Business Communication Chapter 4 Homework Once The Interviews Have Been Completed Give

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 2
subject Words 484
subject Authors Kelly Marie Miller Quintanilla, Shawn T. Wahl

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Business and Professional Communication, 3rd edition
Kelly M. Quintanilla, Shawn T. Wahl
Chapter 4: Résumés, Interviews, and Nego#a#ons
Chapter Ac#vi#es
Ac#vi#es to Illustrate Key Concepts
activity 1: Preparing Résumé
description: This is an individual and group activity designed to help students develop and
revise a résumé. This activity can be done using paper and pen, but asking students to bring a
laptop or tablet device would be optimal.
1. This is an individual project based on the material in chapter 4 on creating a résumé.
2. Have students review the information in chapter 4 about résumés and bring to class the
information needed to build a current résumé.
3. Have the individual students create their own résumé.
activity 2: Interview Role-Play
description: This is a two-person role-play activity. The role-play activity is designed to give
students an opportunity to practice an interview.
1. Divide the class into groups of two.
2. Assign the students to come prepared for the next class session to use the résumé they
have created to interview for a )rst job out of college. Each student should also come
prepared to be the interviewer.
3. Have the groups of two conduct the interview and then switch places. Allow 10 minutes
maximum for each interview.
activity 3: Salary negotiation Role-Play
description: This is a two-person role-play activity. The role-play activity is designed to give students an
opportunity to practice negotiating a salary.
1. Divide the class into groups of two.
2. Assign the students to come prepared for the next class session to deal with a role-play
situation where they have been selected for a position they have interviewed for and
now must negotiate the salary and benefit. Each student should also come prepared to
play both roles.
3. Have the groups of two conduct the salary and bene)ts negotiation process and then
switch places. Allow 10 minutes maximum for each discussion.

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