Human Resources Chapter 5 Homework After Viewing The Short Video Break The

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 745
subject Authors Berrin Erdogan, David E. Caughlin, Talya Bauer

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Bauer, Human Resource Management
SAGE Publishing, 2020
Instructor’s Manual
Chapter 5: The Analysis and Design of Work
Chapter Summary
The design of each and every job in an organization should be an intentional event, with the
ultimate goal of competitive advantage at the focus. The organization that can adroitly develop
its needs, not wants, based on the delivery of services and products to customers, both internal
and external, is likely the organization that will be at the forefront of their industry. This chapter
will discuss the following:
- The Analysis of Work and Its Critical Role in HR Practice
Chapter Learning Objectives:
After completing this chapter, students should be able to:
LO 5.1: Define job analysis and competency models, and describe their purposes in
Bauer, Human Resource Management
SAGE Publishing, 2020
- Subject matter experts
LO 5.2: Demonstrate the different ways of collecting job analysis information.
- Interviewing SME’s
LO 5.3: Differentiate between job analysis and competency modeling and evaluate the
advantages of each approach.
- Task-KSAO analysis
- Cognitive task analysis
Bauer, Human Resource Management
SAGE Publishing, 2020
LO 5.4 Explain how job design can be used to increase employee motivation, job attitudes, and
- Job enlargement
LO 5.5: Describe how flexible work environments affect employee well-being.
- Flextime
Suggested Exercises or Projects
Exercise 5.1 Have the students watch the video on job crafting
Bauer, Human Resource Management
SAGE Publishing, 2020
potential challenges and reasons why an organization would not want to engage in job crafting.
For each reason why, have the other groups identify a rationale or strategy that would overcome
the challenge.
Bauer, Human Resource Management
SAGE Publishing, 2020
Discussion Questions:
1. The gig economy has required individuals to be more flexible in the jobs they accept to build
up their Gig Résumé. When you consider it, each “gig” requires a gig worker to adjust to the
requirements of the job. This also requires flexibility on the part of the hiring organization. As a

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