Department of Homeland Security are prevention of,
protection from, response to and recovery from terrorist attacks. The first line of defense
against terrorism is the local law enforcement officer on patrol.
Law enforcement productivity is measured by the quality and quantity of services
Instructor’s Manual
The quality of management in the organization is the single most important factor for
high productivity and morale. They are integrally related.
Chapter 13 Key Terms
aggressive patrol proactive patrol, focuses on preventing and detecting crime by
investigating suspicious activity; also called proactive patrol.
civilianization refers to hiring citizens to perform certain tasks for law enforcement
management information systems (MIS) software programs that organize data to
assist in decision making.
productivity converting resources to results in the most efficient and effective way
proportionate assignment area assignments are determined by requests for
services, based on available data.
Classroom Discussion Questions
1. Does your local police department use one-officer or two-officer patrol units? For
what instances is it different? Has their patrol always been this way?
Chapter 13: Deploying Law Enforcement Resources and Improving Productivity
3. The 9/11 report indicated a number of problems with intelligence sharing and law
enforcement. Do you believe that your local law enforcement has adapted to
becoming part of the global solution to include information sharing and team
4. What factors should be considered in determining personnel assignment to shifts?
5. What is your opinion of the random patrol method of deploying law enforcement
10. What proportion of resources do you feel should be allocated to “fighting crime”?
11. What innovative ideas can you think of to increase effectiveness and
Student Activities
1. Research two methods of patrol that are of interest to you. Outline the main
characteristics of each as well as any other information you find interesting.
Include the full reference citations. Be prepared to share your findings with the
2. Ask a local police manager how their agency measures law enforcement
officer. How does it differ from what was presented in the text?
Challenge Thirteen
The Greenfield Police Department has changed its mission statement to reflect the city’s
current service needs. The new mission emphasizes community-based, problem-solving
Instructor’s Manual
previous five years indicate no citizen complaints regarding prostitution. The only reports
of prostitution were generated during the sting operations. The arrested prostitutes all
worked for outcall services in other cities and traveled more than 20 miles to reach the
hotel where they were arrested.
The patrol division devotes most of its time to preventive patrolling. They have an
Chapter Thirteen Questions and Suggested Answers
1. Is it possible for officers to do an excellent job at the tasks they are assigned and be
Yes. If officers are performing tasks that do not contribute to the department’s
2. Do you recognize a potential problem with the detectives’ emphasis on prostitution
Prostitution does not appear to be a problem affecting the quality of life in Greenfield.
3. Considering the Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment, why not reduce the
strength of patrol shifts?
Patrol shifts must be staffed to handle worst-case scenarios. Rapid response to
Chapter 13: Deploying Law Enforcement Resources and Improving Productivity
4. How can Greenfield’s patrol strategy be changed to reduce preventive patrol and
enhance community policing?
Officers could be assigned areas of the city that become their personal responsibility.
interaction would not reduce emergency response capabilities.
5. Is it possible that Officer Swanson may be more productive than his supervisors
Yes. Tags and arrests are not always the best measure of productivity—especially in a
community policing system. Officer Swanson may not be a great crime fighter in the

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