Business Communication Chapter 7 Homework When You Have A designated Leadership Title You

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 1
subject Words 131
subject Authors Kelly Marie Miller Quintanilla, Shawn T. Wahl

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Chapter 7:
1. Think about the last project you worked on with others. Would you dene that as a group or a team
experience? Why would you use that label?
2. Step back and re ect on some mee!ngs in which you have par!cipated. How did the environment,
topics, and par!cipants contribute to the communica!on in those mee!ngs?
3. During mee!ngs, do you share in the leadership? What roles do you play? When you have a
designated leadership !tle, do you act as a coach? What norms do you use to help facilitate e(ec!ve
communica!on and shared leadership?

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